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ASSIGNMENT <br />._--------•-----------------•--• ----------------- .- -------------------------- •------------------ _ - - - -, the within named purchaser, for aaad in aonsideratiox of <br />- - - - - -- DOLLARS <br />to_,.._ . hand paid, do hereby sell, assign and transfer unto - - -... ....._.. ......... .........:.:_.............._ -:----..:•.-----:- <br />_----- - - - - -- ------------ o f------ -- -•----- -- ----------- •-- .__._, in the County of .............................. ......... and State of .......................... ---------------- <br />.................... heirs and assigns forever, all ..... .... .. .........right, title, interest and claim in and to the parcel of land de- <br />scribedas,..-. ------------------------------------- ........................................ <br />which is covered by land contract No ---------------------- issued by.. -------- ----------- - ------- --- -- --- -- --• -- <br />and 1 hereby authori --e and empower - - -- ------------ ----- ---- -------- • - - - - -- ---------- •------ - - - - -- •-- --- •- •--- •----- •--- - -• - -- <br />toreceive from the said - - - -- --- -• - - -- ---- -- •- - -- - -- ---- ----- _------- -- - - -_ _ -------•------------------------------- -- -- _-- -- --- -•------ -- - -• - -- - - -• - -- • -a "ny and all <br />moneys or unpaid balances dace on said contract, to said ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />in part consideration for said land and upowthe final payment of the purchase money, and a full compliance with all <br />the ,requirements contained in that contract, to execute to. ...................................................... ----------.....---. ....-------- ............._ -__.. <br />- - <br />the said-- -- --------- ---------- ---- ------- -------- --- --•-------- -- ............. ........... -• -- - - °- -- <br />-------- ---- --------- - -- ----- --------------- --• --- <br />keirs and assigns, a deed for said land, instead of to-•-----•----- --- •-- -_- -_- -...---•......... •------ •----- - - - - -- --- _ - - --•- _-- • - - - -- ... - --• -- - <br />Ziven under- ----- -- - --- ----- hand .... and seal ---- this .......... -- -- - - - - -- ---day of•-----------------------•------ ... .............................. A. D. i9 -- ..... <br />ATTEST: <br />.............. ....... ......................__ -------•-----••---------•-...-•-...----••--•........ _•--- --- ••-- •.....---- --- -- - -•. SEA <br />............ . .••... SEAL <br />..................... <br />STATE OF -------------------------------------------- <br />� <br />. ss. <br />... ..... .......... .................................. county <br />Before me--- ---- ---- - -- - -- _-._---`-----•_----------------- _- ....................... , a Notary Public in and for said County, this <br />daypersonally came ------------------------------ -- ----- - - - - -• ...... .._............_......_..._...._....._......-•_...._....--•....•-•--••°•-•--..__....._... ........_......_............_.. <br />who is known to me to be the identical person ...... named in the above assignment, and who executed the same and <br />acknowledged that ....................signed, sealed and delivered it as .................... free and voluntary act and deed for the <br />¢u'rpyses therein set forth. <br />Given under my hand and Notarial Seal this .................... day Of ........................................................ i9 ........ <br />..... Notary Public. <br />My commission expires the .................... day of ------- -- --- ----- ---------- ---------------------------- 19 ........ <br />F <br />11 Al � Q x <br />mlI <br />W <br />z ` <br />w N; <br />w <br />p Q <br />3 � <br />% ri td cd <br />z r� Eo <br />J •1" H <br />i d <br />a z <br />, <br />—ate, • 4, t . v <br />144' ,"�� <br />"d <br />v E" 1 <br />