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201202438 <br /> EXHIBIT "A" <br /> k tract of land comprising a part of Lot Pour (4). on Island, in Section Twenty (20), <br /> Township Ten (10), North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.K., Fiala County, Nebraska <br /> and more particolary described as follows: Referring to the Northwest Corner-of said <br /> Section 20. thence running Southerly on the West line.of said Section 20, a distance of <br /> • <br /> 1,964.5 feet; thence deflecting left 105°07' and ranning Northeasterly a distance of . <br /> 111.3 feet; thence deflecting right 105°07' and running southerly a distance of 435.2' <br /> feet; thence deflecting left 4°31' end running Southerly a distance of 65.6 feet to- <br /> the actual point of beginning; thence continuing Southerly along the last described <br /> course a distance of 133.57 feet; thence deflecting Left 90°00' and running Easterly-:a <br /> distance of 76.65 feet; thence deflecting left 29°51' and running Northeasterly a <br /> distance of 109.3 feet; thence deflecting left 90° and running Northwesterly a distance <br /> of 154.0 feet; thence deflecting left 90°00' and running Southwesterly a distance of <br /> 109.3 feet to the point of beginning - <br />