there shall be a reasonable adjustment of the rent downward in considera-
<br />tion of such loss of use by lessee of the da;:aged premises during the per-
<br />iod co.?encing with the da_lage and" up to the time the premises are restored
<br />to substantially their former condition.
<br />Lessee agrees to use the leased premises for the purpose of operating a
<br />n'ieat processing business; that it will not permit any nuisance w1natsoever
<br />on the premises to the disturbance of other tenants or neighbors; that it
<br />1jill comely with the city ordinances and will not permit anything on or
<br />about said premises which might increase the rate of insurance; that it
<br />will comply with s tate a-nd federal laws and official regulations.
<br />Lessee agrees that it will not deposit garbage, refuse or any other off-
<br />ensive -matter on said -oremises or ac-.joining thereto but its corn expense
<br />keep said premises and the area next any "joining thereto continually in
<br />neat, clean and wholesome condition.
<br />Lessee agrees that it ,.rill not sub -let nor assign, partially or as a vhole,
<br />this lease or the premises leased hereby without first ?procuring the written
<br />consent of lessor. Lessor or their agents, may - enter sai 1 - ,aser- ;:remises
<br />at any ti"_ne to view s aid premises or for any necessary purpose.
<br />D-i consideration of the foregoing, lessee agrees to pay to lessor at their
<br />residence at 1504 South Locust Street, Grand) Island, iTebraska, or at such
<br />other place as lessor may from time to time designate, as rent for the same,
<br />the sun of Two Thousand Four THundred Dollars 01'2,-9.00.00), payable as .follows:
<br />?200.00 on November 1, 1955, and a like amount or. the first day of each
<br />month .thereafter tirith the final rental payment of ,200. C)IC due and payable
<br />October 1, 1956,
<br />in the event that lessee elects to exercise any or all of the successive
<br />one year renewal options provided for above, the annual rental for each
<br />successive renewal of the initial one year ter -.a of this lease shall be at
<br />least �'2 400.00 per year payable monthly, as provided for -above, but lessor
<br />shall have the option, with each successive extension of t'is lease, to re-
<br />negotiate the annual rental with lessee; in the event that lessor elects,
<br />prior to the commencement of any one -year extension of this lease to nego-
<br />tiate a rental increase with lessee, it is expressly understood that any
<br />such annual increase -hall not exceed ten per cent of the annual r entLl
<br />for the preceding; year; thus if the rent were increased by 1C' for the tern
<br />commencing November 1, 1956, the monthly rental for teat Lne year extension
<br />voulc',_ be r '2, "0.00• and if the rent 1,rere increased by 101' for another extended
<br />one-year term, c oEir enc ing T,Tov ennb er 1, 1957, the monthly rental for that
<br />year would be ;"',242.00; with the same principle applying to any subsequent
<br />annual rental increases.
<br />In addit.i.on to the rental provided for to the paragraph next above, lessee
<br />agrees to pay, as additional rent, to lessor one - third of any increase in
<br />the real estate taxes as levied ancA assessed against said Lot One (1) in
<br />Block Thirty -eight (38) in original Town, now city of Grand Island, lebr-
<br />aska, over and above the amount of ti.e 1955 real estate taxes.; thus, for
<br />the basic one year tern of this lease, cosr_rencing !NTovember 1, 1955, lessor
<br />agrees to absorb any increase in such real estate taxes for the 1955 taxes
<br />over the amount of the 1954 taxes; however, in the event that lessee exer-
<br />cises any of its successive one -year renewal's of this lease and the real
<br />estate taxes levied and assessed against the premises described next above
<br />increases above the amount of the 1955 real estate taxes, lessee agrees
<br />to pay to lessor on or before May lst'.cf the year of a.ny such extension
<br />of the term of this lease an amount equal to one -third (1/3) of any increase
<br />of the real estate taxes for the preceding year over and above the a ount
<br />of the 1955 real estate taxes.
<br />In the event that lessee elects to exercise any of its successive one year
<br />options to extend the term of this lease, written notice of such election
<br />sTnall be given lessor, at their residence address first above set forth,
<br />at least three months prior to the end of the current term.
<br />