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<br /> 17.Trpnsfn•of the 1'roperty or s�R�neflctal interest In Borrower.If all or any part of the P�operty or uny interest in it
<br /> is sald or tranyferrod{�r if a benc�icisl interest In Borrower is�lrl or transfcrred and 8orrower ia not a natural person)with�wt
<br /> l.c�der's prior written consent, L.ender may, ut its option, require immcdiete paymcnt in full of ull sums securod by this
<br /> Security InstrumeRt.However,thi�optiou shall riot be exercised by l.,�iufer if excrci5e is prohibited by federal luw as of the dase
<br /> of this Security[nstrumcnt.
<br /> 1{Leixier exercises this op[ion,I.ender shall give Bonower natice of accelerution.Tl�e notice shall provide a period of not
<br /> less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mmailed withln which Uarrowcr must pa�r all sums secured by this
<br /> Security Instrument. If Borrowcr fsils to pay these sums priar tn the expiratian of this period, l,ender n�ay invokc eny remcdics
<br /> pern�ittal by this Sccurity Instrument without further notice or demand an Borrower.
<br /> 18. Boerower's RiSht to Rdnsute. If Bormwer moets certain conditions. Bonower shall have the right to have
<br /> enEorcement of this Security instrumont,discan.tinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (a) S days (oc such other periocl es
<br /> applicuble law may specify�or reinstatement) bcfoi�c sale of thc Propetty pursunnt to any �sawer of salc contained in this
<br /> Security Iustrument;ar(b)e ry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.Those coixiitions are that Borrawer:(a) pays
<br /> L,ender ull sums which then would be due under this Securiry Instrument and the Note as if no acceleration haci occurrod; (b)
<br /> cures any defuult of any other covenants or agreements; (c)pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security lnstmment,
<br /> including, but not limited to.reasonable attorneys' fas; and(d)takes such ection as I.ender may reasonab�y require to assure
<br /> that the lien of this Security Instrument.Lender's rights in the Property and Borrower's obligatlon t�pay the sums secured by
<br /> this Security Instmment shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instrument and the
<br /> obligations secured hereby shell remain fully effective as if no acceleration had occurred. Howover, this nght to reinstata shall
<br /> not apply in the case of acceleration under�ragcaph 17.
<br /> 19. 5ale of Note; Cl��!� ot I.oan Strvicer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (together with thts Security
<br /> Instrument)may be sold one�s more timos wlthout pdor notice to Borrower.A sale may result in a change in the entity(known
<br /> as the "Lo�n Socvicer")that cullecu monthly payments due uncier the Note and this Security Insuwz�ent.Thero also may be one
<br /> or more cl��es uf the L.oan Servicer unmlated to a sale of the Note.ItF t'here is a change af the I.,a�,�3ervicer,Bonower will be
<br /> givtn written natice of the ctsange in accordance with paragraph 14 abQ��c and applicable law.The r.a:�ice will state the n�me and
<br /> ad��4ress of the new I.oan Scn�.icer end th� address to which paymtnts should be mada The notice wifl also rnntein any other
<br /> imFo�smat�on mquired by applacable law.
<br /> 20. Haz�rdous Su6stw�crs. 9orrower shall nat causa or permit the presence. use. disposal, storagc,or celease of any
<br /> Narardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do. nor allaw anyone else ta�do, anything affocting the
<br /> Property that is In vinlatton of eny Environmental Luw. The preceding two sentences shall na ap�ty to the presence,use,or
<br /> storage on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally racognized to he appropriate to narmal
<br /> nsidential uses und tu mainte�ance of the Property.
<br /> Bornnwer shall promptl�r give Lender written notice of any investigation, claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> gurcmmtnt�!ar rtgalsLor;„r;.��.r�ri�BIC�T3L�2IIynlyiFao r�P ps��wtty ancl any Ha�ard�uc Substance or EnvirUnmental Law ,
<br /> nf which Bormwer has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns, ar is nutified by any governmental or regulatory authority. that
<br /> any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting tha Pruperry is necessary.Bk�rrower shall promptly tate
<br /> all necessary remedi�l acttons in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> As used in this paragraph 20,"Hazardous Substaz�x..w"aze those substences defined as to:cic or hazardaus �ubstaners by
<br /> Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline. kerosene, other flnmmable or toxic petrolcum products, toaic
<br /> pesticid�s and herbicides,volatile snlvents.materials wntninir�aet►estas or fomnatdahyde.ar►d radioactive materials.As usod ia
<br /> this paragraph 20, "Environr►xntal Law' n�eans federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property �ls locatal thu
<br /> relate to health,safety or environmental protection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and pgra as follows:
<br /> 21.Acceler�tion;Remedies.Lender shall give notke to Borrower pdor to aarelentiou folbwin�Borrowcr's bre�tb
<br /> of any covesaat or�greement In thi� Secudty Instrume�t (but not prbr to aocderation un�kr paea�raph 17 unks
<br /> ,�ppliqble law provldes ott�erwise). T6e notice st�all spectfy: (a)the defiult;(A) the nction requlred to cure the defs�dt;
<br /> (�)x date,eot less than 30 d�ys troim the dnte the notke Is given to Borrowar,by whkh the de�ault muct be cured; Aod
<br /> (d) that failur+e to cure thr default on or betore the date specit[ed in the nodce may result In�cceler�tion of t6e sun�
<br /> secured by t�'is Secu�ity Instrument and salc of thc Property.The nottce slall tu�ther Inform Borrower ot thc ri`ht to
<br /> m'S�ntate oRa�.�ceder�tbn �al the c�iaht to bri�st rnurt action to a.s�ert the non-existeoce of�detanit or�uy otbx
<br /> iAc+l'e+�ee a[BoRawer to ao�ekration and snk. If the defpult Is�at cured on or Detore the date speciAed in the eoNa,
<br /> I,,d�der, st its uptien, may tequirc irnmediate paym�ot in full of dl sums sa�red by tbls Secudty Imtr�a�t witbort
<br /> Mrtbdr daaand and may inroke the power of sWe and any other remedics permitted by wpplkabk law.L�ender sbwll6e
<br /> entitkd to colkct a!I expeases Inewmed im pu�suing the remedies prorkled in this pangrap6 21,[ndudiaa,but nat li�nfted
<br /> to,reaeooabk attorneys'fees�nd coQtsd'title evidemx.
<br /> IE'thepower o[sak is invoked,Ttvstee shall raord a notice of defiult in ach co�ty in whkh any ptrt of Ihe
<br /> �lropaty is located and e�ull mall copies of sudt MoGlc.�e in the maener prcscribed by�ppliaDle law to Borrower and to
<br /> the othd�peraous prescribed by applic�bie�aw.Atter B�fae time required by appiicsble law,Trustee shall�i�e publk notke
<br /> ot ade to the pe��nd in the mvu�ea�es�cribtd by Applicable Isiw. 'IYustce, witlnut d�and on Borrwwer, shdi edl
<br /> the Propert�aYt pub#k auction to the h�est bidder at the time a��IRCe u�d under the tenas desi�nsted in the notice�f
<br /> arle in ane�r a�wre paR+cds tnd in any order Tnutee determioes.'l�usta m�y postpune ssle of all or�ny p��+cd o[tYe
<br /> Prnperty S� bik annaeo�cement at the time and place of any previously scheduled sak. Lender or its designee m�y
<br /> p1R+CI1Y9t��1!�plC�)'At Aily SYIl.
<br /> Fam 3025 91D0
<br /> aape 6 0�8
<br />