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Unlps Borrower �nd L�nd�r �pn� oth�rwies, any <br /> paym�nit L�nd�r recefv�s from Borrawer or fc�,�p�yp�y�/�i�t�tii wlll lM lipf�k►d(irst to any amounta Borrower owa� on the rtecured debt <br /> sxclusw�of lnterest or princlp�l, suond ta IntN1�t,�"1ti1Q"tMn"hip�1�f 11 h Isl g►�psyment ot the ascured debt acr.urs for�ny re�son,It wfll <br />_ not nduc�or�xcu��any�ch�duted p�yrthnt untfi tM sef,lK,d st�Dt'A�d 1n'�ly��e` <br /> r Ct11i(4Yf Yn1'pA. <br />= T. q�Nm Aprmt TMM.Borrow�r will p�y ril ta�e�sw��IrN�r�nd��tha e1��ettributabN to the properry whan due and will defend titl� <br /> to th� property•a�In�t�ny cielm�which waukf Fmp�ir tM Ihln p!thf�d��d of trust.Lender m�y requlre Borrowx to�tal9n any riphtt,clafmt or <br /> d�f�nia which Borrow�r m�y h�v��paln�t p�rtU4 who�uppiy labor or m�t�rf�li to Improv�or ml�intdn th�p►op�rty. <br /> 3. Instu�nc�.Borrow�r wlll keep tM prope►ry irtqured urv1�r tsrm�acccpt�bl�to Lend�r st Borrower'�sxp�n�� �nd for Lend�r's ts�nefit. All <br /> Insurento policl�s chall Inciudo 0 5tnndarA rrsortpaQ3 Cl�u�o In tavor o}Lender.LenAer wlll be namrtd ea I�ee pnyee or ee the Ineured on eny euch � <br /> Insunna poucy.Any Inaurana pra��d�m�y b��pp1iad,w(tNn L�nd�r'�disuu�+m,.ta�ithar tha n�tontbn a r�ptlr of th�dim�pW prop�rty <br /> w to tM t�cund d�bt.If L�nd�r��quka mortpsp�lostx�na.Sorrow�►�yn��to rtt�IntW��uch Insuranc�for n lonp�s Und�r nqukb�. <br /> 4.hopKty.Borrow�r wfll ke�p tM praprty In tiood coMiiion�nd m1k�f�11 rnRticti r�eROmbly n�c�iury. <br /> 6.E�s�.Barrow�r��n to p�y�II l�n�r'��xpsny�s Includlnp ree�onsbN�ttan�y�'fan,�f Borrow�r buak��1ny coven�nt�In thi�de�d <br /> of tru�t w In�ny oblip�tlon��cur�d by IN� ck�d ot tru�t.�arrow�r wlll p�y th�a �mount�to lend�r�s provlMd in Cov�nant 8 of thl�dMd of <br /> trutl, <br /> �. Mw{k+wkY IMwMq.UnMs�Ba+owwr Ikat obtaln�L�rW�+'�wrltt�n conNnt, Borrowar wlll not m�ko or p�rmlt a�Y chsnp�s to any prlor <br /> s�calty IntKnts. Sorrowrr wNl p�rfam oti of Sorrow�r'�ublip�tlom und�r�ny prla matp�, d��d of trat a otMr ��curlty �pr��rrNnt, <br /> InahxNnq dorroy+nr'�cownanu ta rrNk�pMymmt�wh�n du�. <br /> 7.A��iwn�nl 01 R�nt��haNq,a4rrnwu�niqns to L�ndN tM nnt�and qofin of tha propaty,Unl�u BorrowK and L�rxl�r h�v+prNd <br /> otl►Nwfi� in vwitkq, qorravwr rt��y cMlwk Md nt�ln tM r�nt���bnp�� OorrowH I� not I�d�fwlt. If BorrowK d�f�ult�.L�ndu, L�nd�r'� <br /> �ppNii)Ikst 1�M�i�f r i�ina�drr�o ItN��po�ty�Inchldlfl0 COINnt CO/t��lld�ttOfM�c�N�t GOItlf111tibna t�rint�l��nh,�rndtsny tMr <br /> n�a��My�N�t�d�xp�ru��.TM nim�irJr�amount o!nnt�wIN 1Mn�pply to p�Ym�nt�on th���cund d�bt��provid�d In�own�nt 1. <br /> •.l��hoi�M{CoeaankiNan�;Mwrn�d UnFt D� Barrow�+�y►N�to eomdy with th�provl�bn�of�ny I��t�it this d»d o}ttust It on <br /> �fNS�ROid.If tM�d��d of tru�t I�on�unit In��minlutn or�p1�nMd wdL d�wbpm�nt, 8orrowN witl p�rform all of BorrowK'� duti�� <br /> urWa tM cown�nt�,bylawa,or �pulotbn�of tM condominlum w pl�nMd uNt d�wlopm�nt. <br /> Y. Authalty of L«MK to hrfonin fo�bnow«r.If BarowK t�ll�to�p�rfam my of Borrow�r'� duties und�r thi�dNd of uust, L�ndsr may <br /> conin�tl�on ontt�h�i�pro�p��rty i,dW t�oontinu�idta n�ot�cinN�d on In i riiso�niWi minnir�L�r �Ymay do whativ�Ii�MC,is.�ryio�txotect L��ndw i <br /> s�caity Int�ntt In tM prop�rty.Thk m�y Inchid�compNtkq tM combuctbn. <br /> L�nd��'�f�ilun to pxfam will not prncFid�Und�r trom�x�►citinp my of its otM�riphtt urKia tM I�w or thls d�ed of tru�t. <br /> Any�mount�p�id by Lsnd�r to prote�LanMr'�t�curity Int�rast wAI b�sscund by thls daad of trust.Such xnounts will be du�on demand <br /> �rx1 wiH b�ar IM�rnt trom tM dat�o!th>paym�nt untfl pdd In full at th�int�n�t►ata in�if�ct on tM tecund d�bt. <br /> 10.DM�Wt md AeoN�rWon.If Borrawa 011a to mak� �ny p�ym�nt wMn dw a bn�ks�ny covenants wxie this dNd of trust a�nY <br /> oblly�tbn:�cund by thfa dud of trust or my prior mixtpay�or d��d of trwL ta�dsr ma�yacc�l�nta th� m�turiry of the ucur�d drbt and <br /> d�m�nd�dist�paym�nt x�d r�y in�rok�th�powK of ssN�nd any otMr r��p�rmitt�d by�ppHcabNi I�w. <br /> 71.R�t/or NoUe�o�f DH�ult.R i�h�r�by rsqwst�d that code�ot the naticaa of defauh and uls h��ent to eaeh person wlw fs s party <br /> Mr�to,�t tM Wdna�of uch auch p�rwn, u qt fath Mnln. <br /> 7 Z.PowN►of Sat�.H tM Lend�r invok��tM powa of ul�,the TruK��shall first recad In th�offic� of th�npister of de�d�of��ch couMy <br /> whereEn the trust pro;!rtY a eorr»part a pKCai tMreof is situ�ted e notics of defautt containlnp the Informetbn required by law.The Trusteo <br /> shdl�Uo m�ll coplsa o�2M notir,e of d�fault to th� Borrow�r,to each psrson wtw is a peny Mreto, uxl to other penons�spr a�cribed hy <br /> •ppilaabt� law. Not Nas xhm onr month after th� Truit�� recordi the notfa of default or two montlu if tAe truat propvty 1� not I��ny <br /> tneapont�d eity or villafle�end Is w�d in farminpop�ations ouried on by tM trusta,the'Fru�te�rhUl piw pudie notic�of s�k to tM{»rwna <br /> �nd in th�mmn�r praa�h►J 0v apppllubl�I�w.Trust+e,without demand on Bo�rowsr,sh�ll sdl th�propKty�t putr0e�uotion to th�hipt�st <br /> biddv.I�requk�d by t!w farm Fiom�stwd RotscUon Act,Trusts��h�ll offsr tM {xoperty in two ap�s�t���N�a�rsqukad by appllcabN law. <br /> TruttN may poRtqont soM o}sll a Kr�r psre�l of the propsrty by public�nnouncsrtwnt at th�tim�and pl�c�of�ny pnvioutiy scMdul�d aN. <br /> L�ndK a its d�sipniM m�y q►achaN tM propKty at any i�N. <br /> Upon��afpt of payrt��af�h�priu bid,Trutte�shall deliwr to the pixchassr Trustee'a de�d conwylnp the propsrty.Ths r�citlals com�(r�d in <br /> TrwtM't c�J shMl b�prim�i�cN�WdMnc�ot tM tnRh ot ths stat�m�nt�coMNn�d thor�ln.Tru�tM�h�ll�pply ttM procNds of tM�al�M tM <br /> folbwlnp orcf�t: (�) to sll sxp�nt�� ot th�s�N, includlnp, but not Nmitsd to, reasonabi� Trustw's fws, nasonsbN �ttorn�y's f�u and <br /> r�imtst�ntfsn;qb)to all eums wcund bythit de�d oi Vust,and{o)tF»bal�nce,If any,to tM penons Npally sntftbd to reuiv�It. <br /> 13.FoneMa�un.,�Y Le�der'�option,thU dexl of vuat m�y M toreclosed In tM manner prov(de by�pplicabls Uw iw foreclo:urs ot mortppe� <br /> on rNi prop�rty. <br /> 14.In�p�ctio�. l.onder may entsr tM poperty to fnspect it if Lender pives Barrower notice beforehend.Ths mtic�mu�t st�te the re�tonabb <br /> cauts fa Lend�r'i fn�paction, <br /> 16.Cond�nr»tlae.9orrower etsigru to LerM�r tM Proceedt of ony award or eWm for demape�connected with s condemnatlon or other takirg <br />. ot NI or�ny part of th�propeny. Such procNds wi I be eppltsd n providsd in Covenant 1.Thi�ssdpnm�nt is wbj�ct to the terms of any prlor <br /> security�pnement. <br /> 7d.Walwr.By axerctsinp any rem�dy w�llabb to Lender,Landx dost not piw up�ny rlyhi�to t�t�r ut��ny otner rem�dy.By not�xsraitinp <br /> �ny rsrrMdy upott Borrower'�d�fauk,Lend�r do�s rwt walve�ny ripht to latsr consider the�v�nt�defauk if it hy►pem apa{n. <br /> 17.Jatnt �nd S�al Uab�itv; CaBq�wrs;duec��sora�nd MBpne Bound.AU duties und�r thit d��d of wct�re�int �nd sever�l. An1r <br /> Borrowe who co�sipns thit dNd of uwt but dw� not co•sipn tM underl�yp debt In�t►um�ntl�l da� so only to prent�nd conv�y th�t <br /> Borroww's�nbxast in ths prop�rcy to tM Truot�e undsr ths tsrm�af thlt de�d of trutt.In�dditbn,tual��Borrower eprw�th�t the Lender�nd <br /> ��y otMr S�rrovw►undsr thi�dMd of trust m�y�xt�nd,modliy a mak��ny other oh�rqs�In tM t�rm�of tMa d�ud of tru�t or tM s�ew�d <br /> d�bt withos•rt tl�t QortowN'�cons�nt and whhout nl�a�inp th�t Eorro:n+er trom ths terms of thli d��d of trutt. <br /> • Th�dutb��nd bsnefR�of this deed of vust�hatl bind�nd banefit the succesaan and asstpns of Lend�r and Borrowar. <br /> 16.Nak�.Unle��otherwb�nqukW by I�w,�ny notia to Borrow�r�hall be pNsn by delivsrinp it or by m�ilinp It by certified m�ll�ddrssssd to <br /> • Bonowx at tho pro�p�rtyr�ddress a sny�otlwr addnst th�t Borrower has ptven to Lender.Borrowsr wlll pive�ny notice to Under by certlilad <br /> mail to lend�r's�ddr�s�on pp� 1 of tM�dwd ot trust,or to�ny other addres�whlch Lender h�e de�ipn�ted.Any otfiet notfes to Lendor�hali <br /> be��nt to LoMu's addrea�n statod an pap�1 of this dNd of truot, <br /> ' Amr noticn ehell be deemed to have been piven to Bnrrower or Lender when ylvan i�the manner stated above. <br /> • 19.Trrrt�r of tM Prop�rty a� B�fIdM IMN„t In th�Borrow�r.If ell or eny psrt of the property or eny Inte►aet in it le aald or trenaferred <br /> • wttlwut Lundu'� prior w►(ttsn cnnant,Lsnd�r may demmd imm�diste paym�nt ot th��scured debt. Lend�r m�y alao demand imm�di�ts <br /> paymont It the Borrow�r is not a nanxd p�non and � beneficf�l Interest in the Borrowsr is�old or transfKred.However, Lender may not <br /> domand Deyment in the�bove titu�Gom If ix b prohibfted by fedaral lew ee of the date of this deed of truit. <br /> 20.R�corw�y�nae WMn tha obllp�tion�sCa�d by thit dNd of trutt hse ba�n pald and Land�r h�� no tu►tMr oblipatfon to make�dvancs� <br /> undu tM trntrum�ntt or�pn�ment� s�cur�d by thf�ds�d of tru�t,th�T�ustN sh�lf upon writt�n reque�t bY tM L�nd�r, nconv�y the trwt <br /> property,TM Lend�r sh�ll Wliwt to th�Borrower,or to Borrower'��uccessor in inbrest,the trust deed md tM note or other evidence of tfie <br /> obllpstkn ao utlafi�d.Borraw�r shNi p�y�ny t�cordatlon costa. <br /> 21.Suac�stor 7�wtN. Lendar, at Lender't optlon, may remove Trustee eM eppoint e succeasor tru�tea by firet, mailinp a copy of tho - <br /> subnitution o}trustN aa nquirsd by spplicabl�law,�nd th�n,bY fiilnp the subttkutlon of trustee far recad In the oNice ot the repiaer of deeda <br /> of�eah eovnty In which th�trust propKty, or som�psrt thereof,la tftuated.Ths succe�ior trustee,without eronveyence of ths property,�hdl ;.� <br /> succ�od to all the power,dutle�, authoriry end tftb of the Tru�tee named fn the deed of truat and of any succeswr truatee. = <br /> i:. <br /> f <br /> lpaps 2 0l 2I <br /> !AlMER96YStEMS.INC..ST.CLOUO.MN 6e701 11200•�i7-27�t1 FOpM OCP-MYWiE e/18/Dt <br /> � <br /> f_ <br />