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}�,..�w�. ./f . . ��5.��+,ai.>�' _�_t' �v^-,-_r. � iaX� .............�,. _. , .. <br /> l�t _.•.� �... ���.•` „7. .�p�, .�a�,..�.i-.. .:j,Y.�i•ir ..._.1.i��i �---_ . <br /> .�• " _ 7F�'itFiriKCX43i1"FA:�:�_.--:—�� _��_.----_-- <br /> ____.. ._ . ___ _ . . <br /> ._ _..._____ ...'_'_.. <br /> ___.__._. _. .._._. ._... ._. <br /> -_-___. . .._ _.. . <br /> __. _._ <br /> ___ � '9 ° 105098 <br /> paymenta may nn longer be rcyuireA. at the apti�n oi I.c�xler,if nx�ngage insurunco covcruge(in tl�e amount mxi for Qie period <br /> th�t I,endcr reyuireyl proviclal by an insurer upproval by L.e►xicr uguin Ixcomcs uvullablo and is i�btainod, &►rrawcr shall �wy <br /> the premiums reguiral t��mwinlafn mcmgsgC insura�xe in effect, or to pmvide u loss reserve,undl the requirement fnr�txmgage <br /> insarAnce ends in acc��nlanc:e wlth roy written agreen�ent btSwcen Harrawer nrxt Lei�der or upplicable law. <br /> 9,Inspectlon. I.etxlcr or itn ngent may make rcueonable entries u�,wn arxl inspections of th� Pn�perty. I.endcr shall give <br /> [larro���er notlec at the time ni nr prlor ro an in�pection specifylnF reasonnble cuuse for the inspection. <br /> 10� Cande�»nalion. The proceads of any award or cla{m for damages, direct or consequential, in cunnection with any . <br /> cond�mnution or athcr tuking of eny pan of the Prop�erty,or for cc�nveyaixe In licu of condemnation, acc hercby assigned and <br /> SIIAII L�pit�ll IO LCOdCf. <br /> In the event of a tntal taking of the Property.the pracccds shnll be upplicd tu the sums secund by this Sccurity lnstn�mcnt. <br /> whether or �wt then due, with nny excess peid to Borrower. In the evcnt of u purtial tuking of the Prapeny in which the feir <br /> mzrket vnlue of the Property Immalintely t�efore the taking is equal ta or grcatcr than the amount of thc sums secured by this <br /> Securtty Instrument immodiately befocc thc taking.unless Bnrrowcr.and Lendcr othe�vise aigree in writing,�he sums s�'curod by <br /> this Security lnstrument shall be re�i::uced by the amaunt uf tt�e raroceeds multiplied by the f.allowing frnetion: (a) the totat <br /> amaunt o€tt�e surzrs sec�.cecf inuzxciiately before the taking. cli.vidod by (b) the fuir mnrkee va[ue of the Pr�perty imr,��ediately <br /> beforc the rak�.r.rg. Any f�6ancc shall be paid to Barrawcr. In �be event of a partial taking of the Propecty in which tAe f�ir <br /> murkct valu�o�the�swpxrry immediateiy beforc the taking is tess than the amount of thc sums secured inw�ediately before thc <br /> taking,unCess Borrower and Lender otherwisa agree in writing or unless applic;able luw otherwise provides, the proc�eds shell <br /> bc.pp � th sums s��urc i by thi<Sec:urity 1�isuume�t whcd-�,r ar nat ihe sums a�thee:dee�. <br /> If the Property es abuuduucd by �..�rrower,or if. atl�r notice b_�L.ender to Bc�ROwer that the condem�wr offers ta make an <br /> award or sottle a clai,� for damages. Dorrower fails tu respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the notic� is given. <br /> Lender is authorizod to collect and spply the praceeds,at its option.either to restoration or repair of the Property or to the sums <br /> securai by this Security Instru►►xnt, whether or not then due. <br /> Unless I.end�r and Borrower othe�wise agra in writing. any applicati�n af proceeds to principal shull not extencl or <br /> postponc e�e due date of the monthly pay�nents refercod to in paragrnphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such pAymenu. <br /> I1.Bvnnrrcr Nat Relased;Forbe�rance Sy I.en�kr No7�Waiver.Eatension of the ilme for payment or moditication <br /> of ama�tization of the sums saund by this Security Instrument granted by I.ender to any succcssor in interest of Borrower shall <br /> not opern�e to rolease the liability of the original Borc�wer or Eonower's successors in intercst.Lender shall not be rcquirod►o <br /> com�n�n�c pr�:eedings against any succcssor in interost or refux to extend clme for payment ar otherwise modif�a�r�ortizadon <br /> of thc suitiss xcu�ai oy i;ii� �.ii�.-::y Insirturs:.�t �y tcasatt rsf sn; c!e^i°n� m.� �; ?ht ^^A1 R�,rmwer or Ba�rrower's <br /> successors in interest. Any fortx,�rana by Lender in exercising any right or cemedy shall not be a waiver af or preclude the <br /> exercise of any cight or remedy. <br /> 12. Sun.�eors And Aseig� Bound, Joint ond Severai LiAbllity; Casigners. The covenunts and agreemeasrs vf dus <br /> Securit��t,istn►ment shall bind and txnefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower. subject to the provisiorts of <br /> parasrA�th fi7. 13orrower's wveauntc and agreements sha11 be jnint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Sa�:a�rity , <br /> Instrumeiii-6ut does not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing�his Security[nstrument only to mortgage, grant and convey that � <br /> Borrower'K interest,in the I'roperry under the ternis uf this Security Instrumenr,(b)is not personally oUligatod to pay the sums . • <br /> sccured�y this Securiry Instiument; and(c)agrees d�at Lender and any other Borrower may ugree to extend, modify, forbear or <br /> make anv.�ccammudations with ngard to the tem�s of this Secu�ity Instrument or the Note without that Borrowtr's cantient. . <br /> 1i:�X.+ppn Ch�rgea.If the loan secured by this Socurity Instrunxnt is subject to a Iaw whlcl�sots maaimum loan chst�es. <br /> ar�d thxt taw is finally interpreted so that the intercst or other loan charges coUected or to be c;ollected in eonnection W1th the <br /> laan exceod the permitted limlts,then: (a)any such loan charge shail be reduced by the amount necessnry to rodua the chugo <br /> � to the permitted limit; �nd (b)any sums already collected fram Bonower which excadal pemutted limits will be refunded to � <br /> }iorrower: Lender may choose to make this refund by rcducing the principal owed undor the Note or by mxking a diroct <br /> payment to Borrower. If a refund raluas principal, the reduction will be tt�eated as $ purtial prepayment without eny <br /> prepayment charge under the Note. <br /> 14.NMfoe�.Any notice to Borrower providcd for in this Security Iiutrumcnt shell be given by dtlivedng it or by rturiling <br /> it by first cl�.cs mail unless applicabl�law rcquiros use of arwther method. The nocice shall bo dinecced co che Propercy�adrcss <br /> or any other address Bomower designates by notice to Lender. My notice to I.ender shall be given by first class mall to <br /> _ i.ender's�nddress stated heroin or any other address Lender desigcuUes by notice to Bonower.Any notia provided for in this <br /> Socurity Instcument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this paragraph, <br /> IS. Governl� Law; 5everxbility. This Security Instrument sh�ll be govemed by federal law and the law of the <br /> jurisdiction iu which the Property is located. In the ovent that any provislon or clause of this Socurity Instrument ar the Note <br /> ' rnnflicts with applicable law,such�onflict shall rat affect other provisions of this Security Instcument or thc Note which can be <br /> , Eiven effect without the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Security Instrumenc and the Note are declared <br /> to be severable. <br /> 16.Bornower's Copy.Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument. , <br /> �am 3018 9180 <br /> Ppe A of E <br />