<br />THI:' ?G7r.T 7�7, entered into this /a?v4 day of October, 1 55, between
<br />J. ? >'allace Detweiler alp. ?�- Claire P. Det'rrl ?ilex, his v-,ife, parties of the
<br />first part, (Lessor), and Snyder .- aching Cor parry, a E:'ras': "a corporation,
<br />having its -ori_ncipal place of busi_-_css in Ada! s County, party
<br />of the secon :- :part, (Lessee) .
<br />1TZT :",CS77i7 , that party of the f-irst _cart, in consideration of the coven-
<br />ants of second party hereinafter set forth, does lease to party of the
<br />second part the following described prerises in the city of Grand Tsland,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska, to -'-Tit
<br />a part of the building located on Lot One (1), in flock Thirty-
<br />eight (�38) of the original Town, now city of Gran'_ Tsland, i'Tebr-
<br />aska, -,rhich part is a portion of ,r:,_at is _mmrr1 as r,etwl ilex Cold
<br />,'storage anct is exclusive of tiie 7-ai.n locker rcor? �1W v 501 and-
<br />all other portions of the iN�uildinh on sari_ rE1 :rises, e<,ee =,tlnT
<br />the following -- Lessee s :lall have the exclusive use of the room
<br />(161 x 5'. +) situated in the southwest corner of said building; and
<br />lessee s,.a1l have the right to joint an4_ rlutual occur ^ancy a?� . use
<br />of all other portions of said building N_yir,-g southerly furry the
<br />Cole - Detweiler 'Nash Co -cany and beln,s in the southerly one -half
<br />(1/2) o:C the s aid building on sai<y premises-, such joint wad lnutual
<br />use shall be --,pith lessor anti his other lessees using such joint -
<br />use area;
<br />for the term of one year from the lst slay of 'Tove,:,ber, 1955. Lessee s'.iall
<br />have an option to extend the terr of this lease for five additional of ?.e
<br />year terrls, but failure to exercise this o tion with respect to the_one
<br />rear term next following a year of occupancy u1ider 'this lease or unr,_er
<br />✓ a-_-ay yearly option shall ter1inate all further (_� g' , to of lessee hereunder.
<br />Lec;sor slap be under no obligation or liability to r.�a' =e any repairs or
<br />alterations on or about said prcr,-Ases, excepting the following : lessor
<br />shell give t e above leased premmises a general cleaihup - rior to occupancy
<br />by lessee and gill install an overhead trac?, as agree(:. upon bet�TEen tb.E
<br />parties; lessor shall be responsible for the ;-ro-,: er co ; _'.t F On of t:!!c roof)
<br />heating and refrigeration system ant',_ agrees to lee, said refrigeration sys-
<br />to in as good eczclr.ition at all tines during the ter. of t' is s lease andany
<br />extension thereof as it nog; is but lessor small not be per oncible to
<br />lessee or its customers or agents or cc-insi ;nees in the event of loss by
<br />lessee due to failure of the refrigeration system an sing fro the fault
<br />of lessee its ;',joyees agents or business assoc, _ates, or arisinc f.ror:
<br />the fault of acts of God�or br. eELLr , -o --, r Of the city of Gran:. Island eletrical
<br />power furnished to these premises.
<br />/ r
<br />o1
<br />-4�.rls*� e"acle' !'Gar3►3 � �'-sr
<br />Tor the err, of tn2.:: �_c ^.aSE CO ::'.e11CinF oVPr,ibEr 1, 1955, ail:
<br />October _l, 1956, lessor agrees to f,,rnlsh at . 1 OT ;rl Ex' -C?.SE ,7 refrig-
<br />eration lights as prese:,.tly el:isti= € �,.. =. the cost or o> crag th11 sate,
<br />heat ants I- Tater; in the event that lessee Elects to e- E c�.se o::.e o :� more
<br />Tear
<br />ci its o �tio?s to extend tb.e te:- . of this lease for recce sine one 5
<br />ter:ls, the burden Of furni hin.g the above utilities, exclusive o -� refriTie
<br />Era I as the -��resent srstEU exists, mall be subject to further agree?�e :zt
<br />a:ad possible change by an() between the lessor anl.t lessee. it is e:r> 13. esslY
<br />understood_ that the re�:e.t systc :zn, of refry- eration in the !case „.: y, revises
<br />is satisfactory as to its ca;:acity for cooling a_1 J. t -Clat in the Event ti,�at
<br />lessee's o-kperations are such that the present refrigeration capacity 1-roves
<br />to be inadequate to pro:erly handle lessee's business ol, °sratio. s, that t1ere
<br />111 be - 'atually satisfactory arrangeiicents :)ade as to an�j a6.4_itional obli-
<br />gation by lessor for increasing tie refrigeration cac-acity.
<br />Lessee shall ;:lave thekuse of the neat saw ant._ grinder and. 011,e house be-
<br />longing to lessor and' located at said premises; sai . use to be at said :,rep ;I-
<br />ises and any repairs tp be sonde to said last iter!°_s cy lessee at is evsense.
<br />Da the event of dai.age o-” destruction -to said premises froi fare• --.rind, ex-
<br />�losion or :lh% Other e xtended coverage hazard ; -rhich 4ci.age o-r destruction
<br />t -r eVelltS lessee frog,, u-_*n.g , -5' or more of the leased Premises) lessor r'ay
<br />elect to to : :rinate this lease rather t.lan restore said %r . °ices to :'u rta'�-
<br />t:i_ally thei" for;ier condition, in the event of Such da�.)a�e C ' c eSt ?.'uCtiOn,
<br />