<br />ADDITION thence Northwesterly parallel with the Easterly line of said Lot "A" 132 feet to
<br />the Southerly line of first street thence Southwesterly along the South line of first street
<br />43 feet more or less to the real place of beginning
<br />By fee simple deed from Orville J-A Lemburg and Delores A. Lemburg, husband and wife
<br />as set forth in Instr#2001025760 Dates 03/27/2001 and Recorded 03/29/2001, Hall County
<br />Records, State of Nebraska
<br />A tract of land described as commencing at a point on the South line of First Street, in
<br />the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, at a point 86 feet Easterly from the
<br />Northwesterly corner of Fractional Lot One (1), in Fractional Block Twenty-one (21) of
<br />PALMER'S SUBDIVISION of Lot Seven (7) of the County Subdivision of the Southeast
<br />Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE'/4 SW'/4) of Section Sixteen (16), Township Eleven
<br />(11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the Sixth P.M., running thence Southeasterly parallel
<br />with Westerly line of said Lot One (1), 132 feet to the Northerly alley line between First
<br />and Division Street, ths�nce Northea�terly along the Northerly line of said alley 43 feet
<br />more or less, to a point 18 feet Westerly from the Southeasterly corner of Lot "A", of Elm
<br />Place Addition, thence Northwesterly parallel with the Easterly line of said Lot "A", 132
<br />feet to the Southerly line of First Street, thence Southwesterly along the South line of
<br />First Street, 43 feet more or less to the real place of beginning
<br />(the "Property")
<br />A Deed of Trust was made and entered into on or about January 9, 2006, by and between
<br />Henry A. Callejas and Stephanie Callejas, as Trustor(s), and Mortgage Electronic Registration
<br />Systems, Inc. as nominee for GMAC Mortgage Corporation, its successors and assigns, as
<br />Beneficiary, which Deed of Trust was recorded on January 24, 2006, Document No.
<br />0200600635 in the records of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Edward E. Brink, was appointed successor trustee pursuant to an Appointment of
<br />Successor Trustee which was recorded on December 6, 2011 as Instrument Number
<br />0201109137 in the records of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Edward E. Brink, Successor Trustee, referred to as Grantor, in consideration of $58,545.69
<br />and other valuable consideration received from GMAC Mortgage, LLC, , Beneficiary, does
<br />grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto GMAC Mortgage, LLC, , the following described
<br />real property in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />All that parcel of Land in Hall County, State of Nebraska, as more fully described
<br />in Deed Instr#2001025760, ID# 400145014, being known and designated as
<br />follows:
<br />A tract of land described as commencing at a point on the South line of first
<br />street in the City of Grand Island Hall County Nebraska, at a point 86 feet
<br />Easterly from the Northwesterly corner of Fractional Lot One (1) in Fractional
<br />Block Twenty-one (21) of PALMER'S SUBDIVISION of Lot Seven (7) of the County
<br />of Subdivision of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE '/4 SW '/4 )
<br />of section Sixteen (16), Township Eleven (11) North Range Nine (9) West of the
<br />sixth p.m. running thence southeasterly parallel with Westerly line of said Lot
<br />One (1) 132 feet to the Northerly alley line between first and division street
<br />thence northeasterly along the Northerly line of said alley feet more or less to a
<br />point 18 feet Westerly from the Southeasterly corner of Lot "A" of ELM PLACE
<br />File No. 136768
<br />