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201202422 <br />iiiioaas9i <br />BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to tha terms contained in this Security <br />Instrument and in any ridar(s) axacuted by Borrowar and recorded with it. <br />�osw�-�do ��I(,�� Nlr� <br />C� <br />- BORROWSR - OSWALDO (3IIILLEN-MARTINEZ - DATE - D3'Z� �( 2 <br />�/�p�se,«arl C �Pdo�J� e I.o �L�1-Ir�o�C'aa_,1�� vswo-►do G�Jlen Ntc��'���e„ Ke� A�-f+�tnCY �►n--�o��' <br />MON3ERRAT (�IIADALUPS LOPBZ ALMARAZ , BY 03WALD0 QUILLBY�T-MARTINE`6 r HS'R <br />ATTORNEY-IN-FACT - DATE - ��.-Zf —(� <br />Witnesses: <br />Witness <br />STATE OF N8 <br />COUNTY OF H1s,�,L <br />Witness <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledgod before m on t is MARCS 28, 2012, b OSW LDO <br />C�UILLEN-MARTINEZ, HII9HAND OF MONSER AT ADAL� PE PEZ AL RA AND <br />ALMARAZ ��WIFB�OF OSWA DO� (3UTLL N E MAR N = �AZT�OR��2r�diQ'�E��T QUAD , J�� Z <br />na}n if p�rs �e'jknpwl // <br />ic <br />TO TRUSTEE; <br />�GENERAL NOTARY State of Nebras <br />My Co ission Expires• n ASHI.EY GLANDT <br />REQUEST FOR RBCO EY � �, N Comm. , Jan. 5, 2013 <br />The undersigned is tha holder of the note or notes secured by this Deed of Trust. Said note or notes, together <br />with all other indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust, hava been paid in full. You are hear by directed to <br />cancel said note or notes and this Dead of Trust, which are delivered heraby, and to reconvey, without <br />warranty, all the estete now held by you under this Deed of Trust to the person or persons legally entitled <br />thereto. <br />Date <br />FHA Nebraska Deed ot Truat • Ob/ll <br />e� 391.11 Pege 8 of 8 <br />