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.. .n.t:� - . ... .. . .. ' -. .. ..(.c.:�„F..'b`�i'=rwive-.� <br /> • . . ' . "'SN'.1E"reY�Si':-•.- <br /> , . .�: - . T , �'.�:,_ .. <br /> .. . i :��?�r� � . . - ' Jh�1uiL'�{ir� <br /> � .�, <br /> � . . . � y� ' �� - a�r �..�e. ____.._____.. <br /> , �L'M1F�.., ..,.. ....�..... .. . ..... .. .. 4?n'q1K�WM .,. .,.NM��`•WP^iw."�.in,wioRiw[s`a <br /> .r: „� . <br /> ,,.;�,��.� �:��:.�� �. 97- i049�9 ' <br /> :=;�,:.. ,, <br /> ,� 11.�veab of Dehuk. The following shall constltuto an�vent cf Def�utt under thi�Deed of Truat: <br /> � (w) �ailure ta pay any in�allment of princip�l or Interest of�ny other sum aecured henhy when due; <br /> (h)A bro�ch af or defiult undtT�ny proviaion wntdned in the Wate,thi� IkCd of Ttust,any of dic Loan Insuumente,or ___ <br /> eny other Nen or encumbrance upon the Properry; <br />�' ,, (c) A writ uF execution or Rtachment or any slmilar proce�v ahY11 bc eatered ag�inst Trustor which shiil becume p iien on <br /> the Ptoperty or�ny pottlox�thetoof or Interest therein; <br />, .h: . (d)'Iliere shtll be filed by ar agiinst Trustor or BarroNCr tn ocdon under any prexnt�►r futuro federal, atate or athar <br /> sututc, law or regul�d��n relating ta builcn�ptcy,inwlvency or other tclief for debwra; ur there sholl t�e�ppolnted u►Y tnuta� <br /> � reeeiver ar liquicl�toe of Trustor or Bono�ver or of dll or Any pirt of the Prop�rry, or thc renw, issues or �Stofits thereof, or �_ <br /> Tnutor or Borrowe�sh�ll m�1ce�nY Bcnertl ass�9nmenc for the benetit of creditats; <br /> �r:�� (e)Ttie�k, tramfer. lase, nssignnxnb wnveyar�ce ar ftnthcr ertcumbrance of aU or enp p�rt af or any intereu in 1he <br /> .�.r� property, etd�er voluntuily or involunwily, aiti�out the express wricten consent of Lenclar, providcd that Tnistor shul be <br />- ��� permitted co exceute�lease of ttlue Propecry th�t does rat conain u�opdon to purclwse and the term of which does not exceed <br /> - ��� one yeu; <br /> . (� AbuidoMnemt of tho Peoperry:or <br /> (g)If Trustor is aot an indlvtdw(,We i�ui�nco�ssJe, aznsfer. �uigameat. conveyance or encumbranaa of mote thaa(if a <br /> • co ruion)a wq►1 oi rceut of ita issued u�d outrt�nding stock� or(i(t putx�r�hip)a wtal af yiw P�rcent -- <br />..•�,• ::', of p��rtnership interes�ts,or tf a limi�ted Ilabiliry company)a tot�l af biA percent of the limittd liability cotnp�ny tn�ere�s <br /> :�;'`e�:•: or voting righn�lvxett�the pedal Q►ia Dad of Tnut remuat�ilon on tho Aroperty <br /> ::i��',: , ' (h)If the ot�t4gation aecured txreby is guu�atecd in Nhole or in put by Qics Famxre Home Adminfst�uioa.borrower furtt�K <br /> - ` �''�;�# igrces that the l�.wis)secured by tdis inswment will bc in def�ult ahould nny lo�n prceced�be used [or a putpox that�vill <br /> ;.�;. ... <br /> �•`;;�;�.,�t coptribute to eacesslve erosion of highly erodible land or to tLe convenion af wctlaad to produce or w m�ce Pouible the <br />-`=�5��;^ producdon af an agriculturd conunodiry,u futd�er eaplained in 7 CFR Pert 1940.SS�bput G.Cs�hibit M. <br />- �._"�"� <br /> __,�__ 12.Remedla;Accekntion iJpon De[ault• in the event of aay Event of Default Lender msY,w+dwat aodcc cxce�:as tequucd - - <br /> -- - hy lawr, declue all indebtedness secured heraby to be due and payable and the sun� shtll tixrGUpon besomc due aad payabk <br />� •--..�.;, <br /> 'r"` ''^�'� witba�ut tuy pcesenunent,d�m�ad.prouu or notice aY my tinu. i aeceniw�..�.��.�..•-'•,: - <br /> ,-�}�''•�.m� <br /> (a)Demmd tlut Tcustee exercise tLse POWFR aF�ALfi granted he�eia,u�d T[ustee shall thereafter cause Tnutor's intereat <br /> "._� i�the pcoperty to be sold ad the proceeds w De di�riba�ed�ell in the mamer provided in the Nebnsks Ttust Deeds Act; <br /> �� (b)Isxeeclse tu►y and all righu provided for in aay of the Lom Inttiumenta ot by 14�+ upon cecunenca of a�r fiveat of <br />-� '-- Def�ulr,and lnt i reaiver,or ifically enforce+mY uf tLe <br /> -�='�1�� (e)Comcnecr�e an iction ta foreclose this Detd of Trust as a snort8�8�•�PP� °� <br /> __ — covenu�q Ixrsof. �enin, ia tbe <br /> No r�mody herein oonfeaed upon or rescrve�!W Tniuee or I.ender is iatended to be exclusive of any other remedy iVeA <br />_ I,oui iastivmena or by la�v provided or pemuttcd, but each shaU 6e cunwl�dve. sh�ll be in additioa to every other remedy g <br /> hereander,ia the Loin Insuumena or raw or here�fter enisaqg�t!aM or in equity or by atatute.u►d raay b�eaerciud codcurntKty <br /> ---- �r�,..�ntly or s�iccessively. <br /> - 13.'Ilrwta. 'Ibe Tnistu msy resiEn u any tmae without ctuae. �ad Lenaer miy ac ury�:+�+ ��t�:�. =�� = <br /> succeasor or wbstimte Tnista. Tcustee shall not be Uzls;e to�nY P�Y�including�vidaut limiatioa Lenaer,Borrower.Tnuu►r or <br /> aay pucch�uer of the Prqxrty�fnr any loss or damsge ucnless due to rectlesa or w�illfi�l mi�coaduct, aad shall uot be required to uik�e <br /> sny�ctioa in conaec[ion with the enfoncment of thia Deed nf Tnrst unless iademnifxd. in�vritioa.fix a}i coata��om�pe�satioa oc <br /> � Wcp�nses wfiich tn�y be�saoclsted tLenMith. L��ddition,Trustee auy become a pucehaser at aup s�le of the Pcap��cty G�d�i�l or <br /> !� under the po�rer of sRle gcanted herein); postpoae tbe sale of ull at any pnnion of the Property. u provided by taM;or seU the <br /> i pcoperty as a Ml�olo,ar in sepuate parcela or lota et Teuateo'a discretba. <br /> ,i: 14.Fea wd Expeme�. G►the event Trustec s�lls the Pcaperty by exorcix of poNer of sak,ltustee s1n111x cadtled W s�Qp1y . <br /> --__- any sak pmceeds first to payment of ill costa and expenxs of eaercisin �oaer of�k. iac►udinB al��s��s�r�sT�r���'s <br /> ---- and Tcusoee's ittorney'e fe�a�acaally incurred w exunt permiued r all costs ud expenxx <br /> any riaht provided by laM w curc an Event of Defiult. Lcnder <br /> acautly iacurced as a resuh af Tcustor's defnult, Including wi ' �y'a f�• �O � e�0� <br /> , pecmiaed by�pplicabie la�r. • . <br /> 15.Fnwee Adwnce+. Upon request of 8orro�r, Lender roay, at ita option, m�lce �ddiaoa�l and �� �v� � <br /> re�dvaace�w Borrower. Such advaaces wd raadvancea,aith intorest thereon, sh�11 be secuced bY dais Dced°f Tcust. At no time <br /> shall the pdncipal amcwnt of the indebtedness xcured by tWs Dxd of Tcuat.tat including atm��dvwced w protect d�c security of <br /> ' t6is iDoed of'Ileust, exceed the tggre8au of the otig'u�l princlp�l �mounts stated henia, or S iso.000.op_ -- • <br /> �rhichevoc i�sreuer. � <br /> 16.Mboedwewus 1'r�ifbor. <br /> �_)BorrsMer Not lideaxd. Futeasion of tbe time for payment or modificaibn of amocazaition�tf the sums�curai bY <br /> Dad of Ttust grantod by Lender w u►y succeswr In inurest of Botcoaer sh�U not opertte to release. in ar�y m�aaer, t�e <br /> liabiliry of tbe origin�l Boc:owsr and Bono�er's successora in ieterest. Lender shall not be►�eyuired to commenct procadia8s <br /> aE�ut auch soccesar or refuse w eatend time for p�ymeat or o�herNise modify�mortizatlon of the sums savred bY t�i�D�d <br /> of Tnut by rto�ou uf my demands mada by the algin�l Boaower and Borro�ver's sucsessors in lntecess. <br /> , ro�j��+d p,ower, Vyrthout atYecdng the Iiabiliry uf any other person li�ble for We payarcnt of any obligadon herein <br /> — ment�oned, and witlwut at�fxting the lien or c6uge of this Dad ot 1Yust upon uiy portian of tbe PropeccY n� d�en or <br /> ther�tofoce nkased as�xuriry for the futl�mount of tll unpaid obliaadoas. Le�der auy, fmm time�to time md without notice <br /> (i)re{we any penon �o Ilibla. qi) eatend the msturity or atkr any of tbe um�s of any such obligatiom� (iii) Scant other <br /> indul�ence:,rv)rekase or reconvey.or caux w be nknsed or reconveyed at sy amo�t Lender's option anY W�1�W�►or <br /> aU of tt�e Propeety. (v)talc�or rekase any otAer or addldon�l aecuriry foc ury abNg�don bereln me�ioxd, or(vi) make <br /> ----_- -- compositiooa ot wber arnngemeun wdth debtora in eel�tion tbereto. <br /> -"-- (c)F�r6eanba b�[.eMiee N�t a WAiver. A�ry focbeaunce by Lender in execcisina my ri8ht or remedy henunder. a <br /> -.--— oshetwix atlorAed by �Iic�ble I�w�. shnll twe be � wn�i�er of or pm:luck tt�e exercise of u►y such right or remMy. 'lln <br /> __ - ptoeucement of iawtance or ft�e pzym�nt of taaea or ott�ar liens or ehuges by [,ender shall not ba a wuvec of Lender's rtght W <br /> -_==- acakat�the maauiry ot ttti inckMedness secured by thiz Decd of Trust. � 'It�c covctunts tnd aAreements hereiu conniad <br />_ _=�aa� (d)Succe�o�ts�etl A�m Houndi Jo[M and Serenl LlabWty:GPdo <br /> -- shill bind, aai the ri�rs bercunder shzll inure ro. ttie nspec6ve successors and assigos of Lender and Trusror. All covenana <br /> and agceemeLSS of 7tustor sball be joiot wd several. The capdons and hoading�of the pu�grapha of this Deed of Tcust ue for <br /> °=�'� on}y�nd ue not to be used to intctptet or define the provisionc herwf. <br /> ..--- CORV�nirrrw _t_....-- -- <br /> --�`'• -- Y;- (o)Request[or Noded. 'ILe parties fxreby request Uut a copy of iny notia oi deizuic ne�curwc�:�.�::c.;�,�...�.., ..,.::.,. <br /> :_—°v of ssk Ixrcundec be muled to e�ch puty to thfs Deed af Ttust�t the addres�set forW tbove in tt►e manner prescribed by _ <br /> .�'- '• applkabk law. Cxcept for ury other notice rcquired under�pplicabk Itw to be given in rnother tnanner. mY notkx Provided <br /> �e�,: for in this Deed of Tcua shitl be Sivee by aui8t� such notice by cectified mtil Wdressed W the other puties,at thc adclress set <br /> :�:�"�_y,+r.�• (orth above. Any iatice provided for in thb Decd of Tnist shall be effecrive upon m�ilina in the manner designated herein. If . <br /> - •,:., 7tustor is more ttun one pereon.notice sent w dK addcas set[octh abova st»II M notice to tll such personc. <br /> "�"',f`�° Lender ma make or caux to be made rea�oaabk entries upon uxi inHxcuo�u of the Pcopercy. pravided <br /> - (� ��� Y <br /> �, �' that Lender shaU give Trustor notice prior to tny auch ittspeccion specif�ina reasonabk Cause thcrefoc telated to Lendet'a <br /> . , '•`-�' iraerest in the Propecty. <br /> -'�;,`_,, �*, . (a)Reeonreyance. Upon payment of all sums securcd by thi�Qeed of Tn�st. Lender shall teyuest Trustte to roc�nvey the <br /> „�.a�: : ptopecty and shall wrrenckr this Deed of Ttust�nd�II notes evidencina indebuJness seeuml Dy Un�Deed of Trost to Tntsue. <br /> =. �.. •,�;: Trustee shall reconvoy t1r. f�n�eny without w�mmy aixf without chuga to the person or persons leg�lly ma�kd thereto. <br /> "�~*r�''''o'�'• Trustor ahall pay ill custs ot rn:urdatan,if ony. <br /> . , A'K!�!'HI�I��Yr�[liM 4r CIM <br /> - �IrYIYi/IYMMGLrw�T�lYr7w�NrfW�lir�4MW <br /> � � .. . . .. . .. . . ....... . . . ..._-___- <br />