_ �� .. . . ... .,,1.
<br /> . .. • . . q , . :��e+NCP' .
<br /> ' � , . . .. :5�. .- .,•�r:�.i'�y... . . �• � iM2f('4',�...
<br /> .��.�, � . . :.�•:..�f�.a�...,-�"',i,`u��Li1"�����'�'��iT_ .' - ..__� ._..._. • . _�.._
<br />� '..i.r. ,_I,,, ..i. .r�:"�!�•..�{i�;e�..-.i�-
<br />.._._.�.,✓ --- --- -
<br /> sorrows�r�..c�ow.xoun�u�+d«�n.wa�ai a�.i esu» s.n�.wn� a�oc.du�M � oi �0�4 u�+�►d�d aan tinw a etnN, �z u.s.c.
<br /> 2601�t wq. ('i�9PA'),unlKi anotMr kw th�t�ppNN to tM Funde NM��s�r Nna+r►t. If�o,UnrAw nwY��f�Y��o��
<br /> hold Fu�d� In�n Mnount nol lo MocMd th�bt�r rncunt. Undu tn�y MtM►�M tM�mount 011und�due on th�MNt M cwr�nt eMl��
<br /> �nd rMSOnabl��stlm�tM of�MndKuns ol lutw�Etcrow IWnw a otMrwlea h accord�nc�wNh�ppli�abM kw.
<br /> TM Fund� sM1 p� Mfd In m htti�ulbn whos� d�po�ka cr� Insuncf by � I�donl �pmoY, h�trum�ntalNy, or �ntky (hobdMp �
<br /> L�ndn. M L�nd� N t�ch �n Instkulton) �N M any F�d�nl Flort�Loan Bmk. l.�ndw thaN�ppy tM Funds lo �Y tM E�ow IMnw.
<br /> L�nd�► nKy not cfwp� Barov+K ior holdlnp�nd �ppyb0 tM Funds.rnnwly�naM�+D th�Morow �ocw�xit� a wrlryMp tM Erorow �
<br /> It�m,unN�s Und�r pay� Bortovwr inl�nat on tM Funds and�pplcabb Yw pKmk�Unde�to m�k�Kah �ch�r{�. HowwK,L�nda
<br /> rn�y nqulr� BorrowM to P�Y�w�►tim�Clwp�lat�n itWp�nd�nt rwl NhM trx nPortinp MrviC�us�d by LmAK In oonMOtlan wRh
<br /> thM ban�u�Ws �ppNc�bM yw provldK othwwia�. Un11ss 1n wprMtmnt M nkd�or�ppNCabw i�w nqulnR Nl�st to b�paid,l.�ndM
<br /> sh�N not b�nquind to pay BoROw�r�ny fnMnst a�nYq�on th�Funds. Barnw�r�nd t.�ndx maY�Li wr�tYsn� hoXr.�r.that
<br /> ht«ret �nar e. p��e on tr� Funes. undw s►Nr � �o sorrow«, w�twu� ctwo�, .n .nnwi �cca,netnp a er� Fund�, �howinp
<br /> cndRs �nd d�bks to tho Funds �nd tM piwpoa for which Mch d�b1 lo tM Fund� wa m�d�. Th�Fund��n PMdp�A as�ddRio�a�
<br /> s�CUtIIY lOr�1 turra t�C1XM1 by thk SlcuritY klsfnxn�n4
<br /> H thr Funds hNd by L�nd�r�c�d tlN rnaMts P�Md to b�hNd by�pploabw I�w�UndK thu�000uM to BarowM lor tM
<br /> �ts Fundi h ecaad�nc�wRh tM nWkMnrnb o1�ppir�bh rw. M tM�rnaint of tl�Fund� hold br I.md�t�t�ny tin� b eot
<br /> sufBCi�nt to p�y th�Hscrow INms wMn dw,I.mtMr mry so natly Borrow�r in wrlirp��r►d.i��++oh caa Borrowwr stup p►Y m��
<br /> tM�rtwunt rncsswy ta m�c�up tM dolicMncf►. Bonow��haN n�up th�dMici�ncY in no moro th�e trrM�mootAN P�Y�h��
<br /> L.�ndK's�ob dNtenlbn.
<br /> Upon payrtNnt in lul ot ItY sums t�CUnd by this&GOrly tntU1x1t1nt,l.�►tNr�hall prompty rMind to Bc�nowK any Fund�Mld by
<br /> L.�nd�r. B� undK p�mpnph 21. Undu shaN acquin a sN lh�RoqrtY.Undw�Pria to th��c4�kkion or iab oA tlw Prop�ty.chal
<br /> •PPN�Y Funds hNd bY UndK at th�tMN of ac4�ISltbn u taY u a cndk�btt t�N sumt sscund by thit S�uril't, In�n�nt.
<br /> 3- ApPlicatlon ot PaymenU. un�e:s app�r rw �ov�s ocn.rwta.a paymM+a nc�wra by una.r und�r v��w�►s
<br /> 1 �nd 2 thaN b� �ppli�d: fint,ta�ny pnpaymMSt ch�rp�s du� iwid�r tM NoM; �ond,to�rnounb pay�bN unda p�n�pnph x thtd
<br /> ta InNnu dw;faxth.to princpal dur,and I�st,ta`ny Y�N ch�rp�s dw w�dK tM NoN.
<br /> 4. ChMQQij UQD�. BortowM shaN p�y �� Lx�s,tss�6�m�nb, ChYpa, ti1M �nd Imposklonf �t1�ut�bM to th� PropMty
<br /> whkh rtry tltain prbrky owr thk S�curkY ImtrurtNnl,snd Mawhold p�Y�� a O�d r�nb. N �ny. Bortowrr shal pay !h�
<br /> obY�,titbns in MN1 nwnNr PrOVftf�d in p�ropraph 2.or M not p�id In tMt nwMNr.BOROrwr sh�1 p�Y tMm on ttrM dinctN lo t1M P�son
<br /> owrd WY�u. 8arow�r sMA promply Wmkh ta LM�d�r Y notk�W Mnounts to b�P�undK Nf�Ow�pr�rph. M Bonowhr mrc�s
<br /> tJ�py�n�►t� dYro►b.Bortaww thd P�P�b Mxnfsh lo Und�r nc�ls wld�ncb0�WfRn�nb.
<br /> Botrow�►ihal pronpty dkctw0��ny Mn whlCh Mts pbrley Owr thM S�curRY intlrwnMN unMsa BoROwK:(�)�pM�In wrNYq to
<br /> tM paYnMnt of ttN ob�Uort t�CUrrd by!M Mn h a matrMr ae�pQ�bl�W LM�r; N�Conhsts h p0od hlh tlt�Mn by�or dNMb�
<br /> .pinst«�loro«n�rr a ai.irn in,Nal vr«�diw�wN�n n tlw t�nd�a opinton a�na to a�a+.�nio�n�N M 1M wn�or(o)
<br /> s�qx�s kom th�h01dM of t1M Mn Iit1 ap+arnwtt qtiif�ClaY t0 l.M�d�r subOtdin�tin0 N1� Mn t0 thi� S�ct�y Instum�nt M LM1dM
<br /> dM�mM� M�t any P�of th� PropMtY ie eub1� W� Mn whieh rryr atut� P�ont1 w�►this s�curihr i�w Lw�ow m.y y�
<br /> Barow�r a notto�kNntryM�p th� INn. Barow�r sh�� wtisty tt�Mn a tMc�on�a mon W ttw�ctions s�t lonh Wovr wMhb t0 daya
<br /> of dM 9lvY�p of notiC�.
<br /> 6. Haurd or Property Insurance. eorrow�. �►�aM k..p en. �no�►� rw�► �np or h«� rncMd on uN
<br /> Prop�Ry hRUr�d aplhst bss by�. n.�ra� nc�,a.d wia,r�n..�•.�cM,a.e co�.�.a'•�d•�r o�.r�ds.hc�,drp eoort�a
<br /> f�r,odirq,ar wnion t.�nd.r nqutru b�uane�. Tnis Msumc� N�bs m�IrM�:Ma N tfes .mouMS �nd tor ttN p«�oa. tMt landu
<br /> nquY�s. Ttw insunnw aartier ixo�►idYp th� bwr�shY br ehown br Borrorw eubi�et ro L�ndKs�pprowl whieA shM not D�
<br /> ur�son�bly wkhMid. M 8orrowM I�M to m�itfah ccvN� dosc�b�d �bow�I.�nda may.at l.�nd�fs oPiion.obl�itl Cowr�lo
<br /> prWlct UnWft �fphts N tM PropMty In�OGOrd�na w�h pu�pnph 7.
<br /> AN inuxr�ce P�f��i�waM sh�N bs�a�pt�bw ro L�nd�md shal incbd�a 4�nAwd matC�clw�. Lmd�r�ANI haw
<br /> th�tipht W hold tM PofeiK�nd twNwAk. It Lantfer r�quM�s.Baroiw�r shu P��D►�Y�to l�ntler tr no�pls of Pdd P�nil�en�
<br /> and trrMrval notica. In ttN wwit ol loss. 9orrowM thal pMw prarpt notiw W th�hw+�nC�c�rtMr an4 L�nd�r.U1ndN nyr m�k�
<br /> proot o�bss M not m�d�p�ompty by Borrow�r.
<br /> UnMas I.�ndu�nd Borrorr�otMrwis��»In wrkhp�Insurric�P� shall b��PPwd lo tntontion or n�WM dl t!w Prop�Ay
<br /> dmrp�d,i th� �atbn a npNr N�aonomieab M�s6Y�nd L.�bws aou�Y is not Nt�rNd. M th�nsto��tbn or nPaY'M nort
<br /> �conon�Ic�IfY N�s6N or LAnd�r"s t�xb wouid b� IKS�Md. th� Ntunnc�P�� s!W b� �PP�b th�ium� Nou�w! by Ihi�
<br /> SrqkRr InsMun�N, wt�MMr a not tMn dw. �#h any �ss P�W 8arow�r. N BoROwK�b�ndons IM Prop�rlr. a do�s not
<br /> �ntw�r w�hin 30 d�ya � nui7c�Irom L�ntMr that tM frtsuanq cartbr hss olhtrd b t�ltb • crYn� M�n Und�t rtKy coYot ttM
<br /> inwr�na Pnx�. L�ndu ntiy ua fh� Droc�d� to �M�or nston th� Prop�rt�r or to WY sums ��cutrd by tltft 5�cw�Y
<br /> In�Mum�nt.whNMr or not tMn dw.ih�3Gd�y PKiod vr�bpin wMn tM nWic�k plwn.
<br /> UnIKS t,�ndrr�nd BarowYr oMwwis�p�in wrRirp,�nr ePP�be of proc�W P��sAd not�re�nd a poslpoM�M
<br /> dw drM of tl� monMN Wf��nMrnd to h p�raprapAs 1 �nd 2 ar ol��th�rnount M tM PoYm�nb. M und�r p�rspr�ph 21
<br /> tM R'opntY w�+t�1 by l.�nd�r. Borrov+�s�Ipht to�ny Biunne�Polcia�nd Wncwd�nsutkp�ran drn�p�fo tM Propwty Prior
<br /> to N� �cqut�Rion �h�N pait to L�ndu to th� �oArN of thr w�m s�cund by Mt� S�c�ukY Instn+nNnt Ym�dWtN�' P� to tM
<br /> acquisition.
<br /> 6. Oacup�ncy� Pres�rwWon� IlAainbn�nc� md Prot�ctbn ot th� PropKty; BorrowK's l.o�n
<br /> Applic�Elon= l�a�ehotds. e«row�r.na�oocs+Qr. •a�r�n,and usa tn.ao�e�r�c eorrowrrs p�r+cp.i n�a«K»wtnh aray
<br /> d.r� anr n+�.�,cton a thk s.c+xb M�wmn+�.na ssw conth��eo occuvr M.�P�op�ty as eorrow.r.wt�oia.�n�aM,o.w►u
<br /> M�ut orn yMr � tM dw of occWW+or. uni�s� I.�sd�r otMrr►tW +prMS in wrilnD� ��Ch cons�nt shU not b� unn�ssornbb
<br /> wthhNd�or unlats�d�nwtinp cY�xnstanc�s Md�t whbh �n bs7ond Bor.ovwrs controL Barow�r shd not d�ttroy.dMmp�a imWr
<br /> tM PraprtY.�Mow th�Prop�Ay to WMrionn.or eonmt wat� on tM Peop�rb. Bortovw tA�N b�in dNwR M�nr 1atMw��cdon ar
<br /> proc.o�fi,p,wn.en«'cN1 or crimwl.1�aepur+tl,.c In und�r•qooa A�h judprn.rM coua nwR In r«Nllur.a nN Proa.r+�►ar oa+.�ww
<br /> nr0uiah �+P�r tM li�n at�hd by this S�curiY Inswctant or L�nd�fs s�curl�r inl�nst Bomo�w�r n�y a�s tt�ch a tNNuk M�d
<br /> ,,.ner.d.u ora�'rfd h nuaoraoh 1S.bv caualna NN�ctbn o�OroCMdino to b�disrtdt�d wlth�ruWp Mat.In Und�s QoOd t�M
<br /> dN�miration, prrcludos lorhtun of tM Bortowws Bf�nat h tl� PropKty or otMr rrwbriU tmpahrNnt of th� Y�n cn�bd by thk
<br /> S�curity InsWm�nt or Unda's a�curity int�nst. Borto�w�r shal atso W tn �huR r Bortovw►, duriny tM b�n �ppYCatb� proc�ss,
<br /> oaw m.��arr ak. or M+�CCUat� hla:natbn or at�Nrtwntl to L�ntMr (ot hlMd to provld� LsntMt wRh �ny nMt�l h(omrtio�) fn
<br /> conn�ctbn wflh the io�n rrld�ncW by tM Hob.I�c�dtq,but not Yn1t�d to,nqrs�ntationf eor.�minp Bortow�s occup�ap W tM
<br />� Prop�rty ats �prY�cpai r�sidmc�. M Mi� S�cvrRy knUwnnt k on �hasNald� Baroww thal cnmpy wtA �1 tM P�bni of tM
<br />_ yta. If f3orto�w�r�cquY�s t»Iky to tM Prop�ty.th� Mu�Aold �nd tM N�ttw sAa1 not m�rp�unbss tM L�ndK�prws to tM
<br />= rtNfp�f YI Mrt�Y�Q. Forin 002�V�0
<br />_ F10M1M0 f��) /�D�2 0l i
<br /> 6!0
<br />