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KNGW ALL i; EN BY T':ESE PRESENTS: <br />That the undersigned Westland Building Co., a corporation, <br />for and in consideration of One Dollar ($1.06) and release of <br />other° easements located in the platted addition iereinafter <br />refer °ed to, receipt of wclich is hereby acl >nowledged, for it- <br />self, its successors and assigns, does Lereby grant, bargain, <br />sell, convey and confirm unto the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br />a municipal corporation, a right -of -way and easement in, under, <br />across and upon the following described a °eal estate, to -wit; <br />A strip of ground ten (10) feet wide on wi:at was <br />formerly a part of Sunset Avenue, more particulazly <br />described as commencing at a point 106,4 feet•ast <br />of the i,lcrtilwest corner of Lot Erne (1), Bloch <br />Fifteen (15), Claussen's County View iddition to <br />the City of 'Grand Island, itiebrastiaa, runnin thence <br />South 84,0 feet, tiience East 10 feet, thence i ort'il <br />34.9 feet, thence Nest to the point of beginning, <br />all in the City of Grand Island, i'all County, <br />-ebraska; and <br />the tior. t _ five (5) feet of Lot Seven (7) , Block <br />Seven (7), and the North five (5) feet of Blocks <br />Eight (8) and Nine (9), Claussc,•'s Country View <br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, :all County, <br />Nebraska, <br />fo, the purpose of constructing, installing, and maintaining <br />public utilities, including electrical and telephone lines, <br />sanitary sewers, water and gas mains, right to erect telephone <br />poles, lines and cable, or bury cable, lines and conduits, to <br />install sanitary sewers and gas and water mains below t:,e <br />surface thereof, and to maintain, operate, repair and remove <br />tA�e same. <br />TO < VL ii?D TO ;'I'OLD said easement in perpetuity. <br />IN WITNESS Wt-.':75laas'Or the said Grantor has hereunto set its <br />Ailg , a, ad. °porate Seal dais day of July, 1956. <br />WESTLAi7D .BUILDING CO. a corporation, <br />i c wo B <br />President <br />