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(made in triplicate) <br />THIS AGREEMNT made and entered into this 2nd day of June,, 1952 by and <br />between Marvin •anek and NormanNanek, parties of the first part and <br />Thomas Ryan party of this second part,# <br />Witnesseth that the said parties of the first part have this day sold <br />unto the party of the second part, the following described promises, towit <br />All of of number seventeen (l?) in block numbered nine (9)t in the orig- <br />inal town of Cairo in Hall County, Nebraska# together i-dth all <br />appurtenances and Lprovements belonging thereto and now thereon <br />including all theatrical equipmentg seatal movie and sound projecting <br />equipmoat now therein and all such other equipment of whatever description <br />as may be in the building. <br />And In consideration for the sage, the second party agrees to pay the <br />r= of Thirty five hundred Dollars ($3000,00) payable as followst <br />Five hundred Dollars in *ash* receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged* <br />The balea.-ice payable at the rate of 440*00 per month payable on the tenth <br />day of July 1952 and $4000 on the tenth day of each successive month <br />until paid In full. The =paid portion to draw interest at the rate of <br />55%' per vimiza on the =paid portion payable monthly at the time payment is <br />made on the principa1w The unpaid balance to be evidenced by a promissory <br />note as Der the terms set forth herein. <br />All taxesi both real and personal are to be paid by the said first parties. <br />All insurance premiums are to be paid by the said second party and he <br />agrees to 'Keep the premises insured' up to an amount at least equalling <br />the amount unpaid on this contract. The said insurance to be written <br />in the mne of the first parties with a loss payable clause in favor <br />of the second party as his interest may appear. <br />When all of the terms and conditions of this agreement shall have been <br />complied with$ the parties of the first part agree- to deliver, to the <br />second party$ a warranty deed conveying good and sufficient title <br />to the premises, an abstract of title properly evidencing such title <br />and a bill of sae for all personal property conveyed hereino <br />All existing insuraxice now In force to be allowed to stand without payment <br />by the se�and party. <br />Permission given to the second party, to pay all of the unpaid portion <br />at any time, Ir*erest to cease at the date of such payment, <br />In the event any of the terms of this contract are not fulfilled by the <br />second party$ then the first parties shall be entitled to recover posess- <br />ion of the premises upon giving due notice sixty days in advance of <br />such recovery to the second party,# <br />In Witness Whereof the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and see <br />this 2nd day of Junes 1952 .1 <br />In the presence of <br />L <br />14nd sworn to before me by Norman Vanek and Thomas Ryan <br />of Junes 192 <br />el� Y <br />Notary PUblN <br />Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of June# 1952, by <br />Marvin Vanek <br />Filed for record July 21, 1955, at 3:10 P.M. Register of Deeds <br />Hall Co.., Nebr. <br />