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Ti:is Amendment to Lease <br />1956 <br />and Lila C. iolloway, of Cairo, <br />TO L--:-'ASE <br />entered into this 7 day of <br />by and between Cecil R. iiollo:^ay <br />:ebras'._a, here irafter called "Lessors, <br />and Socony i•iobil Oil Company, Inc., a l-e,er York Corporation having <br />offices at ?25 Jrar.d Avenue, Kansas C;.ty, i. "issouri, .zereinafter <br />called "Soconyll. <br />r i 11 _ UL'.L1_l: <br />, .'LEAS, by ,ritten lease dated April 20, 1956 lessors leased <br />to Socony for a teri,l of ten years, be71r.ninr° on t -e lsL day of June, <br />1956 and endi.nF on the 31st day of ".iay, 1,?66 the parcel of land situate <br />at Cairo, County of hall, State of iiebras'.ca, ,ore particularly des- <br />cribed as follows to -wit: <br />All of Lot Nineteen (19) of "lock Five <br />(5) Ori,;inal Town of Cairo, <br />in which lease Soconyt s na )e was printed as Socony Vacuum Oil Corr any, <br />Tncorporated but w1alch lease was ariended by a mar rinal stamp of f ixcd <br />thereto chani�inrr the name of Socony, wherever appcarinc, therein as <br />Socony Vacuum Oil Company, Incorporate.;± tc Socony 1.,olbil Cil Ccrn )any, <br />Inc., and w-)ich lease :vas recorded on the lst day of June, 1956, <br />in Book 3 of miscellaneous at pare 619 in the Of 'i.ce of t`.e Re -istcr <br />of Deeds for Nall County, ?'cbrasi,_a, and, <br />AS, the rent reserved in para ^_-raph trio of sa.'d lease <br />;175.00 per month, which amount zras based in part on the estimated <br />cost of a loan to be secured by lessors. <br />l ?0; , THE'_La�YO- EI in consi..acraticn of one dollar paid by Socony <br />Lo lessors and of other good and valuable cons:i.deraticns, the receipt <br />and sufficiency of which is hereby ackno,•,:aledred by lessors, lessors <br />hereby a *ree: <br />1. That paragraph two of saiu lease of April <br />20, 1956 above described is hereby deleted <br />from said lease anc a new paragraph two is <br />substituted therefore, reading as follows: <br />