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OROTNAIDICE NU. 3071 <br />An Ordinance directin,(-.; and r._ thori zing, the sale of the real <br />estate described an all that part of Taylor Avenue lying between <br />the north line of 13tt, Street and the south line of 16th "Itreet <br />in the City of Grand. Island, k4ebraska to %'-'. r?, Cunnin�tiain of the <br />City of &rand Inland; providing for the riving of notice of such <br />sale and E-iving the terms thereof, and providing for the right to <br />file a remonstrance against the sale of said real estate, <br />the City of "rand Island desires to secure land for <br />the purpose of oxtendinE; Custer P>venue between the north line of <br />13th Street and the souti., line of 16th Street and for the purpose <br />of widening 16th Street between Custer Avenue as extended and <br />Taylor Avenue, and <br />R. Cunninf_ ciam has agreed to convey to the City <br />I <br />the land for such purposes# and <br />the city of Grand Island in payment and exchange <br />for the conveyance of such tracts of lwnd has agreed to vacate <br />that part of Taylor Avenue lying between the north line of 13th <br />�3 <br />2treet and the south line of 16th Street and convey title to the <br />same to the said V. R. Cunningham. <br />NOWO Th`�RUFORE, Bf.e, IT ORDAIN-LID BY ITIE COUNCIL of the City Of <br />Grand Islando Nebraska: <br />c':ECTI"ZIN 1, That the sale of the real estate described as <br />that part of Taylor Avenue lying between the north line of 13th <br />Street and the south line of 16th Street as platted and recorded <br />and being In Harrison's Subdivision to the City of Grand Islandq <br />Nebraskat such street having been vacated by Ordinance No* 3070 <br />of the ordinances of the City of Grand Island to 1, R, Cunningham <br />be, and the same is hereby directed, authorized and confirmed, <br />c'ECTION 2, The manner and terms of said sale of such real <br />estate are as follows: The purchasero Wo R. Cunningham, agrees <br />to convey to the City of Grand Island in exchange therefor, the. <br />real estate described as follows: The North 35 feet Of. the East <br />178,51 of Lot One (J)j, Block Four (4); the West 21,51 of Lots <br />One, Two,, Threep Flour and Five (Ij 2, 30 4 and 5)0 Block Four (4) l <br />the Went 33 feet of Lots Four and Five (4 and Ot Block Five (5) ) <br />