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;;:, <br /> ,,.� .,,,:::__ - <br /> . `.�I1Vb�}•'�'�. <br /> . ,�. . ��7::'�'M���!�1�'��:��e�a.w1«�YIl1►• _. . " _'_.'wa.'"_' _. ..__.`.�.4u.�... <br /> �.�'.�-'!^.':..__..m... ,,.......r.....s_' . . . ..�� ' . C:'.— <br /> '"� OF TRUST 97, �lo�oo� Pa�6 -- <br /> . - +�. . ... . . . _ . A DEED �— <br />- ,� 06-��-t�7 �� � � (coMinu�d) - <br /> � �__. <br /> � 4__ <br /> . p) Upon aoNpt of wch no4lr�kom l.�id�r,Tru�IN shaN auN lo b�nead�d�pubN�h�a^d d�Mv�b b Trwlo►such Nofo�a i�N�1 <br /> . and NOlfo�01 S�M M 1Mn nqt�d by kw�nd by ihM OMd d Trutl. TnM1M�If�M�wNhoul dwn�nd on Ttuttor.tlMt wch MnN as miy <br /> IMn b�nqulnd by Mw�nd�ti�r ncordHbn of auch Nofa�ol D�tauN�nd�NoYa W S�M haNnp bNr►pfwn w nquk�d by I�w,NN <br /> ttN Propwty Itl th�tlnM�nd P�W i�M 1bt�d bY N In�u:h Nolio�d Sdr�NfhM a a whoN�a In wparal�IoN Or PMdM or MM�M q <br /> Tru�M��M�M d�n�M��nd k1 suCh OrdK u M n'yy dM�rmin��U publb�uCYon b th�hIpMH bldtMr 1or Cuh M I�wIW ma»11� ^ <br /> . Ih�UnIMd 64N�p�y�bN�t th�Mtn�ol�slw TrotM�shM dMtw►b woh purohwM or purehM��M��ol 11�pood and suMOf��t dwd a <br /> a il,.n�oN�l�w,woh d..a a.eiy n+.a�s :,- <br /> dMd�aonwy{np iM prapwty so sold.but wiihoul�ny cowrwM a w�rtsny�� wlih�e�ut Nmk�Non Tne11a,Trv�1N� a Ls�d�►.maY •- <br /> w aoa.rwll o.oa,auNw p��a a th.t��...nnno+. �►1+P�'^• <br /> . .,x+►'1�.'� p1XCh�M�l su0h tW. <br /> �"- <br /> (b) b rtwY b�PKfN1f�d bY Mw�afMr d�duCYrq�N Cosb�teM�nd�neM of Trus1M I�nd pl thi�Tnxt,����ms d thM[�Md ol �;��- <br /> IfIN k1 ConrMCNOn wMh saM�Trt�1N�h�N�PPM�proOMds ol�aM b p�Y��a (i)NI wtfM��dod <br />�.�I�� Trust a Ynd�r fM IKms d Ih�NoM not tMn rp�ld,Indudln0 bul nd UrtANd b�oawd k��l lnd kM clwpM� (Y)dl oRNr tu�n�1h�t► �y- <br /> secund h�r�b y.�ne(Ni)1h�nm�lndw��M�nri to th�p�non a P��M�eNY w�Ih�nto. �; <br /> � (o) Trualw rtMy M 1M mmn�r provlA�d by kw poe4poM tab d all or�ny porYon of tiw Prap�ly. _ <br /> Rtln�dN�Nol DtCiWiw. TrusiM and l.�r�r�and Mch M Il�m,.n.r�..r►�a.d a.�,ro�c.wyn�«,�.�d�r«nw�o.a a�y��.+ �- <br /> , � a obl�tloos s�cund b9 N►ts ONd of Tnist�nd to���fphb arb povwn undK tf�u De�d of Trwt.undK IM NoM�undK ny W IM <br /> RNaMd Docum�nb.or und�r�ny othK Wr��t a�ny I�rn now or hKwfMr In foro�,ndwMl�fan�iln0�� dMd Mutl PMOp� <br /> _ �F .: anc!abup�YOnt MClx�d by thk DMd of Tnitt m�y now or ha�aflK b�oftNrwfa�e�CU�1�whMMr by matpp�� � . • <br /> assipnmant cx oth�►wia.NdtMr f!w acoept�na of tNs Dwd of Tnist na Ms�Moram��t�wMll�by cowt�cYon a puRwnl b tM p�a <br /> � s�M or oltwwpo�s conl�irnd In Ih1�DMd of Trust�sIMN Proluda or In any rtMnner aM�ct Tru�M�y a L«��dpM b tMl[x�upoe or <br /> �rNpraA any o1hK s�cwMY now a h�fl�hNd by TrusM�a L�nd�r�R bMnp�pwd thd TruqM u►d L�ncMr.and Mch of lh�m,�IW b� <br /> • . �niiM�d lo�ntoro�thft D»d d Trust and a�fl��►�ritY now a h�n�fE�r hMd bY��a Tn�fn wch oM�r and m�rr»r a th�y a <br /> ', :�,�..� WthYe Gf Qh�wn maY kt ttrk sbsolute dtsastlon determlM. Nn nn►�dY conArt�d uD�or rMMwd b TrtxlM or LM�d�r�fs MIN�d�d b M _ <br /> �x,ciutlw of�ny othu rwn�dy In UAs DMd d Tn�st or by law provld�d a P��,bu!Mch tMll W cumul�Yw�nd shY W In�GdWan to <br /> _ `''(;.E; wwY oihar nm�df►pN�n in tN�DMd W Tnnt or now a f�flK�od�tkp at faw a in�qWly or by�LtuM. Ewry powK a nrt»dY piw^bY IM <br /> .. Nvte a sny af ttN RoUMd Dacum�nls fo Tnnt»a l.«xiK ar to wMch �W tMm b Tnis1M or�«.�and slthir ot� ° <br /> cancw,�nnr or ina.�.�,dmW.kom tlnw to Yma and�s ofMn os may ba dwm�d��► y�wom a.�w•�-�y N+�c�� - - <br /> ,t.� :..�''� pu�cuo k�CO�MM tMnId1M. Naihitq{n tl�is DMd d Tnnt shaN b�Cons'lruod v P����O =- <br /> ' �ppinEt tha Trustor fo the nMnt suCh actlor►b P«�HW 6Y law. _ <br />-i'.�+',ti..•,�,� iMt�u11at F0�IOoqe�. Trustar�on Mh�M of Tnisla and Lsnder�hK�bY nQu�sb 1ha1 a CaPY a��Y NoYor d DNauN and M oopY of uhi No1o� _ <br /> .� < ;: . of SW under this W�d WTnut b�rrwiMd to th�m at th�tddr�cs�s�et fath in th�Ilnt panpnph af iNs DMd W Tnwf. <br />��`��. WMv�ENc1bn af RM�dM�. A w�fvsr bY+�Y P�Y o(a bn�ch of a Pr��of thN Dwd of 7nst shY not oonWluM�w�of or <br /> 1��<<�,:�::�. pre�t�rputy s Aahl�olh�wiM b d�mand tkict ca��plMno�wNh th�t provkion a any oHwr Provfrto�. ENcMaa bY L«�du b Pusi»�►Y - <br />=�.L{*.:,;,,�,� pr�AdW in Ws OMd of Trwt�iM NoM�In�ny R�kMd Docunwil�o►Prorkl�d bY Mw sh�M not�+od��P�of anY o!M►nardY� <br />�+,�>��.'� �nd an M�.ilon b nWa w�ndltrrs or b Wt��c11on lo pMlorm an oblpstbn af Tru�tot ur�d�M DMd oi Ttu�t a11M NINrn af Trub�b <br />-+-,,��;._,.:�. P�torm tM�nof afAal tandw's dpht b ded�n�d�hult arxi b rowciN�nY d Mt nrtMdMs. _ <br />�`:d�s.'�#°�'� At10nMY��FMt�E�Iq�s. B LM�dM kMr1UW any Wlt 01�011 q Nlioro�arry Qi aw wi�iw�i��L.''TsL'�,!.._.••••�••v'!1 h��e�IM�d b <br /> rcaa�.�z sv,.�:sum ee t!�c�ust rt����y�rd!�n�aorwbN�s attorrwya'kas at t1N and on�nr�ppMl. whMh�r or not a+Y oout�c�b <br />�iin+�Lfs'� �n at a Wm Gw M�G �ww..�w�iw M��:�•'�!�= - <br />�.�,.R;.,�.�� M1vdvM.NI reaswMbM 1o�MM�s Mcund bY La�whlCh In I.�t�s opMtion n�aswY �Y �w-•--�-- <br />���� �n�or�r�t oi fb�iphM�h�N b�cortw a p�rt of tM Ind�!►MdrNSS WYabb on d�nw�d�nd a1+d bMr Y�IwrM W IIN NoM r�M tan Ih�d�1r of <br /> •�N�lun WdM r�yl�id. E�r�NS cowr�d by IMs I�+oraph It�dud��wittloul Nrt�Ycn,howrw�.�b�t W ������ <br /> -------- L�r�s tllorn�ys'f�wt►e1hK or not then N a Mwu�l.h�dud�iq�11orn�ys�f�lor b�rflcruplC�p�oeMA�!i� <br /> M=— waM any autorr+�Yc doY a InJurx.�ion),�ppMls and any anMdpal�d Pos{-ludG��C0�w0" �'�� �OOf�' <br />----"""� oDt�kikp 1kM rpa1�(inciudnp londosurs��po��)��s������PP���tIM ir�sunnb�. 1M Tn�s�to tlw a1M�t <br /> ----�� p�n'iMMd bY�PP�kw.Tru�ta�Ito wiN pty any court costs.In RddWon to�II olh�wn�provid�d by law. <br /> -- Rl�ht�of TnMIN.Tnulw�IwM haw M d th�dOhb and duY�a of L�rW�r as tM fath in tl�fs acNon. <br />�,o�� POWERd AND OELIOATIWI�OF 1Rt1STEE. Th�IoNowkp P�ov�on�nM�lo IM P��and obMpaYar of Tru�M�w p�t of tlik O+�d of <br /> = rrus�. <br /> � Pow�,a Tna�... i�.adwon a aM Pow�s of Trutt»�rMInO u a rtMtMr of kw,7nx1M thM haw Ih�powr b Wc�ths tolowMp�cYar <br /> ---_- wiq�nsps�,�t b tt�Propaly upon tt+�wrNMn nq��t W 1.«+Mr and TruNor: c•��+�+a+v�����^���a�w.w�ov.�. <br /> - Indud+rp nre a�ln.e1 a oa�dphb b+h�pubb; (b)taM In a.Mkw.M►«�+»nt or awYtw�►r iwYbron on YM ww P+�OV«1r. <br /> �nd (c)loin In aryy.ueaa�.ra,o►oaM.wn«�.u.�ww+�++► aT�a�.w,�..c a�w,�.r w�dw w�o..d ar�,�. <br /> — TruNM. Tnx1N sh�1 m�M aN qu�NlfcaMont nqi�lnd ta TnKIM und��PP���w. In�dd�on b IfN dph1��nd nm�dM Mt totTh�bow, <br /> wNh r�p�ct b Y a�nY P�rt of th�Propwty.lM Tn�W sh�l havr tM dpht b IoncloMb�►noYa�nd��nd L���hM Aaw Ily dpl►t b <br /> � IonckM bI►b����In M1�cw In�ocord�oa wNh u►d b Ih�fu1 aMnt provld�d bY�PP�»law. <br /> — Suecw�or TruMN. L�nd�r�at Lw�i o011on.mny kom Wn�b Iim��PP��Wioc�or Tnu1N b ury Tru�iN�pPok�Md�'M��►bY�n <br /> -- = Itxtrum�nt�cuNd and�dcnowMtlp�d by LwW�r and ncard�d M th�oflb�of tlN t�cord�r of HN Cow�y�N�bratka. TTf�InstlMnMtt sIW <br /> — ConUtn�N��ddillot�b d olhK nMMMS raQt�fnd by WM kw�tM r�mn o1 th�a10inY���dK�Tn�.+�nd Tru�lor.ih�booic and p�p�(or <br /> comPuNr sysMm rM�r�I vrh�n Ihl�DMd of Tru�t M ncad�d�and Ih�oartw and addnM W Ih��tpo�MOr 1ru�M�.uid IM InaYurn��l� <br /> -- W�acuNd and I�cicrawl�d0�d by�11M b�r�MchrMs undK l�wr DMd W TitMt or MMk woon�as In k►MrML 7fN snoo�a 1�'udM�wNho�A <br /> oonwyana W th�Prap�lY.thM suooMd b�ll IM Ilw.PowK��nd tNN�s conM�nd upon th�TnKM�in thi�DNd af Tn�t�n0 bY�pp�e�bM <br /> kw. TNt proo�dun/a wb�WuYon W Mu�M�sMN pawrn b th��oxh�ton of�1 oYNr praiMiorr lor wb��MNO^• <br /> � IiOTICES TO 4iillfTON IYiD OTFER WMTIE�. MY noYc�urWK MiM Dwd aR Ttu�t N�b�In v+rMinp�nyY b��+t b1►MiM�o�MN�.�a�M b� <br /> _ �fbcliw�wl�n rctuMy drMyM�Q or wl»n d�PaiMd wNh�naforyNY►�aopnl�d ow�^Ip�carlr.or.M nMMd.shrM b�dMrrnd�INeM wlwn <br />— -- d�poWMd In th�UnIMd SaMs rt�wrM ci�s+s,arYMd a nqidw�d md.Pa�P��•�ncrd b IM addr�s�hown rnr Mw bpkr�in0 of <br /> ---- ihk DNd ot Tnxt. MY W�1► rt►�Y ch�np�Il�addva tor nollc�s und�tlib D�W W Tnnt by pNkq lormd wrNMe noYa b IIN aMw p�1Ms. <br /> _ �_ _ - sp�ty(np that 1M purPo�of tM rwYo�k lo ch�rq�IM P�rt1r�addr�s. A1 copfK ol noYoK of tondowm kom ih�hoidK of�nY IMn which has <br /> �-�;:;;�:�� �9ro�s fo kMp L�nd�r md rusla Intormed at aN tlm�s�of�sscurnni�ddr�ss. �p d tN�DMd of Tn�at. For noYa�purRo�.Ttu�to� <br /> - x:r">. � <br /> �L`�� Miaceu�oua w�ov�aioaa. r,.��o m:c.w�v�ov�oos.�..p.n an,�o..a aT�: <br />�T�=:�; �n�.�wr+�nts. rn�o«d a r�+.� wNn.ny aw+.a oocu�.co�u�urs un.�,�r.u�,a.�w�a•�a•a•«++�+a u�.parws as <br /> t: ,..���-. to cn.m.+ws a.�iorm w,m�o..a a rn,�. No.aK.u«�a a.�+«+dms�s a n�.o..a a rn,ac��..o���v� <br /> "• � �qn�d by th.p�rty«p�rw�sawht a a or bound by u».wr.Y«+or.m�t�dmMt. <br />��•:'�� . AppMC�N LMM. ThbD��d W T�1M1 e..w.n a.wr�.a a�.ea.r.M.cew�.a a�r���,•s�.a M.e�«rra �.aw a Tn� <br />� w- r ah�116�nmrw�Md bY I�M ConMflMd M�CCOrdrla yilfi q�I�ws of 1fN StM�Of 1Mbr�ka. <br /> ,. _ _-�.� pr �FN�d�p�, ppt�on�c�rqs in Ws O�d of Trust uo tor conwr�fana paPo�s orVY�nd�n nd ta b�iwd b k�N or dMkw IM <br /> ; .� -� �MrpK. Th�n sh�N b�no rt�qK W IM k►Mr�t or�stab aMUd bY Ws DNd of Trist wNh�ny o1hK NMKrat ar�taM in 1M P'rap�rty tl anY <br /> � Mr►N M1d by a ta 1M bW�MI of Lu�d�r In�nY cep�ifY�wilAOUt iM wtNMn CaKaM af LMidu. <br /> -_ �v�ir�TtustOr. Thb m�ns tlut Mch d ttN uP�rson��iGN�rqd bMow Ia�ntPa�aibl�lor dl abYpaYOrr�II n1aM�C�s k r�shY rnNn MCh and <br />- S�ttK�blNt�►. If a cout d cortp�Mnt jutlstNcuon�nds�ny provhbn ol this DMd d Tnut 4o b�fnv�Md or ur�rMOroMDM at b�nY P��a <br /> CkCUmstlnC�.SuCh flndfnp sh�N nof nndK ttyt provisidt Invalld or W�MotCMbM Of to�ny GtIMr PMSOrK or CkCtxnttanoM. II IMf�N�anY <br /> � such oMondinp provfsbn sMN b�dnmed b b�rtadll�d to b�withln ttw NmHS d�MorcwblMN or wN�Jfly;hovw+rK.M lh�o1Nr�d�q Pro+Mlan <br /> - •� csnnol b�to mod�lwd�R shfM b�strk�c�n�nd�!I WhK provfsloni d Ihk DNd of Trust In�11 otf�rwp�cb sh�N n�n�M wIM md�nloroMtli�. <br /> N, `'4' SueqNOn�nd AMI�'w. Subl�ct b Ih�Mrt�faYwK s1�Md fn Ws OMd d TnMt on IntMIK Of TnMtor'�k�IMw1.Mk OMd of Tnxt�h�l M <br /> " ,;1,� .. , bt�dkq upon�nd Mwn to tt�D�wAt ol tl�p�r1iN,M�k woo�oa and auip�r. M ownMShiP W 1M Prci►�rty b�cortNS vKMd{n�pKSOn <br /> dhM lhan Trustor� LMfWr� wiU�wit noYO� b Tnstor� maY dMl wNh Trustar� woo�o�s wIM t�N�o� fo INs DMd of T►u�t �nd MM <br /> . �-�Y <br /> a <br />