<br /> distance of Six Hundred Sixty Four and Sixty Nine Hundredths(664.69)feet;thence deflecting right 44°59' 13" and
<br /> running westerly,a distance of Four Hundred Twelve and Fifty Six Hundredths(412.56)feet;thence deflecting right
<br /> 44°35' 18"and running northwesterly, a distance of One Thousand Two Hundred Seventy Two and Twenty Six
<br /> Hundredths(1,272 26)feet;thence deflecting right 45°28'25" and running northerly,a distance of Two Thousand
<br /> Three Hundred Sixty Eight and Seventy Two Hundredths(2,368.72)feet;thence deflecting right 59°54'36" and
<br /> running northeasterly, a distance of One Thousand Nine and Twenty Five Hundredths(1,009.25)feet;thence
<br /> deflecting right 29°50'37" and running easterly, a distance of Three Hundred Eight Seven and Seven Hundredths
<br /> (387.07)feet;thence deflecting right 45°06'02" and running southeasterly, a distance of One Thousand Fourteen
<br /> and Seventy One Hundredths(1,014.71)feet to the ACTUAL point of beginning
<br /> AND
<br /> A tract of land comprising a part of the Southeast Quarter(SE1/4)of Section Thirteen(13),Township Eleven(11)
<br /> North,Range Eleven(11)West of the 6th P.M.,Hall County,Nebraska,and more particularly described as follows:
<br /> First to ascertain the point of beginning,start at the southwest corner of said Southeast Quarter(SE1/4);thence
<br /> running easterly, along and upon the south line of said Southeast Quarter(SE1/4);a distance of Nine Hundred Fifty
<br /> and One Tenth(950.10)feet to the ACTUAL point of beginning;thence continuing easterly, along and upon the
<br /> previously described course, a distance of Two Hundred Twenty Three and Sixty Two Hundredths(223.62)feet;
<br /> thence deflecting left 90°03'56" and running northerly,a distance of One Hundred Sixty Three:and.:Seventy Four
<br /> Hundredths(163.74)feet;thence deflecting left 89°56'04" and running westerly,parallel with the south line of said
<br /> Southeast Quarter(SE1/4);,a distance of Two Hundred Twenty Three and Sixty Two Hundredths(22162)feet;..
<br /> thence deflecting left 90°03'56" and running southerly, a distance of One Hundred Sixty Three and Seventy Four
<br /> Hundredths(163.74)feet to the ACTUAL point of beginning
<br /> AND
<br /> A tract of land comprising a part of the Southeast Quarter(SEI/4)of Section Eighteen(18),Township Eleven(11)
<br /> North,Range Ten(10)West of the 6th P.M.,Hall County,Nebraska,and more particularly described as follows:
<br /> First to ascertain the point of beginning, start at the southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter(SE1/4);thence
<br /> running westerly,along and upon the south line of said Southeast Quarter(SE1/4), a distance of Eight Hundred
<br /> Thirty Three and Fifteen Hundredths(833.15)feet;thence deflecting right 110°53' 11" and running northeasterly,a
<br /> distance of Two Hundred Sixty Five and Thirty Six Hundredths(265.36)feet to the ACTUAL point of beginning;
<br /> thence continuing northeasterly, along and upon the previously described course,a distance of One Hundred and
<br /> Three Tenths(100.30)feet;thence deflecting left 90°00'00" and running northwesterly,a distance of Two Hundred
<br /> Thirty Eight and Three Tenths (238.30)feet;thence deflecting left 90°00'00" and running southwesterly, a distance
<br /> of One Hundred and Three Tenths(100.30)feet;thence deflecting left 90°00'00"and running.southeasterly, a
<br /> distance of Two Hundred Thirty Eight and Three Tenths(23830)feet to the ACTUAL point of beginning
<br /> AND
<br /> A tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast Quarter(NE1/4), a part of the Northwest Quarter(NW1/4), a part
<br /> of the Southwest Quarter(SW1/4), and a part of the Southeast Quarter(SE1/4)of Section Thirteen(13),Township
<br /> Eleven(11)North,Range Eleven(11)West of the 6th P.M.,Hall County,Nebraska, and more particularly described
<br /> as follows:
<br /> Beginning at the northeast corner of said Northeast Quarter(NE1/4);thence running westerly, along and upon the
<br /> north line of said Northeast Quarter(NE1/4), a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred Twenty Four and Eighty
<br /> Three Hundredths(2,624.83)feet to the northeast corner of said Northwest Quarter(NW 1/4);thence deflecting right
<br /> 00°00'00" and running westerly,along and upon the north line of said Northwest Quarter(NW 1/4),a distance of
<br /> Two Thousand Six Hundred Fifty One and Thirty Six Hundredths(2,651.36)feet to the northwest corner of said
<br /> Northwest Quarter(NW1/4);thence deflecting left 90° 15'05"and running southerly,along and upon the west line
<br /> of said Northwest Quarter(NW1/4),a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred Forty Six and Eighty Four
<br />