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� . .. __-�.=_ <br /> .< <br /> . . �:��-°���=: <br /> :,..:��.: <br /> .'.4 . . !� , ,�� �i+w��..r..� _--^—�---�,.-.r_�'4-= ._ <br /> P � <br /> .t'l�•l��•'f�� <br /> �,.•��f'�� � <br /> � 10. do�r No11NN+iMd;�ora..r�„c�sy�.na�r Not�1M�Iwr�Ext�n�lan of th�Ilmo for p�yn+,snt or madlNc�tlon <br />�:,t,'."'-�' . <br /> ,��, o}�mortlzstlon of the sums�ecured by thl�De�d o11Yutl�rent�d by I.�n��r to�ny�ucc��wr In Int�nst d 6arowK�h�ll nd <br /> npernte to rotonse,In c�ny menner,ths Ileblllty of the orlglnel Borrowe►r end Barrawer'e succ�ewro In Intsnet.lendsr�h�ll�ot <br /> � be requlred to commance prxeedin�s epelnst euch eucceaaar or refuse to extsnd tlms for pe�yrnent or dhetwle�modify <br /> :; emortizatlon of the sume e�cured by thla D�sd of 1Yuat by reeeon of any demtnd made by ths alalna!B�rrower snd Borrower'e <br /> *' successare In Intereat.Any(orbsarence by Lender In exercieing any rlght or ramedy hereunder,ar othernlae aHorded by _ <br /> � �I� applicable law,shall not be e waiver of or preclude the exerclae of any such right or remedy. _ <br /> �' �'. � 11. Successorr and Aalpns Bound;Joln!�nd Sswnl LlNbillty;Caslqn�n.The covenante and Qgraementa hereln � <br /> .. ;: contained shall 61nd,«n�i tFie rlght�horounder shall inure to,the respective euccessora and asaigns uf tender and Borrower, ` Q <br /> subJect to the provlsiona of parag�aph 18 hereof.All covenante and agraements ot Borrow�r shall be jolnt and severel.Any — <br /> '��.!' +-� 8orrower who co•signa this Deed of?Fust,but doea not execute the Note,(a)Is caslgning this Deed of Trust only to grant and �.1 <br /> .h.y�,� convey that Borrower's Interest in the Property to Ttustee under the terms ot thla Deed of lFust,(b)Is not peraonally Ilable on Q <br /> -�-- �. the Note or under th(a Deed of'IFust,and(c)agrees that Lendor and any other Barrower hereunder may agree to extend,modity, �1 <br /> -• ;�. torbear,or make any other�ccommodatlons with regard to the terms of this Deed of 1Fust or the Note,without that Borrower's � <br /> consent and witltaut releasing that Borrower or modif��ing this Deed of Trust as to that Borrower's interest in the Property. <br /> �:;�,� . lZ. Nntics.Exceptio�any notice required under epplicable law to be glven in another manner,(a)any notice to Borrower � <br /> �;�° provided for in thl�Deed of Trust shall be g(ven by delivering It or by maJling such notice by certified mail addressed to Borrower <br /> �•• at the Properry Address or at such other address as Borrower may designate by notice to Lender as provided heretn,and(b) <br /> ��.�`•��� � . any notiae to Lender shall be given by certified mail to lender's address stated hereln or to such other arJdress as Lender may <br /> � ���-,5�� dea(gnate by notlae ta Borrower as provided hereln.Any notice provided for in this Deed of Trust shall be deemed to have been <br /> i:,,•,;_ ... <br />_- -� gfven to Borrpwer or Lender when piven in the manner designated herein. <br /> �:���'.�•� .x � 13.;S�wrabfiity.Thestateandlocallawsapplicablalatt�isDeedoflFusteha!lbethelawsofthejurfsdlctbn <br />-���' �,��•, in whtah the Praperty ia located.The foregoing sentence ahall not Umit the appUcabUity of Federal law to this Deed of Trust. <br /> �°� � In the event that any provislon or clsuse of thls Deed otTrusi or the Note conflicts with applfcable law,such conflict shall not <br /> _:`�r ,,.�'-� <br />��;i���,:,��,} aNect other provtaions of thls Deed of Trust or the Note which can be given efisct without 2he confllcting provision,and to this <br /> ="'�''�� end the pravislana of this Deed oi Trust and tho Note are declar�d to be severabla.As used herein,"costs","expenses"and <br /> `�i.+�5.t��Y <br /> �:�•�•+s "sttorneys'feea" include all sums to the extent not prohlb(ted by applicablo law or Ifmited herein. <br /> -�;"''�i��= 1A. Bo�rower'�Copy.Borrower shall be furnished a conformed copy of the Note and of this Dee�i of Trust at the time of <br /> _ ,�y�-:t <br /> -��";; execution or aiter recordation hereof. <br /> _•�s. :� 15. R�hebliit�tlon Lwn Agreernent.Borrawea shall fulflil all of Borrower's obliyatfons under any home rehabilitation, <br /> �:v,,.•,:��,.. <br /> _= improvement,repair,or other loan agraement which Borrower enters Into with Lender.Lender,at Lender's optio�,may requ te <br />'�"�� >'` Borrower to exeaute and deliver to Lender,in a iorm acceptable to Lender,an assignment oi any rl�t�ts,clalma or detenses <br /> _„`� t In n c rn s�,r ai <br /> _-_:;��_t-�_--= whicfi 6orrowar rridy r��vn 6yaii�s2�a�i�ss�tt:.�apply,w�os,:s�si,.slsl..�. _e..I.e_.n�onne�t�nn with►rnorovementa made to , <br /> -`;�;�;�.fr�� theProperty. <br /> --:�'��°��+���� 96. 7Fn��afer o9 Property or�Beneficl�l Interest In Borrow�sr.If all or any part of the Prope�ty or any intetasi in it!s sald - <br /> Y-*t�-=_= ort�ansterred(or if a beneficiai interest(n Borrower is sold or transferred and Bnrrowor is not a natural pe�son)without lender's <br /> = prior written consent.Lender may,at its optfon.require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by thls Deed of Tivst. <br /> However,thfa aption shail not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited byfederal law ss oi the dateof this Deed of Trust. <br /> If Lender exerclsea this option,Lender shall give Bor�ower notice of accelerat(on.The nottce shall provide a period of nM <br /> leas then 30 days trom the ckte the notice is delivered a mailed within which Borrower must pay all suma securod by thie Deed <br /> --- ot Truet.If Borrower talla to pay these sums prlor to the exp(ration ot thls period,Lender may invoke any remedles permitted <br /> by thls Deed of hust without furthbr notfce or demand on Borrower. <br /> NON•UNIFORM COiVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and ayree ga tollorve: <br /> 17. AccN�ntion;R�m�d{�s.Exc+pt a provid�d in para�aph ta Mroof,upon Bornovwr's bn�ch of any cownaM <br /> or�n�msnt of 8orrow�r In thl�Ds�d nt'Itust,includinp Borrow�r's hllun to p�y�by th�R�d c!10 cal�ndK d�ya Nl�r <br /> thsy�ro due��ny wm�s�cund by thli�ed of Thist,l.+�nd�r pNor to accelen�tion shal!piw notic�b Borrowwr�s <br /> - pro�vkNd In puaynph 12 h�nof specitylnp:(1)th�bn�ch;(2)th��ctbn nqui�d to cur�such bn�ch;�3)a dtb,not <br /> N�s ttuin 20 dayi from tlw d�b th�notic�I�m�INd to 9orrow�r.�gl whkh such bnach must b�curod�and(4)that hflun <br /> to cun such br��ch nn or b�bn th�dat�specltlsd In th�notice m�y►nsuh In�ccelerntbn of th�sum�s�cund by this <br /> -- DNd ot 7tust and saN of th�Prope�ty.The not�e shdl iurth�r Inlorm 8or�ow�rof ths rigM to`rolnstal�aR�r�cc�Nr�tlon <br /> _-_- and tfie rlyht to b�inp�cou�t�ctlon to�swn th�non�xistenc�of�dehwlt or any othK cNtiens�of Bo�rowet to <br /> �ccakation sr�d sal�.if tM bro�eh Is not curod on or D�bro ths dab sp�clti�ed in th�notic�,L�nder,�t LendK's option� <br /> mry deelan all ot th�tums s�cund by thls Deed of'�ivst to be ImmediatNy dus�nd pyabN witfautlurti�r d�mandl <br /> �nd may Imok�th�paw�rof MN�n�i�ny other nm�dles p�nnitt�d by�ppNcabN law.LRndershall be�ntitled to colNct <br /> �II n�sonable costs and�xp�ns�s Incumed In pursuing ths romedles provided in this pa�n�ph 17,Includin��but not <br /> --- Iimited to,m�wnabN attorn�ys'tats. <br /> —_— tf the pow��of s�N Is Invoksd�ltustae sh�ll nscord�notice of delault in e�ch county in whkh the Prop�rty or some <br /> _:.��— p�►�inewoi is locat�d�od shall mall copies otsuch notice in the msnner proscribed by applicable luwto Borrow�er�nd <br /> ��;� to ths other p�nsons p�cribed by app��cabk�aw•After the lap�ot�uch tinw ws My b�nqulred by�pplicable law, <br /> �A,"�_� 1Fuste�shall aw publlc nntk�of�aN to th�p�rson�and in tha manne�pnscrib�d�by appll�abl�'ustee�withoW <br /> °-- d�mand on Bor�r,sh�il sNl the Prop�tty�t puWlc wction to the hlgh�st bldder at th�tirrM and plac��nd under <br /> -����= th�t�rm�de�nat�d In th�not(c�of aN tn on�or mon psnc�l�and In such order a�livstN may d�termin�.lhustN <br /> �-""�"`� may postporn sal�of dl or�ny pn�N of ths Proptrty by public�nnouncement�t the tlm��nd placs of�ny pnvlously <br /> �ch.eduled aN.1.�rnMr or Lend�r's designe�may pu�chass th�Prop�rty at�ny�I�. <br /> .,:�.� Upon recNpt of prym�nt of tha pric�bid�1lvste�shall d�Uv��to the purchaser'IFuste�'s deid corw�yln�th� <br /> -:.`F,e„��, Prop�rty so{d.Th�roclt�b in th�1Fust�'s dsed shaN be prtma fack ev�dence of the truth of the�m�N therMn. <br /> .'�� ,�. _�_n��..�..•r....�,...�..�...���....�.t����,Ilew�tnn n�rl�re/a1 tn all nsasona6le cnsb�nd eftoens�s ot U1�s�l�. <br />--- o.....v.n....�.q....p...���....��..__••_.—•-°—•-•--�----•-.—.-- — - • . <br /> _--�� Inetudlnp,but not NmNsd to,7ivst�'�ie�s�ctually Incumed of not morothan Mi�f thepross sals price� <br /> roason�bls�tto�rnys'feos�nd cosb of tttls�vldence;(b)tv�il sums recurod by this Deed of Trust;snd(c)the excess� <br /> -���':����;� tf�ny,to the p�rson or p�rsons le��lly entitkd tfier�eto. <br /> "�,;Y;';���• 18. Borrower'�Rlpht to Relnst�te.Notwithstanding Lender's acceleration of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust, <br /> -• due to Burrower's breach,Borrower shall have the rightto have any proceedings begu�s by Lender to entacethis Deed of Trust <br /> �"��'""y' �'`� discontinued at any time prior to tha ea�rlier to occur of(I)the fifth dsy befare sale oithe Property pussuant to the power ot sale <br /> .,;:;�.:�>.Y:� <br /> ���� '' contalned in thfs Deed of'TFust or(II)entry of a judgm9nt enforcing this Deed of Trust If:(a)Borrower pays Lender all sums which <br /> ��'±' '''�` would be then due under this Deed of 1Fust and the Note had no ecceleration occurred;(b)Borrower cures all breaches of any <br /> '._n;l�4ay .,.n <br /> ;;d.,.�. ,,�: othercrnenants or agreements of Borrower containe�i in this Dee�±of Trust;(c)8o�rower pays all reasonabie expenses incurred <br /> ���:�y`.• by Len�ier and 1Fustee In enMrcing the covenanta and egreements of Borrower contained in this Deed of 1Fust,and in enforcing <br /> -.��;,�;° Lender's and Trustee's remedfes as provided in paragraph 17 hereof,Inctuding,but not Iimited to,reasonable attomeys'fees; <br /> . R�RE� <br /> � . � -w�we..�.� ----.. . _ . <br /> �w�k.r».............."�..�.y-,:Y.+xP"yQ"�.......�.,-��e. -_-,.-_:_ <br />