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'.. _.,-, .��._ <br /> a..�-"�.:..�:_.. •,"� � y{•' n.,.'..�_i:�� - <br /> 97- 1051(�i <br /> "P��M oonn�cllon wMh aondsmnetlon or other fakkro ol the Property a pen theroof�or tor convsyance in tisu W oorWenuwtbn. <br /> tender sh�M b��r►1II�d u►a opuon to oomm�nc��MPMr In u�d pnoMCUt�In iao own nwns�ny�dion or pnoow�Wp�,�r�d dwll aIw <br /> b��ntlMsd b m�ke tny oompromtu or s�ttlsment In conr�ctlon wNh wch t�klnp a d�maps.In ths�ewnt eny poitkm of ths PropsRy la <br /> w Wc�n a drnaQed�LMder sh�N have the optbn in ib ao8e �nd abwiuts discrolio��ta appiy�11 tiuch(xoa�tle� att�r dsductkp <br /> tl�eretrom�II ooets arxi expmeee Incurrod by ft in oonndctbn with euch Proceeds.upo��ny Indeb!edneae eecured hereby and In�uch <br /> orr.�Nr as Und�r m�y dNennins�or to�pply eH wch P�,eNMr such deduc.ibns�W th�rn�tor�don o1 ths Ptop�Ry u�wn wch oon� <br /> ditkxro aa lerxkr msy d�tanr�.Any appWc�Nan ol Procsed4 ta kxkM�dr��atiaW not�xtend a postpon�IM dw dRt�ol�nY Wy <br /> manb urxMr tM Not�.a cun any dNaull tt��u�dsr a f�nwnd�r.My un��llsd fundie�11 bs pald to Trwlor. <br /> 9. P�rfasnsnc�by L�nchr.Upon the oocurronce of an Event ol Defautt herounder, or If any ect i�teken or bpal procoedin� <br /> oomm�nad whlch maMrt�ly xfl�ch L�r�fnt�nst In t!►e Pro�My�LKW�r may In it�am dbcredon�but without obNpuUon!o do w, <br /> end wNhoul nd{ce to or demend upan Truetor eu�d witF►out retes�lnp Tn�stcN trom any obllpsUon,do any�ct wt�Ch Tn+sta hAS aprsed <br />_ buF I�a c�u�xl rn�y abo do any r�a�e��ct n deem. neosaary w prosecc me sea,ricy n.►ea.True�or ahaM. Irtwl�stli�tNY upon <br /> dsm�nd tl�orsfor by L,�ncMsr�Pay b Lsnder aN ooste and sxpsr�hcurrsd�nd s�xm�exper�ded by Lerxbr in caw�sction wNh ths exer- <br /> clae by L,aidsr of ths fasgokp r(phts,topether witls Intereat thenon at the defeuil rate prov9ded in ths Nots. wl�ich ehdl bs sdcMd W <br /> tlx�Ind�bbdnso s�cund heroby.Lendur s�wN not incur any II�bfMy b�caw�ol snythiny�may do or anft to do hsreuridsr. <br /> 8. Flwrdous Wbrids.7ruator et�all keep the Properiy In wmpNence wlth aJl�pplicable taws,ondinai�and rop��lallorie <br /> relaUnp to k�dustriai hypene or snvironmsntal Protectior►(c�oN�ctketY roternd to hsrotn Aa"Emrironmsntel Lavv�.Tnist�o►ahaW kesp <br /> the Ptq�rlyr froe irom�II suhstancs4 deemad to be h�zardcws ortoxb under any Emrironrt�entsl lswa(coNSCtivsy rohmed to hMSin <br /> ss'Fl�satdous MaMrialo�. Ynuta heroby werrAnt�and ropress�k�fEo Lendsr tF►ett thaM aro no hlazardoue Materials on or r,��de►the <br /> Propertyr.Tnuslor her�eby a�rees to frxleannHy and hoki!►artnless lender�its directore,offiCCers�employses end ayents,end any auoces- <br /> sors to Lend�d�IMereu�irom and apak�at any and all Claims,ddna9M�beees and IiabiYUea ede(np in connection with the prsssr�� <br /> use,diy�a�l or trsnsport ot any Hazardous Mater(als on,under,from a about the Property.THE FORE(301N(i WARFbWTIES AND <br /> REPRESENTATIONS,AND TSiUSTOH'3 OBI.1f3ATI0NS PUASUANT TO THE FOREGOIHG INDEMNI7Y, SHALI SURVIVE <br /> RECONVEYANCE OF THIS DEED OF TRUST. <br /> 1 O.Awiprwn�l�of FMnb.Tnistw hereby aasigne to Lendet,end prents LerKler a aecurity Interest(n,ell pre�snt,tutur�e and <br /> attet arisJrg f�ar►te.��erxl prdits d the Prope�tfr,Provkled ihatTrustor shaN.undl the oocune�ce ot an Event W De(ault,hererx�der, <br /> have the ripl►t b ooMsd uxl reta(n auch rents.isst�ea and prolits ee titey bscoms due and payable.Upon the oocurrerxe of en EveM of <br /> DetauR.l.endsr may. eiqier in ps►aan or by a�ant,with or witho�A b�inging eny actlon or pr�oc,�eedr.Lq,or by a receiver aq�ointed by e <br /> court and wilhout nepard to the adequacy of ita security�ente►upon and taka possesslon of the P�pgriy.or eny paK thereof�in ita own <br /> name or in the name d the Trustee.and do any ects wt�k�k deems neceseary or deefnble b presenre the vakie�marketsbiliN or <br /> rentabAft�r of the Properry�or any peR thereoi a interest thereln� a to(ncrease tl�e kxort�e tl�ere9nwn ar protect the sscixity hsroof and, <br /> with or witlaut takinD poeseselon d ths Properly.sue k►r or dherwise coHect ths ronts.lesuas end profits theno�nncNidinO�P� <br /> slue end unpaid�bY nodlyi�y ter�ar�4s to make paymerits�o Lender.Lender may epply renls�iesuea and profits.l�s aa�end sxpsns. <br /> es d operetbn end oolbction tncluding attortiey'e fees,to any incbbtednsaa secured hereby.eH ia a�ch order as Lender may debr- <br /> mine.l?x+enteriny upon end taking possesslo�t ol the Properly�the odlectfon of wch rer��Iss�s and prol'�te�and Ihe a�ppWc�Yon <br /> tl�ereof as Nor�sald sf►eN rwt cure o►wahre eny defauR a notk:e of defautt hereunder or Invdidaln any ad dons In roepor�ee 10 wch <br /> default or pursuant to auch notice oi detault end,notwithstendinp the candnuanoe in possession of the Pnoperty or the ooNe�,�tion, <br /> rwonlet arwi ru�nllr.atM►n nl rwepe,i+er�wg�r�!�?liS,Tti�!_�Bt:M l...�s"�°s°tsr!!��lL�'!.�!��x..'s�:,�oiy s3�lii���w'.�iG:i�s w-i'�i v'i�iio <br /> Loan Instnxnents or by law upon oocurrenca ot any Hvsnt of Defauk� Incwdirp without N�rikation M�a tigM to exerdee the pow�ol taN. <br /> Fuhher,Lsnders riphte end rortf��dies under this pareQ�aph shell be cumuladve with,and in no w�y a Ilmitelbn on,Lsndere riyhte and <br /> ren�xNes under any asdprtirtient ot bases and renb rec�orded e�k�st the Property.L�ender,Tn►ste�e and Ihe receivsr�haN be li�bls b <br /> eioco�xk a�ly tor tltoee rents ectually recei�red. <br /> 17.EYw�ts af OM�ult.The followkp ahell aor�sMute en Event of Dsfault under tl�ia Deed oT Tnu� <br /> (a)Fafh�ro�o PaY anY inetslMt�ent ot princl�al u�intsrost d�uiy otl�er sum eecurod heroby when dua; <br /> (b)A br�W cx tkfauk t�tdet any provtslon aattNned h ths�is D�sd of Tnist,anY of the Loan�r�nxrnnb.or any <br /> oftx+r Nen or snaxnb�enoe upo�the Property, <br /> (c)A w�it of executbn or attachment or eny stmflar procesa sh�aH be antered eyalnst Tnistor which ehaU beoorns a Uen on <br /> the Pr�operty or any portion thereof or(nbteat therein; <br /> (�Thsro sh1N be filed by or ays(nat Tniator or Bomower an ection under erry present or futuro bderal,stats or otl�x statute, <br /> law or npuWloe rel�tlnp to bankruptcy,ineolvency or other relief for debtors;or there shell be appointed ar►y trwtee,rooeivsr or <br /> liqt�khtor of Tn�ebr or Borrower or of aM or fny part of fhs Propsrty,or the roMe.�aeusa or proflts tttereo/.ot Trullor or Bortower <br /> enar mnks�n►a��M ror n�na,srit a crodieon; <br /> (e) Ths als�Varbler,keas,aa�faxnent,comreyenoe or tuAhsr encurtRxence af eq w anY D�d or any htensst in ths <br /> Properh►�eitl�x vdurwrity a involuntarily.without the expross written oonsent M Lender,provided that Tnistor ehfli be permit- <br /> ted b exscu0�a Mese M ths Propsrty thst does not c�ntaln an optlon to purchsso end the term of wbkfi doei not exoeed ons <br /> Y� <br /> (Q Absndawtbnt d tl�e Property;or <br /> , (y) B Tnrstor le not an tndfvki�al,the tssuance,sab,trensfer,sssf�nment,convayance or encumbracxe d moro tban(M a <br /> corpaaUon)a toW of pe�nt d ka issued and outsterxNng stadc, or(H a partnerat�tp)e totel d <br /> oanR ol paAneraNp inEer�ste,or(N a Rmiled ifebilily oonpany)a Wtal d � <br /> ny k�rw�s or volkp riphta du►inp Me pabd tlds Deed of Trust romains e lien on the pr�ety►.�ent o(the Nmitad IlabfNty cortipa- <br /> 12.INnweM�s: AoodK�Hon Upon DiM�ulf.In ths wrent of eny Event of DxfauR Lender may,wfthait noPce except as requfred <br /> by law.dedaro eM k�de6bdr�ess aecured f►ereby to ba due and payeble and ttte same shall tttereupon becane due and payable wilh. <br /> out anY Pros�r•lment,de+nand.Protsat tx notk:e of any k(nd.There�te�Lender may: <br /> (o)f�mend thet Trustee exsrciae 2he POWER OF SALE granted herofn,and Truatee BhaU thereaiter cauee TruatoPs IMsr <br /> eat fn the Properry to bs sotd and the prooeeda W be diatributed�all In the manner provided in the Nebr�skn Tniat Deeds Act; <br /> @) Exerclse any end all righta provfded tor in any oi the Loan Mstruments or by law upon occurtence ot any Event af <br /> � DefeuH;end <br /> ', (c)Corrwner�oe an ecUon to brecioae this Deed oi Trust es a mortpage,appoint e recetver,or speciflcaliy erttorce eny o1 the <br /> oorroneir►�s Ibreol. <br /> No rernsdy hsrotn conlNrsd upon or reserved to T�ustee or Lendar Is fntended to be exduehre of any other ron�ly hero(n,In the Loen <br /> Inatnx►-�enta or by law provided w permitted.but each shall be cumula�ve.sheN be in additlon to every other remedy ptve�hereuntf�er, <br /> 1�the Loe�n inatrumenta a now or herearter exisdrq at law or In eqdty or by atetute,and mey be exerdsed concurrently,independentry <br /> or suaesivey. <br /> 13.TruaM�.'t'he Trustee may reafpn at eny tlms wkhout cause,and Lender may et any tlme and wltNotd cause appdnt a auc� <br /> csseor or eubstltute Truatee.Trustee sFbll not be.liable to any parry, inckadfns wftt�out limitetion lender,Barower,Tn�stor ar any pur- <br /> �.�.-— ..._ .�_ <br /> •..��...�A. ..�.�:j..N a.`q�a'vT�� i;�►�oes we iv�ec,�aes or Mnimri m'�swnduct�end anaii not De requl�eA to teke any ecttiotf <br /> tn oo�ne�tlon wNh ths enforoement of thls Deed ot Trust unlesa FrdemnNied,In writing,for all costs,compensaUon or expenses Wh�h <br /> may be naeocisted therewfth.In additbn,Trustee may becort�e a purc�iaser at any sale of the Propenyr(judicfal or under the powsr oi <br /> sals pranted herotn);pottpora the sale ot all or eny portlon o(the Property,es provkied by Iaw;or sel!the Property as a whole,or in <br /> aeparate pert�ets ar Iots et Tnistae'e discreti�on. <br /> 14.F�and Exp�n�s.In the event Trustee sells the Properly by exerGse of power of sale,Trustee shaU be entftled to epply <br /> any erale procaeds flrst to payment of ell costs and expenees of exerciskp power of sata.Including a11 Trustee's tees,and Lend�ers and <br /> 7rustee's atwrney's teee, actuatly Incumed to extent permkted by eppl�able law. In the event Borrower or Trustor exer�lsea any rlpht <br /> provid�d by law W cure m Event of De}autt,Lender shall bs entitted to reoover from Trusta all c�sts end expansee actually fncuRed ea <br /> s nesult of Tnistora default,tndudinp without IimNation all Trustes'a end attomey's feea,to the extent permitted by appHcaWe law. <br /> 15.Futun Adv�ncy.Upcmn roqueat d 8orrower,LerKier may,et its optbn,rrwke additlonal and futuro advences and read- <br /> vances to Borrower.Such advences and readvancee,with Intereat thereon,shaH be secured by thls Deed of Trust At no Nme ehaU the <br />