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In the Matter of the Title to Lots 3, 4, and <br />9, Block 15, Town of Wood River, Hall <br />County, Nebraska <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />(SS: A F F I D A V IT <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br />Herbert 0. Bonsack, being first duly sworn upon <br />oath, deposes and says that he resides in Wood River, <br />Hall County, Nebraska; that he is SS years of age; <br />that affiant moved into the dwelling house located on <br />the above described premises on or about the 26th day of <br />February <br />� > 1932 and has resided in said house and upon <br />. <br />said premises at all times up to the present date. <br />Affiant further states that said property was <br />formerly owned by Lottie Burmood who obtained title to <br />the same as Nancy C. Burmood; that under the Last Will <br />and Testament of the said Lottie Burmood the above des- <br />cribed property passed and descended to her heirs, Sarah <br />Agnes Wiggins, Edna Beehler, William Burmood, Roy E. Bur - <br />mood and Esther Laura Tibbits; that they received title to <br />said premises under the final decree entered in the estate <br />of Lottie Burmood, deceased, which decree was entered <br />March 20, 1926 and filed April 5, 1926 in Book 4 at page <br />76 of the Probate Records in the Register of Deeds office, <br />Hall County, Nebraska; that under said decree Peter Burmood <br />