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CONTRACT AND AgREE"iiENT <br />THIS AGREE LENT made and entered into this ?jj baay of <br />19.55_, by and between Rudolph N. Kuostar and The <br />First National Bank of Grand Island, Nebraska, as Executors and <br />Trustees under the Will of Richard ii, Kuester, decoased, for and <br />during the lifetime of Elsie Kuester, and no longer, as Trustee <br />Lessors; and Rudolph N. Kuoster and Frances Kuoster, his wife, <br />Grand Island, Nebraska, as Successor Lessors, horeinaftor_refarred <br />to as lessors; and <br />G. Y1m. Me Gavren And M:� ]L4.�CaYS.eA�.- <br />O�Grand Isand,�Nebraska„'ae��eesva, ^herein tar referrer. tras'- . <br />,aITNESSETH: lessee, <br />That for and in consideration of the covonants and agreements <br />as hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto agree as follbws: <br />�1HFREaS, this indonture evident os the grants, oovenant s and <br />agroements now made by and betre,:n the parties with refojrenoe to <br />the following described premises, to -»wit j <br />The East Half of the Southwest Quarter (E2S1*) <br />of Section Thirteen (13) in Township Eleven <br />(11) North, Range Nine (9) '.'lest of the 6th P® %i, , <br />in Mall County, Nebraska, <br />on which is located a lake and in connection with which certain <br />lots abutting the same have been marked off and identified by <br />certain stakes and are of various lake- -front footage, and which <br />lots arc:: identified by numbors both marked upon the stakes indi- <br />cating the location and upon the chart in the possession of <br />lessors or soma of them, and to which lots access is gained <br />from the public highway running along the South side of said <br />Section Thirtuon (13) by roadways constructed and maintained by <br />lessors running along the rear of such lots; and <br />:JHEREaS, lossoo norr, oecupios under J(Jase 7ith said lessors <br />rZL <br />Lot No. 10 , having a lake: front footage of _4r, _„_ feet <br />situatiFE -The west side of west______„_,�,_,_portion of said <br />lake above m��ntioncrd; '� <br />NOW THERE 011RE, in consideration of the promi s,. +s end the <br />rental hereinafter provided, the Trustee Lessors have leased <br />unto lossee and lossoa leases from such Trustee Less r cormlenc -- <br />ing ,_July l�____l9_„ and terminating on the day der��.th of <br />said Elsio Kul s:F.,-r, and the Successor Lessors do hereby lease <br />unto lesser: and lossee leases from tho Quocessor Lessors oommune <br />ing on the day of death of said Elsie Kuestor, and terminating on <br />the ,IgJL_,_,day of Jul�r �ZKM, it boing understood by all <br />parties that off octive July 1 - 19_x,, this agroomont super- <br />sodos end taxminatus any and aj1-1- ,sos now in effect between the <br />parti�.is hereto with reference to the above described premises <br />heretofore in effect butwe on th(:, parties hereto) <br />Lessor hereby agrees to pay as rental for said above described <br />leased promises the sum of gv2njv-fjve! cent ,.,_ per lako.- <br />front foot annually, or a, total of�gj per year in <br />advance on the first day of July of each year, commencing July <br />1_0 ___9, which rental, shall, continue for a period o� <br />five years from .T�,....,19__55�, and to bo paid at <br />such place or places from time to time as CL esignatvd by the Trustee <br />Lessors or 9uccossor Lessors as the case may. boa <br />