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<br /> 97- iaso1v �
<br /> (b) ��,�r'�I�o�v�Gt, Witl�aul oI�'ecting the linhfliry of my other person liablo for tho pnyment of
<br /> nny obNgAllm� Ikrein mcnUoned.m�d willioul affccUng Ihe Ilan or cl�ntge of lhis Ueed of Truat upon Any porltu�9 of
<br /> Il�e I'rorerly nol Ilic��a�lheretuf�rc rcicnied n�a aecurity fur tlio IUII en�aunt af dl unpaid obligations,I.ender mny,
<br /> lion►Ibne lo Ii�uc aud +��::liaut nolicc, (i)rclensc nny persan so Ilnble;(ii)exlend Ihe �nnturlry or nller nny of lhc
<br /> Ie►ma�f nny sacb ubli�;�ti�ma;(IH)grnnl Mhcr Indulgence�, (iv)releese or reconvey, or c�use lo be relcnsal or
<br /> rccunveyrd et ony time nt Lendet's uptfun nny pnrcef,ponlon ur nU of the Property;(v)teke or relesse nny other��t
<br /> nddiilongl seeatity far nny obligniton I►crefn mentioned; or (vi)mnkv compoeiUona or otlur arrangemenla with
<br /> debtars i�i raidt icn►thereto.
<br /> (c) S,S�iliC�rance bv 1,����� Not a Wni�. Any F�rbeeranco by Lender in exerciaing nny rigld or _
<br /> re�nedy herau►etl�or othtiwise effurdeJ by npplicnbie lew shnll not be e walver of.or preclude the exercise of.nny
<br /> such righl at r�+netiiy. '11�o procurement of insurnnce ar 11►o rny�neol oF lexes or otl�a�Ilana or chrrgea by Lendor
<br /> sl�all not he A�vaiver oP Lender'e riglil ta nccelemta Il�e mnturity of Ute indebtednoss secured by thia Qeed af Trus�.
<br /> (d► �f�.�,49taf..oli�l..tls.lilpl�l�o.lplsl� +int �d sevenl L•iebilfty: ntlon�. Tho covcnants end
<br /> egramenis►i�safi�,cnnt��inad shall bind,nnd the righta hereunder ehali lnuro ta�thc respectfvo auccessore and nsaign�
<br /> ��f I.endar nndl,'rrtutor. All.covenmris nnd ngreemeot� of'Trusror ahRll be Juln¢ end sovaref. The ception:+ nnd
<br /> I�eM11nEs at titt�p�n+�lis af thls lked of'i'rust are for convenience only and aro not to be used to interpret or
<br /> datina tlie ptovitians h�:reaf.
<br /> (u) �ti413,fpr Noticea• '1'I�c pnttica i�crcby reqoest that n copy of nny notice of de(inult Itoreuncler
<br /> nnd n copy of�nny npNGe of'�!a herounder bo mailecl lo ench periy lo Ihie Deed of Truat nt the address set forlh
<br /> nl�nve in II�a nlnuna pragctltitd by npplicnble Imv. �:xceri for nny olher notico required nnder t�ppNcablo letiv lo IM
<br /> given in rnuilter utMt�tes;timJ�nnlice prc�vitled fiir in Ihis I)eed�f'Pruat sl�all be given by mailing such notice by cer-
<br /> Ii(ial mrfl Mlah�ssad,t�a•Il�e atbcr pa►tia�,A) IIIC FitI�fC1�3El �OfIII RI10V0. Any notice p►ovided I'or in Ihis I)ced of
<br /> '1'ru�l aiiell he etl'�tiva upou mniling in �he mm�ncr designated hereln. If Truslor i�mora Iha�one person,nolice
<br /> s�nt to�he Mfdress set forlh�bove shAil be iro�ice to all such peraa�s.
<br /> �(�.ju�p, Lender may make,or ceuse to be mede,reasonablo entrte�upon and inspection�
<br /> oT llro Prnperty.ptuv5d��l ll�nt Lende�al�ell give'IYustor nolice prior to eny aucl� tnspection specllying rensonnble
<br /> cause lUaetar•tnl�lod t�+l.rnder'a interesl In tho Property.
<br /> (�) Recot►veysnce. U�xm peyment of nll sum�secuted by tltia Ueed o�Tru��Lender shell reyuat
<br /> '1'ni+tte ln reronvey lhe Property �nd ahnll �urrender thie Deed of Tn�st end all nole� evidenc{ng Indebtednen+
<br /> secured by Il�ia laced ot�'ruat to'1'rustec. Tn�atee shell reconvey the P�o{►orty without w�rnnty md withouo ch�rge
<br /> lu Ilw person or Ixrso�s legrally entitled tlrorelo. Tru�tor ehell pey ell costs of tecotdation,if u�y.
<br /> ���� �'�ra�rt�r�Securitv ,AQreement, Aa MldiUonal sceurlty for the p�yment of the No1e.
<br /> '1'ni;lan c�reby�;r�nls l.endor, undcr U�a NcbrASke UniPc►rm Comnu�cinl Code. s security•interest in �II lixturoa.
<br /> cyu(p�nent nnJ ollier persnnel property used in connec�ion wilh the re�l estete or.irnmpron l�meat ei�al lbe cotulruecl
<br /> nnl ulherwi�e declerec!nr daincd io be e part of Ihe teal estate eecured hereby.
<br /> o�n Securi�y Agreemcnt under saiJ Cock, end Il�e Lendcr shall hrve RII lhe righta aRd temedic�of n secured pany
<br /> un�kr�nid C�xle in eddillon to the right+nnd remeJfe+crented uncfer nnd�ccorded the Lender pu�euant to lhfs Ueed
<br /> Iimitelfun�on,�Lender's r3gli��nd remedk.��c dc'any�o i�rtaecurfly�gtee�men,t a gned byati�ro�t�,or�Tru�tnr�vny n
<br /> ��� l ie��•■++d rnc�u�br*_nus. 'I'rustor I�ercby werraut� and reprdenta U�at there is no defeult
<br /> under tlie provisions of eny moHgr.ge,deed of trust. lense or purcl�s�e contrect describin6 �II or eny pnN nf�lie
<br /> 1'rope►Iy�ar�her conln+ct.inatrumait or agreement constituting n Ikn or encum�nnce�g�inat�II or eny pert af tl�o
<br /> Prnperty(collcctivelp."Llena")existing n�of tlie dnte of thia lked of Truat.end �fi�t any �nd �II existfng Lfens
<br /> rnnrin unmwliRecl txcepl M�disclosed lo Lender in Trustor'e written disclosuro of lien�t��d wem�intie+°�lncie�
<br /> • R�r I�ercin. 'I'ruator�hall timely perfonn ell o�'t'rustor's obligelton�,covensnl�,repres
<br />_ m�y And all existin6 and IiAuro Lie�s�end alinll not w{thout Lender'e prior wriltm consrnt in any manntr modity thc
<br /> rroviainn+of or nllow nny Nture edvnnces under eny existing or(Llurc Liena.
<br />= �� �s�■tinn o�p�Yments. Unless utl�envisc requircd 6r law.sum�peid to Lenden c�reunder. _
<br /> (nclucling, wHl�out(imitetion.prymenta of princ{pal and intaest,fnsun►nce proceed�,caxkmnation proceeJs�nd
<br /> renle nnd p�nlita,ehall be spplied by Lender to tho amounts due and owing li�om Tnistor aid Ho�rower in auch order
<br />- e�Laukr iu Its snla discreUon deem�desirnblc.
<br /> _..L�.... ..c��.�. n...� �r r�e confllcls with eppliceble (ew or is
<br /> (k) �1CC��!�tv. ii eiir j..o..o..,.. ... ..._ ---- -
<br /> deelereel fnvelid or othe►wise unenforceable,sucli cnntlict ar inv�lidity shail not etFat the o�lur provisions af tl�is
<br />' Iked of'1'nist or lhe Note which cam be given effect wflliout the contlicting provi�lon, end to ti�i� end, tl�e
<br /> provisions of tl�la Ueed of Trust end the Nato�re declared to be sovenble.
<br />� (�) ;[�. 91te lenns"'I'rustor"end"gcmower"shall include both singular end plurnl,end when _
<br />=� tl�e'I'rustor nnd Uorrower+�ro the aame person(e),lhose terma ts used(n Ihis I)eed of Ttu�t sh�ll be interchangeeble. .
<br /> �m� �, 'f�ds[hed oF�'rual ehsi{b;,govemed by lhc I�we of the Stele of Nebrosks. _
<br />� 'i'NSta hu executed lhls Ueed of'1'rusl ns of the d�te wdtten�bove. °
<br /> � 4 ;
<br /> � _ — ___
<br />