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<br /> (2)
<br /> Thereafter, a resonabie rental shall be agreed upon between
<br /> lessee and Truster.: Lessors or Successor Isessors as the case may
<br /> be, for the next succeeding __turn ___y ors and likewise such
<br /> rental adjustment shall occur at _f,j e __–Year f.ntorvals for
<br /> fits. _–yc+ar periods during the said term of this lease; said
<br /> rentals for each of such successive _ fi!_a —year periods to be a
<br /> reasonable; rental under the then existing conditions and circum-
<br /> stances. As a further consideration for the leasing aforesaid,
<br /> the lessee further covenants, promises and agrees to boar, pay
<br /> and discharge, in addition to the said rents reserved, all taxes,
<br /> rates, assessments and levies, general and special, ordinary and
<br /> extraordinary, of every name, nature and kind whatsoever includ-
<br /> ing Mtt:r rates which may be taxed, charged, assessed, levied or
<br /> imposed on the real property herein leased and all which may be
<br /> assessed, levied or Imposed upon the leasehold estate hereby
<br /> created, and upon the reversionary estate of said premises during
<br /> the term h, reb's granted, and so long thereafter as said lc:ss3o,
<br /> succ,:.ssors and assigns, heirs or devisees shall occupy said
<br /> demised promises, in excess of the amount of 19 real property
<br /> taxes l ivied and assessed upon said Lot No.4;�, _ _ , unless
<br /> it is specifically provided^ that such crcess in taxes is included
<br /> y of the: succeeding film –year
<br /> in any ri�nta.l as fixed IOr any 0�. � ..,....•�---�
<br /> periods; it being the; understanding that the Trustee Lessors, or
<br /> Successor Lessors, as the case may be, or their heirs or devisees
<br /> or -assigns, shall at no time during Sgt; term of this lease pay
<br /> any amount for to re of any kind upon the real property herein
<br /> leased in excess of tilt;
<br /> dollars amount of the 19_55,,, real pro–
<br /> perty taxes thereon, e:c' pt where in rriting stipulated as having
<br /> twee includ,.:d in any adjustment in rentals. In arriving; at such
<br /> additional real property taxes on said lot, the sage shall be
<br /> computed on the basis of a fair, pro–rata share of the total
<br /> increase that said lot bears in area to the entire tract included
<br /> in such -based unit.
<br /> At the termination of this lease, lessere shall have the
<br /> privilege of removing such improvements as shall be placed on
<br /> said leased promises by lessee, the obligation remaining with
<br /> lessee however to restore said promises to their original conditicsl .
<br /> Lessee further agrees to regularly and promptly pay all taxes
<br /> assessed against the iMprovefl1+:ntS laced on said leased
<br /> levied and against this �- with i1 �.�,y assess--
<br /> property during the term of phis lease, together i
<br /> rents or public charges hereinafter made and assessed upon this es
<br /> lease. This, however, shall not include any liability for the
<br /> payment Of t .. vs, assessments or other charges imposed by State or
<br /> Federal Lays from the income of lessors or upon the passing of any
<br /> interest in the leased d premises generally known as "income" or
<br /> "inheritance" , "legacy", "succession" or "estate" taxes, those
<br /> being liabilities of the lessors or some of them. .'rothing in
<br /> this lease shall be construed as preventing or interfering with
<br /> the contesting of lessee at lessee's own v sews• of and liens,
<br /> claims or charg s of any hind in respect to the premises heroin
<br /> leased which may be thought by lessee to be unlawful or excessive,
<br /> and lessee upon first furnishing to lessors, after lessors'
<br /> requiring the same, reasonable security for the payment of all
<br /> liability, cost and u.1;ponse;s at the end of the litigation, may
<br /> so contest the same.
<br /> During the term of this lease lessee agrees to conform to
<br /> and observe all the rules and regulations pertaining to all
<br /> leased premises around this lake c.rua and that the same will be
<br /> used only for residential purposes and that lessee rill not dur-
<br /> ing such term permit t he same to be used for any illegal or un,
<br /> lawful purpose, business or occupation; that all garbage shall
<br /> be removed from the leased premises as often as sanitary con di_
<br /> require; that no dog or dogs will be permitted on the
<br /> leased premises either by lesso , his or her family or guests;
<br /> that this lease is not assignable without written consent of
<br /> lessors, which will not be unreasonably withheld, that any
<br /> attempt to assign without such permission shall operate to avoid
<br /> the lease at the option of lessors, and lessee acknowledges that
<br /> lessors shall have the right to make suitable and reasonable rules
<br /> for conduct on the premises and for the convenience and guidance
<br /> of the various tenants about the lake and hereby expressly agrees
<br /> to abide by such rules and regulations.
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