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Lender's prior wric[en cansent, I.onder may, at its opeian, require immediate payment in full of all sums seeorc.�l by ►his ; <br /> ,:�, 1:•'� Security Instrument.However.this option shall not be exercised by Lender if eaercise�s prohibited by federal law as ot the date +;.� <br /> � of this Security Instrument. •�.'�- <br /> ��� If L.ender exercises this option,Lender shall give Bonower notice of acceleration.The notice shall provide a period of not ayN' <br /> '�»+�^""0�` less thaz► 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borcower must pay all sums secured by this Cv._ <br /> -'�' Secwi►y Instrument.If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the eapiration of this pedod.L.ender may invoke any rcmedies �, <br /> � ��ned hy ch;a Security Instrument withau.t fuxther notice or demand on Borrower. k�- <br /> lg. Borrower's RIght to lteinstats. ]f Borrawer meets certain conditions, Borrower shall have the right to have �; <br /> � ' eaforcement of this Securiry Instrument dtscontinued at any time prior to the eazlter of: (a) 5 wais of sale contuin�in this � <br /> � applicable law may specify for reiastatement) ixfore sale of the Property pursuant to any po �. <br /> Secunry Instnimeat;or(b)eatry of a judgment e-aforciug this Security Instrument.Ti�ose conditions are that Borrower.(a)pays <br /> Lender all sums v►hich then would be due u.�v.'r�s thls Securiry Instnuneat and the Note as if no acceleratIon had occuaed; (b) _ <br /> � cures any default of any other covenants or�z�eements; (c)pays all expenses incurred in euforcing thls SecuritY inscrum�n�� -- <br />�;�t�-;.." � including, but not limited to. reasonable attoraeys' fees; and(d)takes suand�o,ronW rls obliga ion to pay thc swus secund by <br /> - thad:thc licn of this Sscurity Insteusr�ent, Ixnder's rights in the Property <br /> ''�:;:` " [his Securiry Insuuinent shall o�.r.tinue wichanged. Upon ninstatement by Borrower, this S�curliy lastrum.^.nt u�d the <br /> �ir�. ., .� � <br /> t•,;;::: , ob�agations secured hercby sha11��ain fully eftective as if no acceleration had occurrecl• However, this right to reins�ate shall <br /> - uot apply in the case of acceleration under�ar,�k�ph 17. <br />__ ;;.:.:y�. � 19. 3ale o[ Note; Clwnge ot i.oaa Sen'sicer• The Note or a partial interest in the Note (to�ether with this Stcurity <br />=�''� lnsscument)may be sold one or more times aithouc prior no[ice to Borrower. A sale may result in a c�an8e u►et►e eatity(known <br /> r:� +��,,,`' as r,he•Loaa Servicer")that collects mon[hlyp�.)'ments d��e under the Note and tliis Securiry Instrument.There also mry be one - <br />�'� ;..s or more changes af the Loan Servicer unrclated to a sale of tSia Note.If there is a cha.o�e of the Loan Secvic�r. Borrower will be <br /> =?�.,r.;..r• given writtea notice of the change In accordancc:with paraBraPh 14 above and applicabis Eaw.The aotice will state thename and <br /> address of the new Loan Servicer and tLe ar.iaaess to which payments�liould be ma�1;.. The notice will alw contain any oth�r <br /> �,;"r` inforn,ation required by applicable law. <br />-�;.�t:='�• ' 20. I�rdous Substances. BotTOwes siiall not cause or permit th: presence, use. disposal, storage, or releue of any <br />''''^��` •' Hazudous Substances on or in t?�e PropenY• Borrower shall not du, nor ailow an>ane else to do, anything affecting th2 <br /> �' •.'�J'-' �s�� Rnvironmental Law. The preceding tw'o sence�es s}aall not apply to the presena, use. or <br /> ,,;l��r�.: �.��,t-y �at ia in:�iolsti�a _. -_y -- .. <br /> �';• •F •. scorage on[he Properry of su:a�7 quantitios of Hazaxdous Sabstances thac are gener,atlY mroSnized co bc app�vpi�xi�w �arm:: <br /> �=���' �-� resideatial uses and to maintenance of the Plupesry. <br />—�� Borrower shall promptly give I.ender R�:cten notace of any investigauon, claim�, demand, lawsuit or other action by any <br /> -�-� _— govemmental or regulatory ag�ncy or private��ty iatvolving che Propen.3�and any Hatardous Substauce or Enviroamental Law <br /> f�;�� of which Borcower has xtual laiowledge. If Borrower learns.or is not��iztt by any govemmental or regulatory authority, that <br />� _____ — �.y nn�oval or other nmaiiation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Propercy is necessary,Borcower sh�ll pxnmptly take <br /> ��-- -- all necessary nctxdial acdons in accordaz►ce with Environmental Law. <br /> As used!n this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or ha7ardous su�stanoes by _ <br /> - - — Environrnental Law and the following substanas: gasoline, kerosene, other flaznmable or toxic petroleum products, toxic <br /> -- pesdcides and hee�b�cides,volatile solvents.matedals containing asbescos or formaldehyde,and radioactive mated;ss locat th�t <br /> this paragrapb 20, "Environuxntal Law' means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property <br /> relate to health,safety or environmental protxtion. <br />�`°' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: <br /> 21. Acceleratlon;Remedies.Lender stwll Bive notice to Horrower prior w aotda�tion[ollowin�Borrowa's bresch <br /> ot my covenant or agnanent in this Security Iartrumrnt (but not prlor to �ccderaUon underp�raeraPh 17 unlesa <br /> wpplksbk law provides otherwlge). The nntia shall spec[fyS (Y)�C(�AUIL;(b)the octton requfred to cure tMe defautt; <br /> (c)�ds�te,not Icss than 30 d�ys trom the dnte the nottce ts glven to Borrowa'. by wWch the de6's�ult must�e cur'�di�1 <br /> (cn t6st fwilure to cure the deiault on or before the date spec�c t�i�e�1 further inform Borrowec af�the �i�ht�to <br /> secured by thts Sec�dty Inrtrument and sale o[the Property. <br /> te(mtate at�ter acce�crAtton and the rig6t to bting 4 court actton to �ssett the non-exlst�nce of e dctault or wy otl�a' <br /> d�(p�se u(Bps,ower to accderatlon nnd sale.I[the delault Is not cured oa or be[on the dnte specttied in the nMcice, <br /> I,eider, �t Its opdon,mayreyutre immediate payment in full of�sums secured by thL�Security L�strumeat witho�rt <br /> �wrther demand w�d may invoke the power ot sale ond any other ranedies permitted by appllcable IAN.Lenda' sha11 be <br /> eptiUed to collect aU expe�ues incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in thfs paragrnpb 21,[ncluding,but oot Iimited <br /> to,re�gonabk attorneys'fees�nd oosts ot title evidwce. <br /> If the powEr ot sale Ls invoked,Tnistee s1w11 raord a notice of default io eac6 county in which oqy p�et o[the <br /> — _v--— property is {ocated wnd shall m�il coptes of such noNce in t6e manner puscribed bY pPP�icable law to Borroeer and to <br /> --.=-:�� the other payons Prexdbed bY�PPl��bk is�w.After the ttme required by opplicable law,'I1�Ree sholl give public notke <br /> - <br />