<br />A F F I s. A 'IT
<br />1, James Livingston, being first duly sworn on my oath depose and say that
<br />I am a duly licensed. embalmer and undertaker, practising- my profession in
<br />hand Island, ',.all County, -'!I 1-a, and have been such for many ;;ears last
<br />iast; persona-11Y ,;ell knew Vary 'athman w'no F-i,,,vi-vir- wLevq
<br />of.Hans Rathman, and. ,,ho had an estate Cor and durino, the terra ol" her natural
<br />tlmo in and to the followirrT 'escribed real- estate,
<br />T "'o-theast ''aartcr T i'� or `. ectior Rl(—c-,, ('1-I) and the
<br />Soirti- ".'a-,I.f of the Southwest ':iarter. (S'Soj' and the ',':orth 1-1alf
<br />of' the f1lorthwe, ( '), and
<br />st r,iarter. (NIIJAl ) of ;action T)r.,irtoen �1.,)
<br />the ',., ortheast (uarter (NE,!) of Section iourteer- (1 ), all in
<br />I OWtIshin Twelve (12) Ran,-e ?.,'I
<br />-ever (11), jest ()L' the 6t,-,
<br />T, v Nebraska-,
<br />1 . , ., -
<br />in 9all County,
<br />A-l'-Piant states that said t'�'.ary 'Aatlliaian is deceas,�cl and that he had
<br />d
<br />charge of the in-tilerrment of her .remains and knows of his own per.3onal knowledge
<br />that she was buried in the Grand island Cerf-tetery at Grand Island, iJcbraslxa, ,,n
<br />July 7, 1-956, she havinc, died in ut. Pa jl, ., inretsot,a on C"r ahc,l-b Jul.y
<br />Further affiant saith not.
<br />Subscribed in my presence horn to lo�`fore ;i,p this /O (ay of July, 1956-
<br />–y coui!iiission expires
<br />7 106'
<br />`tOtal-Y Pul,lic
<br />Filed for record July lo, 1956 at 1:15 p.m. Register of Deeds
<br />Hall County, Nebr.
<br />