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�3) <br />Lossov furtha:r agro,js to, ;71thin a pt r :od of two y vary f rom <br />and at a fair and r asonablt, cost of not <br />a ss ^t'han ___,r___„_,, construct upon thr3 prcrilisois a <br />building adapted for r-.!s!d,,ntial purpos,.;s .-!hioh can inoorporato <br />so much of th,? proscnt structuru now standing theroon as lussuo <br />may dusiru to us•.., in oonn- ,otion th- :rorith, and that tha atructuro <br />shall include sanitary plumbing and proper facilitloo for suct<;rago <br />disposal; that lease;.; mill tht.:rvaftor during the, t,:rm of this, <br />l�:as,j have and keep upon thu l,. asod promises, t;xoc:pt during any <br />poriod roquirod for r�..construotion, a building of tho oharaotur <br />and costs of construction above provided for, <: .tnd 7,111 at all <br />tim is have and kaeip such building in good condition and repair, <br />except as against loss or damaga by fire or oth,.r oasualty, and <br />In cas.-,, of such loss or demag,.s X7111 rith ruasonable dispatch by <br />suitablo ropairs or r000nstxuction r�.storl: thO samo to the oor�- <br />dition it had or should have: had boforo such oasua7tyT <br />Lasser: assumes all risks of damage to loss..e, losso ,I s <br />family, agonts and guests, and lossor shall bu in no 1,7ay liable <br />for acoidont, damag•.:s or injuri,:�s of any bind to lossoo, loss"Oe <br />family, agonts or gu,'sts by ro,tson of their prosenou on th,:. pro-- <br />mi s-s d.. =scribed, or use of th,� privilugus, (jnt,,rtainwt.nt availr- <br />able, and 1. sst, undt.irtalcos to hold lessors harmloss by reason of <br />claim of any kind b,jing made against. $h-ta for injurios to lvssot:., <br />14:ssoots family, agents or guoste, <br />successor L.Jssors<::,.) to maintain a suitably., ontrancu from <br />the. County Public highray abutting the promises to thu South and <br />to maintain a suitablu roadvey from such public highway to tht, <br />pr,;miees hurei.n lc.asud for the; use of lussoo, l0ssoo's family, <br />agents or guests, but any damages done tht..ruto by lossut;, loopoe's <br />family., agonts or guests, shall bu maid for by losso,�, Sucoussor <br />Lcssoes also Fwgre,, that public utilitii.tis now available, on tha <br />prumis .s including gas, tol.ophon.4: and uluotricity, %7111 at no <br />timj during tho, li -!asu be curtailed or intorf;.•r%.d .rith by thu <br />Suocossor Lossors, it bring recognized that thoso survic(is aVO <br />noc,:-ssary in conn..:ction rith th,, use of the promises loasod for <br />rosidontial purposk;s by luasoe The Trustuu L%.:ssoxs agree not to <br />int,,rf, rith tho °fisting un ;rancu from the County public high <br />vay and roadray thorofrora to tho proptjrty hur,.An ].oasod, and not <br />to int,.;xforu frith public utility s..rvices nor avail,ablc on such <br />1jased prmis,�s during th,.: t,.xra of th�:, loaso by tho TrustQue <br />horound,)r, <br />L,:ssors furthtx agro,:. that loss,.!o shall have thu right at any <br />time; to mortago or p1t.Ago tho improvewunts maao on tho 7,uasud pro« - <br />m1sus as collat,.ral for any loan, subjoct only to the conditions <br />of this Loaso Agr, :t.,ra,.:nt t <br />This l..tas.: is :, upon th,j condition th,-.,t J(lsso, shall T)or«• <br />fora all th,.: covenants and agrot.!ia::nts h,.-r,-An forth to bo pur,- <br />formed by lossu,;, and if at any tirao thtzo bo ; default on lusso,,Is <br />part in tho proiapt Dayr: ont of ront, 'taxes, assossmt nts or othk.r <br />�chargus and payui,.,nts by l.osso..: to lac madkj, or any part tht; roof, <br />and if such default shall oontinuo for a period of thirty days, <br />or if thor,.a shall bo d,;fault on tho part of l,oaso,:i in tilt; pier. <br />formancu or obs,:rvation of a,ny of th•.: rul'::s, c.ov (tnants or agroo- <br />munts h� ;r,,to by lussc,-: to bu obsurvod or porformod, and such <br />default is to continue for a p,!riod of sixty days after rritton <br />notice of such dt;fault bkAng gig _:n by lessors to lossors <br />ft <br />at any tip. :., th,.:real r shall, rAthout demand or notioc, have full <br />right at their ul,:otion to tako possossion of tho loasod pruraisOs <br />and bring suit For and colloot all ronts, tt _:os, assussi,:,.nts, <br />paymt.:nts or oth.:r ohargos which shall hava accrued up to the time: <br />of such entry; and th,. ;roupon from tho timta of such ontry this <br />1�:aso and all rights hort,in grant A* shall becow void to all in-- <br />t k;nt s and purpo so s !.-rhat soevir and all ii iprovuuont s mado on said <br />pror lees shall ba forfeitod to the lessors ri.thout compensation <br />th :rofor to tha lessor,, provided also that for rants dui., and non,• <br />pt::rformanc-.: of conditions, lessors may sue; at once crtthout <br />uffecting a forfoituro tht.,roby, but lessors' right to offoct a <br />f orf of turu for such defaults as horApbuf ores provi4od shall not <br />by such suit bu t7aivud.. <br />