(6) Al_1 public sidewalirs shall be curb sideTnral'_rs; the
<br />acceptance of a deed of conveyance by any 7ourcha_ser or r zrchasers
<br />of any lot, lots or fractions thereof, shall be and amount to and
<br />be construed as consent thereto, and approval of such curb
<br />sidewalk.
<br />(7) D?o sod., earth, sand, ;ravel, or trees shall be removed
<br />to the injury of the value of or appearance of any lot, and no
<br />used. building material, junr or rubbish shall be left exposed on
<br />said lot extent during actual buil.d.in; Doer Lions.
<br />(8) No worn out or discarded. autoriobiles, .Machinery or r)a.rts
<br />thereof, shall be stored on any lot in the adr'.ition, no portion
<br />thereof shall be uses' for automobiles, jun'_ ^. Tiles, or storage of
<br />any kind of jun'� or i,.aste r.iaterial.
<br />(9) These covenants,
<br />i,�it-z the la.nr pnd shall be
<br />claimin:7 oT,.rner. shin of said
<br />fro;:i date hereof, at i, :hich
<br />automatically extenc9ed. for
<br />;nless ch,'n;e -ed or ;codified
<br />oi-ner,~ of thr lots of said.
<br />restrictions �:.nO conditions are to run
<br />bindin on any ner. sons and all. 'oa.rtie. s
<br />Tots for ^ nPriod of ten yer1rS (10)
<br />time said covenants, etc. shall be
<br />P. succer —ive period. of ten ye.�,rs (10) ,
<br />by a vote of the mr jority of `he then
<br />2dditions.
<br />(70) If any O .'er O:. ='iy lot, Oi' heir or a,sEi :;ns, violate or ottprnpt to violate my Of the covenants, rest-- ictions
<br />and conditions herein set forth, it shill_ be l.avf,.zl for any other
<br />'ce,rson Or ',ersons ownin "' any real. eSt, ?te, in s2]Ci ad(,i.tion to X)ro-
<br />secu.te, such r`roce,edings at lr'w or in enuity - .ga.inst the person or
<br />oersons violati.n- or - ttemntin to violate, any such conditions,
<br />covenants, etc. and to ')re,vent i:1L from so doing: or to recover
<br />d,pm,- ;e-.s fo,, such violPtlon.
<br />(11.) If any of the covenants, restriet'�_ens cr cond_it'ons herein
<br />set forth Pre violated <-.nd_ declared vo!O. by a, court of comr.optent
<br />jurisdiction, the remaining; covenants, restrictions and conditions
<br />shall not be affpctd but shall ste.y in full force and effect.
<br />(I,) 7'iis agre..emii nt and the faithful perfC i marice of the to ' is
<br />thereof s ::i ll be bindin: upon !eir�•, aCTi tiiStrctOrS, executors,
<br />a.ssi,,'ns, , ra_ntees, and devisees, of the - )sties to this contract,
<br />Pnd unnn the ,ourchaser or rurcha.sers of ,,ny lot or lots in said
<br />Pleasant View Addition.
<br />IN ?."IT'TESS ;i?- 'riRE.OF, ire h,,ve _.ereunto set our ' -lands t--,is
<br />of June, 1955 -
<br />?':itness
<br />(SEAL)
<br />`h E DIVERS! FIT;D DEVELOP'.' T"Y"
<br />pre.siCtPnt
<br />- --
<br />Secretary�
<br />