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GRANT OF RI NT OF ';‘:AY <br /> that in consideration of the grant <br /> of rights of way heroin by Van -aton-....artin, Inc. , a Nebraska corpora- <br /> tion; by Five =oints Development Corporation, a 1.ebras;:a corporation; <br /> ane, by da:.: 2u.cas an kathryn Dubas, each in his and her own <br /> rioht and as husband arid ifo, to the CITY OF a munici- <br /> pal corporation, ano trio 1_,:3vioin by uoh ity alone an_ across the <br /> rights of way herein ■-;rantod of „ leotricoi curr—t to the in <br /> tracts acroinaftor doscribod bolon:ins to th rorrectiva grcotoes: <br /> Such an Laton-Lartin, ins . . oes heresy rant to such of <br /> Cirans Is ion :, it: successors an_ assio.n,- , too rioht to construct, <br /> oprat,.: and :nintoin an clectoic arid ool, s at <br /> intervals nscossory in connection tac..rcwith, upon a '.-trip of land <br /> four fot in wi,dth cons istins of tn: west our set of toe :arts of <br /> Lots ,7,jo:toJo amA :svohtoon of hoe. ,obdivi: ion of that port of tilt <br /> ::orthwest ‘,uortor of ocction (9 ) , Township o:lovon ( 11 ) , North, <br /> ance Nine (0), ,cot of the otn =.-. which lioo -ost of ,,hoolor Avenue, <br /> in trio silty of brcn . Iolan-o, in all Coonty, :obraoh:J, p: rticu- <br /> larly describeo as follows: at a point alien is 190 feet <br /> North and 13,:. foot .east the southwest corner of sai: Lot 17; run- <br /> ning thence North, parallel to the test line of sal,: Lot 17, a dis- <br /> tance of 110.97 feet; running thence -dos t, parallel to trio mouth lino <br /> of so. c Lot 17, a distance of Co.0 feet, to a point on the 'icst line <br /> of Lot l , in said L-1113cluicion; rum in : L:lencc to the rT:ilt, on a <br /> tLncnt c :.rculcr curved line .navin- a raulue of 3C.; feet, a :_e ',:anee <br /> of 56.5 feet, to a point will,2h foot North an,. 3 ; foot <br /> _jact of the r of :-_c Lot 1-; runnio-s 'el000e 000th, <br /> :o.-.callc. 1 to the .ost lin: of F,oie Lot i , a di :tome of 171.57 <br /> feet; running thence ,_ouLlr lin': of mole Lots <br /> 1,3 and 17, a distance of 1;:_4.0 foot to the point of bo:ini,in(:; <br /> o _mtaining .593 acres, more or <br /> Such _dam Dubas and i:athryn eaco In his and her own <br /> rioht, an as spouse of the oth ,F, do 111-2:ey :,rant to L:ity of <br /> Dram. Island, it: successors and assicn:, the ri :jit to construct, <br /> operato and maintain an electric tran', ion lino, an,: poles at <br /> 447 <br />