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K: :_W ALL T_.'­�,�;�E That we, the undersigned, <br />Christian 11. Glerlcff and Alen 1. Qerloff, each in Vis and <br />her own right and as saouse of the ot-er, of islanc, iiall <br />�ounty, ­e2r3 sk3, for and iL consideration of th e of '.ixteen <br />ThcAsand Dollars (016,09).00), to us as a loan in r.and i.paid .)y <br />t',n �'Irst ,:atAonal oLk of Grw4 island, Aebraska, a corporation, <br />and other good and inluab] e consi dera, ti gn, 7E'cei pt whereof <br />is :-.erebv acknowledged, do mreb assign, trans-Cer any so.t. over <br />to the first Ational wank of 6rarr as collateral <br />sect ,,ritv for such loan,, for --,o as such loan or any, i)art t.`,crcof <br />Or interest tAreon remains un,aid, all tin rents, incnae, and nro- <br />fits U00n tKe folkming-vescrihw 'VonErty, to .it: <br />The ;,or tl-ie r ly e i o IrAy-ore. fe_,ct .r1') )," LDt <br />,`c,,ur (4) �-ractiona, !)loci -,, aventeen (17), <br />in Rollins' ?-Mtjon to the �itv of Lranr`, Is- <br />land, 1 a zal I _:aunty, <br />1-Ind -,-.e re 5 ; aa t h ) r j ze and empovjEr the :', first iation;.l -ank <br />of ( -rand islapd, Abraska, its wllmrized agents and attornels, <br />to act for iis apd rent the anove-describeNreAses or any part <br />thereof, and in our Diace collect and recei-A for such. rent, and <br />n <br />n default. of the aym(-,� t of such rent or any part thereof to <br />oroceed in its ^wn name t,y suit or snits at law for tyre rccn-very <br />thereof in . uch manner as it sh=all deem fit. it is further - ex- <br />pressly ti and agreed that JC the assi�,nors, or t,-�eir <br />Y - <br />successors, shall occupy said oremises during t-he existence of <br />sigh loan, the assignee shall liave the same rig its of forfeiture, <br />ejectment for forcible entry and detainer, as 'he assignee might <br />hale against any other tenant who has no interest or title in <br />a 1 it is further eMmessly stipulated and <br />nd to !�ald premises. <br />apreed that the temporary wai ver )f the collection of the rents <br />shall not be construed as constituting a relinquishment of the <br />rights, granted hereundcr, which rights may be exercised by the <br />assignee at any time during the existence of the above loan or <br />any extension thereof. <br />This as s i gnment of rent i s be i ng, made for the express purpose <br />of having, the rents applied, to pa�mients of nrincioal and interest <br />on the loan of above described as agreed b,,,! us to be <br />n I d in the real mort,aLe or t,-e oroc'erty above described <br />said loan. it is furt,­_,er agreed that the first "National <br />3aplc of Orand Island, "ebraska, may, in its Ascretiorq use the <br />rents so far as it may deem necessary for the Durpose of making <br />such <br />s repairs upon the premises as in its judgment may be. proper, <br />and may use such rents so far as necessary for the ;payment, of <br />insurance oremiurns and taxes upon such premises. <br />leis assignment 'an(.,, transfer of rents, to be absolute to the <br />extent of the total of the payments above mentioned from and after <br />tkis date. <br />Dated this <br />Witnesses: <br />day of ,,eijtefn-ber ­.D. 1956. <br />