CL Form-58
<br /> THIS LEASE, made and entered into this Zititt day of ; 19.11,
<br /> by and between 341.1k±1. . ...___....,..._....._____--- of ( 1 arliirleiln6, ra
<br /> Lessor, and Commodity Credit Qorporation, Lessee. - - -
<br /> l‘-
<br /> Description of Real Estate-
<br /> A certain part of the South i of the SW i of section 4, T ION, R ].OW, of the
<br /> 6th PM, more particularly described as; Beginning at the SST corner of the Si
<br /> of the SW * of section 4, T ION, R IOW, of the 6th PM; running thence north
<br /> along the vest line of the Si of the SW . of said section 14 550 feet; running
<br /> thence east parallel to the south line of the SS of the S4 of said section 4, ,
<br /> ''396 feet; running thence south parallel to the west line of the Si of the SW
<br /> of said section 4, 550 feet, to a point on the south line of the Si f the SW*
<br /> ` •
<br /> of said section 4; running thence west along the sough line of the Si of the
<br /> SW} of said section 4, 396 feet, to the actual point of beginning; containing
<br /> 5.0 acres more or less.
<br /> . 4\
<br /> 86s attached ftlj sheet.
<br /> containing .-8 acres, more or less.
<br /> o god of 5 ^years commencing
<br /> ,� 2 The term of the lease shall be gg a period the day of 'fir , l9�' _-, and ending the _ day
<br /> . of iSti""r---_., 19 , with the right of the Lessee, during such term or
<br /> any extension.t},iereof, to tetiWge said lease, and liability for axy further
<br /> _' QES�?! of any year, by giving 00 days'
<br /> rent, On the _ day of _
<br /> previous notice in writing to the Lessor.
<br /> 3.
<br /> As rent for 44iroperty, the Lessee shall pay the Lessor '^�==�. '
<br /> ' Dollars (a 4:- .) _) per year, such rent to be payable in advance,
<br /> but to be apportionable in the event the lease is terminated as provided in
<br /> paragraph 2 hereof:
<br /> 4. The Lessor warrants that he is the owner of the property, has the
<br /> r-l.ght to-give the Lessee possession under this lease, and will, so long as
<br /> "e''::i.s lease remains in-effect, warrant and defend the Lessee°s possession
<br /> against any and all persons whcroscever.
<br /> 5', The Lessee shall have the right, during this lease, to erect storage
<br /> structures or facilities, make alterations, install scales, fences, or signs,
<br /> LA or upon the premises'herebv leased and, at the expiration of said lease
<br /> or any renewal or extension thereof or at any time this lease is in effect,
<br /> may remove said storage structures, facilities, Scales, fences or signs or
<br /> any part thereof, whether or not such structures, facilities, scales, fences
<br /> or signs have become legally a fixture.
<br /> 6. The Lessee shall not assign this lease without the written consent
<br /> of the Lessor. The Lessee, may, however, sublet the structures on the
<br /> premises leased hereunder, or any one or more of them for the term of the
<br /> lease or any part thereof upon such terms and conditions as Lessee may wish
<br /> to so sublet.
<br /> 7. The Lessee, if required by the Lessor, shall, upon the expiration of
<br /> this lease, or renewal thereof, restore the premises to the same condition as,
<br /> that existing at the time of entering upon the same under this lease, reason-
<br /> able anti ordinary wear and tear and damages by the elements or by circumstances
<br /> over which the Lessee has no control excepted: Provided, however, That if the
<br /> Lessor requires sgrh restoration, the Lessor shall give written notice thereof
<br /> --, to the Lessee^_ W days before the termination of the lease.
<br /> /7"
<br />