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'y� i: : . ... � :��f__-_--._..,_� <br /> �'..�_.,��. <br /> 4 J�•h 1.�4�1��l•��I.: ' - . , Yr. <br /> �, ., . . . , .4���'�,'"`��i'�'���i'q''L.'.�.r . „ . . .c��_�-W:` <br /> - �M° v� �1ti� . . .. . �_t�;ip��c rm��r ' ' ..�.�.,r.,;?. . . -e-e'n� - -� . - <br />.__.�. � ws�.r..�rir _ _ —__ _ — ���. __-- wwn+�w.�...�.��....... _.. <br /> �o���T. Qw/� 1n�4 <br /> 1, ��yrt�M�. Borrow�r ��iree� to m�k� �II p�ym�nt� cn tM��cund dlbt wMn du�. U�I�n 8orrow�l'1Adrind�r �orN uth�rwl��, anY <br /> p�ym�nt� Und�r ncdv��from Borrown u �a Borrow�r'� bu�flt wIH b�•p�IM�d fint to �ny�mounts Borrow�r owaa nn tho ucund d�bt <br /> �xciutiv� of Intu�at o►principd,s�cond to Inten�t, �nd tMn to ptlnclp� pertlil pnp�tlm�nt of th�t�ound d�bt oncun for�ny n�son,It wlll — <br /> not nduc�a�xcup�ny�cl»dul�d p�ym�nt untN�M Noynd d�h'l,I�pald In fuN. <br /> y,CI�MM AyNn1t Tlllt.Bo►row�r will pay�eH taxn, u1�tMh�nt�. �nd othiw ch�rp���ttribut�bN to th�p�opaty when dus�rd will daf�nd titw <br /> to tM prwp�rtY yafn�t�ny cldm�whlch w�uld Nf1p11k th+11�n of tM�dMd of trutt.L�ndn m��nquk�Barrowsr to n�lpn any rlphn, elNm�o► <br /> d�}�a which 9orrowa may hav�psln�t p�rtNs who supptV laba a mn�rlol�to Improve or m�intain tM pro�»rty. <br /> g,N��. Barow�r will k��p th� prop�rty Imur�i undn t�rm��cceptabb to L�nd�r et Borrower's expe�i��nd}ot Lend�r'�b�n�11t. All <br /> imunnc�policN�ahrli inc{uda a ctandard mortpipo clau:�a In tavor of Londor.Londcr a�lll bn n�mcd aa toss payee m ee thn Ineured on eny euch �- <br /> Inwranu pollcy,Any Irnunnc�proaeds m�y M�ndMd,withln Lmd�r'a ditcntion,to�ith�r th�notor�tbn or repair of the dam�p�cl propsrty <br /> a to tM��cund d�bt.I}L�ndv nquk��mortpq� imur�na. Borrow�r prN�to m�intain�uch Insw�ncs fa es lonq n Lsnder►equlni. <br /> 4.hay�ty.Burow�r wlll k��p tl►�p►op�rty In poud conditbn�nd m�k�all np�irs rosambiy nocas�uy. <br /> 6,Exp�nsM.Borrawer�pnes to pay nll Lend�t'�exq nsu tncludinp na�anabl�attaneys'f�s�,if Borrow�r bradu eny eovmantt In thi�deed <br /> o}trust or In any obliyatlon secund by thi�d��d of trust.�orroarer wiil p�y th��e�mount�to Lendsr�s provided In Covnn�nt 9 of thia deed of <br /> uu�t. <br />{er S��r��y klqrwt�•UnNss BorrowN fkat obtdns Under'r writtsn wntsnt,Borrow�r will not mok�or pQrmlt any chanpei to any prior - <br /> j,rvl�ud�ir�ip��Bonowir's�co�vinan i to make pa�yrtwms�wMn�obllpetlons under any prior mortQ�p�, dead ai tru�t or other sscurity spreem�nt, <br /> 7.A�oi 8�ntt�nd P►a1fq.Borrowsr usient to Lender the nnt�and profitt of ths prap�rty.Unless Borr�wer end I.end�r have�areed <br /> othnw se in wrRinp, Borrowsr may collsct and retsin tM rente e�lonp ��Borrower i�not in dsfauk. If 8orrawer default�,Lend�r, Undx's <br /> •p�nt,o�e court appolnted recsiwr may teke pos�ntion�tM mannps tM praperry and collsct th�rentt.Any rente Lendx collacts th�ll be <br /> appikd f�nt to the cosU oi manayinp the p►opl►Ly,Includinp court co�ts �nd ettor�ey�' teec, commisfbns to rentel spsntf, snd any otMr <br /> necessary uleted sxpemss.TM�em�Tnlnp amount of renu will then apply to paymenta on the�ecured debt as provided in Covamnt 1. _. <br /> �.Las�sledds'Condotn}nlunta7��nn�d UnH[�wNo�mnL,Barrower agrees to comply wfth the provialona of any leese if this deed of truet Is on _ <br /> a IeaaeF✓�Id. I�thla deed of truat le on e unk in e condominium or e planned unit devetopment, Bonower wlll pertarm al1 of Bo�rower'e dutie� <br /> under the covanants,bylaws,or regulatlorw ot the condominium or planned unit davalopmarrt. <br /> 9.RutharNy d LM�r to P�torm fa Botroww. If 8orrower fafla to perform any of BoROw�r's dutN� under thls deed of trust,LendK may <br /> portorm tM dutNs a caua tMm to b�pKform�d.undu may s3pn eorrow�r'� n�ma a pay my amount I}nec�ssary fot parformanc�.If�ny <br /> siax�tn K,�it tn�tM a�i�dTh�s miY nC1Ud�tCOmpllikp thp 60�p�nmmna, Lendsr may do whatwsr is nec�nsry to protwt L�Ps <br /> Unds►'s f�lkx�to p�rfam wtll not pncNid�L�ndK from �x�rabing�ny of It�oth�r rlpht�uodar tl»law w this d�sd oi uust. <br /> Any�rtwunt�pNd bY L�nd�►to prot�et L�nd�r't s�CUrity htei�t wNl b�acund by thl�d��d ot Vutt. Such�mounU will b�dw on Nmsnd <br /> �t1d WIM b�M kllMMt hom tM d�t�of tM paymmt unNf p�W In full at th�tnt�n�t nn in�fhct on tM��ctx�d d�bt. <br /> 10. O�fwWt�n/AooMKMbn. If Bonow�r falN to m�k��ny p�ym�nt wMn dw or br�ak��ny cov�mnt� urWM tMa dNd of vu�t a �ny <br /> d�and�In��ni p�iyrt»M��nay Mwki tM p�oww of litiin�dr iny ot�rim�dN,�mltt�d by�ppNaatWMi liw�ity of t1►�ncuted d�bt�nd <br /> hir�to,i thi�id�d�N ofiach weh�p�rson,W�p�t��hat coal�a oi tfu noUc��of d�twR�nd�N�b��nt to��ch p�non who I��partY <br /> 14,rew�r of hM,If th�Lu�d�r InvokN tM powsr of uN. th�TnutN�MN fMst t�cord In th�oNlu of tM nplstK of dMd� of�aeh eou�ty <br /> wMrNn tM tru�t prppKty or rWts�pMt a paral tMrwt Y sRu�t�d�notic�of d�fwit contaW��y tiw Infau�atlon raqukad by law.Ttu Tntetx - <br /> sh�N Mso mall capMs of th�notk�of d�fault to[tw Borrowe, to iach p�twn who 1��p�ty hK�to, and to oth�r pwsoM�spr�scxN»d by <br /> �ppNc�bN law.Not I���than orn month�ftK tM Trwu� naord�th� notlra of d�f�ult a two montlx ff tM uwt propKty 1� not In �ny <br /> kxbrpo►and cky w vlNp��nd��w�d M t�rmrp o�nsk� orrtad on by tM nwta,tM fnutN�h�N piw publlo notla of af�to tM prnonf <br /> �nd in qw m�nrw►prMerW�d bv�ppD�IcabM Nw. nNtM,whhout d�m�nd on 9orroowpM�,t yshsN sNl th�prop�rty�t pubtio wetbn to tM hlpM�t <br /> Tf��m�Y��tP��iali ot�I�in��ciltuf tM P�W�tY by Pua al innounc�nt at tMttirtNin�d P��of,nYf M�e�c1YY�i,M. <br /> L�w fts dnipr�m�y purclww tM prop�rty at my tMs. <br /> Upon neNpt of paym��of tM prk�bfd,Trustw atwM ci�Nvsr to tha purchss�r Trwb�'�dasd conwyinp the propsrty.7hs�ecftlMs cor►tain�d fn <br /> TrwtN'�dwd�►+all b�P�ima f�ci��vldb^c�cf tl►�wtf�of�h��tatem�nn aor►tdrnd tMrdn.Tru�tM�hNl�pply tM procMd�of tM aM�In ih� <br /> foMOwk�p ord�r: (�1 to NI �z�»nNS of tM �N�, Ineiudiip, but not Nmibd to, nason�bN TruaN'� fN�, naaonN�N �ttorrny's f� and <br /> r�tat�rrNnt iNa:(b)to all wms acur�d by this W�d af nutt.�nd lc)tM bal�nc�,it�ny,to th�penoru Iqally sntkl�d to nc�iw It. <br /> 13.Fa��n.At lend�r's optbn,this d�ed of uutt rmY be fonciot�d in tM mau�►provid�by�ppliable law for forsclosurs of mortpspn <br /> on nN propKty. <br /> 1�, Lsrd�r msy entar ttw prop�rty to 7ntpect tt it lerxl�r yiv�s Borrow�r ratics befw�hand.Ths notiea muat atats the ve��onabb <br /> caua or L�ndir's kup�ctbn. <br /> 16,Cp�d�n�llon.Borrower assii�n�to Lender theproce�ds of�ny rward a claim for d�msp��cor�ct�d with�condsmoation a otMr t�Wnp <br /> sec�ky��prN�M tM aop�rtY•y�h proes�dt wiY bs�ppfied a provW�d In Cownsnt 1.This�apnm�m b wbJ�at to th�mm�of�ny{x(or <br /> tA.W�iwr. 8y�xwcisinp any re��y�v�il�bN to Lx�du,L�nder dw�not p(vs up�ny ripht�to lat�r us��nY otMr rsmedy.By rat�x�rciskq _ <br /> �ny nm�dy upon Borcow�r'a d�tauft,L�nd�r das not w�No any ripht to latsr coruld�r the event a d�fwk H it happ�m�pafn. <br /> 17. JoN�t�rM 6wKd �1ty� Co-stOr�y: Buee��nd As�ip� sowd. All dutNs und�r this dNd of tru�t ue �oint�nd Nwroi. Any <br /> Borrow�r who c0aipns thi� d��d ot tru�t but da� not coatyn ths undehrinp debt inatrum�nt(U dw� so oMy to ar�nt �nd cnnwy that <br /> eorrow�'�intK�st k+tM prol»rty to tM Trua�s und�r ths term�of tl�is desd oT trust.In�ddftbn,such a Borrowsr�pre�s ffiat th�Lsnder and <br /> �ny oth�r BorrowK undx thl�d��d of tru�t nuy �xund,modiiv ar m�k��ny otMr ch�r►Q��In tM tsrm�of thls deed of Vu�t a tM ncund <br /> d�bt without that Borrovwr'�coru�nt and wlthout r�asinp lhet�orrowK from tl►�t�►m�ot this dNd of Vust. <br />- TM dutiN�nd b�rnftts of thl�d�sd of tru�t sluil bind and benefit the succssaws�nd atsipns of Lender and Borrowsr. <br />- 1!.Notla.UnN�s otherwiu rpuked by law,my notice to Barower shall bs piven by deliverinp it w by mdlfnp it by certified m�il�ddrettwl to <br />' Borcow�r�t tM pr addnss or�nY�oth�r�ddnu dut Borrowsr hu piv�n to Lsnd�r. Borrow�r will piva any notic�to L�nde by cKtifi�d <br /> m�N to L�nd�r'��on P+W 1 of this de�d of tust,or to�ny othsr adersrs which Lend�r h�s tNsiqmtsd.Any oth�►notlo�to Und�r sh�ll <br />- M nnt to L�ndK's�ddrese��atat�d on p�Q�i of tMt de�d of tru�t. <br /> Any notic�sMM be d�smsd to hav�been pivan to Borrow�r or Lender whsn piven In tM mann�r statsd sbovs. <br /> tY.Tr�iK of tM Prapwty a�6�lal Mnw�st b tM Borrow�r.If dl or any part of th�propsrtv or eny Int�rett fn it!t�old or tran�terted <br /> whhout Undu'� prior wrkt�n con��nt, L�ndu m�y d�ma�d Immadiat� p�yment of the s�cund d�bt. L�ndK may �lao d�mmd Imn»diat� <br /> d�ma�ndtpiyr nntBtn thiibov,iituatbns If Itp�li prohl�t�d by tMir,l liw ai f the d�Be of thii d�sd of truit�nsferrad. Howewr, L�nd�r my not <br /> 20.R�caw�ymo�.YYMn tM oblip�tlon acund by thb deed of trutt has be�n pNd and Lendsr h�s no funhsr oblipation to m�ks�dvanea <br /> ■ untNr tM Instrur►HnU or�prNm��sts secursd by thb deM of tru�t,the Truat�e�hdf,upon writtsn rsqwst by the Le�dsr,rsconveY the tru�t <br />� prop�ttv The L�nd�r sh�ll ddiv�r to tM Bonowsr,a ta Bo�rowsY�wccs�wr i�Intenst,tlb trwt deed md the�ots or othsr wid�na of th� <br />° eeifa,rinn ao utiafwd.Borrow�r�hdl nav�nv record�tion con�. <br /> 21. Suaa�sor TtustM. Lender, st Lend�r's option, rn�y �emove Truatee end eppalnt a succatnor truetae by flrst, malllnp e copy of tM _ <br /> = substitutfon of trustse es rsqulred by sppiicabb law,�nd then,by tiiing the substitution of truttee for record In the oNice of th�reglster ot desd� <br /> = of saCh counry in which tM trust propsrty, or�ome part thereof,b situeted.The tuccessor trustee,without conveyence ot the property,shall <br /> Qucc��d to�II the powsr,dutiee,�uthorlty and tftle of t1�e Truetee named In ths deed of trust�nd of any succeuor truttos. <br />.� <br /> a = <br />_■ ° <br /> .� <br /> .� <br />�+� fPly1?olYl <br /> lANKEIIS BYBTEIAS.IHC..6T.CIOUD,MN E6301 17�E00-3l7•23411 FOItlA QCP•MTO�!!E 6l1YfB1 <br /> 7 <br /> � <br /> � - - <br />