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<br /> ' � • � • � 1-4 FAMIL.Y RIDER 9?.,. 1�4935
<br /> (As�lgnm�nt of R�nta�
<br /> THIS 1�4 FAMILV HIOER b rrWds thls ��rd d+iy ol y�j�tl� , ig�7 __, �nd I� Incorpor�t�d Into u�d �haM be
<br /> d�am�d to �msnd�nd supplKn�nt th�Morty�p�, DNd o1 Tni�t or 9�curity De�d (th� B�curfty Inetrumant') 01 ihs e�me clat�qiv�n by Ih�
<br /> undKelpn�d(th�'eorrowK")to s�cun BorrowK'. Not. to Th� Ov�l�ed NNI_ond B�n o) Onhd Islm�_
<br /> ^+ (th• 'lmder') ol ths e�ma dits md cov�lnp tAs
<br /> Property d��uib�d In th�S�curtry Inetrumsnt�nd loat�d �C `
<br /> 902, 904 40b. 908 Phornlx Cr. ar�nd Island�N�br�du 88601
<br /> — �ROperty Atlwsee)
<br /> 1-4 FAMILY COVENANTS. In add�ion to the covemnts and �qreemente m�ds In the Secudty Inatrument, eortower end �.snder
<br /> furth�r covan�nt�nd aqrN �a foNows:
<br /> A. AQDI'fiONAL PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THE SECURITY INSTRUFAENT. In addtuon to th1 I�roparty d�acribed kt
<br /> the 9ecu�ity Inatrument, the fodowiny flama �re ndded to the Property deicdpllon, �nd ah�B �ISO conatitute the Property covered by ths
<br /> Securlry Inatrum�nt: buiiding materi�is, e{sptl�nces �nd gooda ot av6ry nalure wh�taoever naw or he�eattar tocated In, on, or uaed, or Inte�ded
<br /> to 6e used In connection with the Propsrty, Inciudinp,but not Nmited to, thoae lor the putpoaea ot supptying ar di�lrlbuting hs�tinp,cooHng.
<br /> eieaMciry, gts. w�ter, �Ir�nd Ilyht, fire provenlion end exthgulshing app�retus, eecurlty and accesa conVOl appuatus, plumbiny, bath tub�,
<br /> watar heatera, wAter cloaets, sinks, ranqes, stovea, reMgctntors, dishwashers, dlaposels, washas, dryers, awnings, storm windowe, stam
<br /> doore, screena, bNnds, ah�des, curtalns snd curt�in roda,�ttached mirtore,c1�binNs,panrWinp and atUchsd tloa aovxfnpa now or hMelitlK
<br /> �riach�d to th�Properly,�N o1 whkh,Includinp replacements �nd�ddlUonn iherNo, ahaN b�deemed to be�nd remain a put ol tha PropKty
<br /> cowr�d by the Security Instrumenl. AN o} th� fora�in9 toyNher wlth tha Prop�ty dNCrib�d In th�S�curity Instnxnant (a th� le�aahold
<br /> eatate B th�Se�writy Instrum�nt In on�leaa�hoki)u�refert�d to{n thle 1�1 F�mNy RkNr�nd th�Security Inatrum�t�s th� "Prop�rly'.
<br /> B. USE OF PROPERTY; COMpLlANCE WI7H LAW. earrowar shaA not seek,oyrea 4o ar m�ice a ohan��Irt the use ot
<br /> the Prope�ty or Re zoninp deeafflc�Uon,uNese Lender ha�ayreed in writin4 to ths chanqe. Bortower shaM comply with �N lawa, ordin�nces,
<br /> regul�tbna�nd repukements of any govemmental body�pplic�bk ta the Propsrty.
<br /> C. SUBORDINATE I.IENS.Except as pamltted by fedarel law, Borrowa shaN not aUow any Ilen Intetlor ta the Security Insirumant
<br /> to be pafected�yahnt the PropKty wflhout Under'a p�ior wrilten permisslon.
<br /> D. RENI' LOSS IN5URANCE. 8orrower shall mwlntaln inaurnnce �ptlnat rent losa M addition to the other hazuds tor which
<br /> hauronce is requi�d by Uni!om� CovaNnt 5.
<br /> E. "BORROWER'S RIOFIT TO REINSTA'iE" DELETED. UnNorm Covenant 18 is deleted.
<br /> F. BORROWER'S OCCUPANCY. Unless Lender end Botrower othenvise a�ree In writkig, the firet aentence M UnHam
<br /> Coven�nt 8 conceminp Bortowe►'a xcupancy o1 ths Propaty Is ddeted, AM rcmaln�ny covenants �nd s9rexnents aet talh in UnHam
<br /> Covamnt 8 shaN raneln In r.t!ect.
<br /> (i. ASSI(3NMENT aF I.EA8ES. Upon Lender's request, BoROwer eh�N asslyn to Lenda all le�aes of ths Propa�ly �nd �ll
<br /> security Wpoaita tn�de in crnnac"uwi wiii� Iwbc's af ii�a f'rapMiy. L'paa ttta ssalZssmesst, !end!r !h�N h�vw the right to modlN. aid�nd or
<br /> t��ta the exlsUnO �e�sea�nd to executa new leases, in Lendab sole disaetion. Aa usad In thls pan�graph a,the word 'te�as" ah�q
<br /> me�n 'suNMae•tf the Sacurfly Instrumart is on a le�sehdd.
<br /> and uncondiGon�My�aalyna md tranafera to lender all the rents�nd rovenues('Rente')ot the Proparty, repardNsa of to whom the Rente of
<br /> the Property aro WY+ble. Barawx authorizes Lender or Lender's ayente to coNect the Rmts, �nd �yrees that e4ch ternnt ot the Property
<br /> shaN pay ths Rmta to Lender or Lender's �penta. Howercr, Bortower sh�N raceive th� Rents untN p) Lender h�a givan Borrowa noUa of
<br /> deiauft purouant to p�r�grnph 21 ot the Security Instrument and (W) Lender haa plven noUce to the tenant(s)that tt�e Rente ors to bs p�M to
<br /> Lender or Lender'a egent. This aaslgnment of Reate consUtutea�n absolute enalgnmant and not sn ensignment tor addiUonal eecurlty ony.
<br /> R Lender gfvas noUce ot brach to Bortower. (q sM Rente reoeived by Bortowa shaN be held by Bortower aa Watee tor the benaAt of
<br /> Lander ony,to be�pplkd to the suma sex�red by the 3ecurity InaVument;(A) Lsnder ahdl be ent)Ged to coNecl�nd rec�ive�N of ths Renta
<br /> of the Property�(iN) Bortower agress that each tenant of the Property eh�N pay ap Rents due and unpdd ta Lencier or Lender'a�pents upon
<br /> �ender�s written demand to the ten�nt;(Iv) unless rppYcable l+w provides otfiawise,dl Rents coNectad by Lender or Lender'a�yents niuN be
<br /> �ppMsd tirnt to ths coata of Gkiny conVd ot md►r►�nayinp the Propaty�nd cWecthy the Rsnta,indudiny,but not iir�ited to,attomy'a hea,
<br /> recdver'a 1ees,premiums on rscehrer'e bonda, �ep�k and rt►�intenanc�c�ats, Insurance promlum�, taxes. �as�semants and ath�r char{�on
<br /> the Property. �nd then to the suma secured by the Securily Instn�m�nt; (v) Lendar, Lande►'e ap�nta or�ny jud�ialy�ppdnt�d r�c�ivK ahall
<br /> be W�ble to occount for only those Renta actu�Ny receNed, and (vq L�nder nhal be�nUUed to have a roc�iver appohtod to Wa poss�ation
<br /> of and rtwnaye the Propetty Rnd cotect the Renta�nd profda dxived from the Property wfthout �ny ahowinq aa to the lnadsquacy of the
<br /> property�s aecurity.
<br /> If ths Renta of the P►aperty �re not auMctent to cover the coata ot t�kinp control 01�nd m�uuyinq the Property�nd o} oolectiny th�
<br /> Renta any tunds expended hy Lender tor auch purpoass shiJl become indebtedneas of Borrower to Lendor secund by the Searity
<br /> Innn�ment purew�t to UnHam Covenmt 7.
<br /> - eonower reprosents and w■ii:�ds that Barrower hee not exxiited eny pdor asslgnment of the Renta snd haa not�nd wiM not palotm
<br /> �ny aat tMt would preve�t Lender trom exerdsinp ka Hyhts under thle pangrsph.
<br /> Lander, or Lender's ngents or �Judlci�Ny appokited receNer, eh�N not be roquked to enter upon,take conVol o}or maintah th�Propetty
<br /> batoro or�her gNinp notiee o}dehuk t� Bortower. However,Lender,or Lender'a �gento a a Judicl�Ny eppoNtted roceiver� may do ao �t eny
<br /> tkne when� delnuft ocwrs. My �ppWcatlon of Rents shiN not cure or wahre�ny delaull or Invalid�te my other dght or romedy of tender.
<br /> TMa�salynment of Rsnts oi the Propatyr sh�N termkiate when�M tha suma secured by lhs Secudty inatiument ue paid h iuN.
<br /> I. CROSS-DEFAULT F�ROV1510N. Borrowx's dehutt or bre�ch under�ny note or agreement In whlch Lender has an Mtrest
<br /> shaN be a 6roech under the Secu�ity Instrumtnt and�ender mny Invoke any ot the remediae permittad by ths Secutity Inatrument.
<br /> 6Y SI�NINQ BELOW,9ortower�ccepta�nd�grees to the terma and provislons contained h this 1-4 Famty Rtdnr.
<br /> _ ✓' ✓' " ���'uv`'y`'` [SealJ
<br /> e �� r L McSh�onon
<br /> �CiE..d�c. � q
<br /> eoro��Sharon K�y Mc h no
<br />— so«o��
<br /> f��]
<br /> - _[seaq
<br /> .„ Borro�.+cr
<br /> - MULTISTATE 1�4 FAMILY RIDER- Fennle MneJFreddie Mec Unitorm Instrument Fortn 3t70 8/80
<br /> -- F13�2.LMO(11y4)
<br />,�f
<br /> � 97000
<br />