<br /> ..r.a„
<br /> •�! 7P�• . . C!,.��b4', .. . _ '_ '. . . � .a.r-0i/�:_
<br /> ,���r . .,Y#�1�""��,'. - . . ., -
<br /> Q.�::
<br /> �'.."�.
<br /> � ' 11. eo�rawer's Rlqht to RNnst�h. u earow.r mwc• c«uh aondxwns, eorroW.r shall haw u+. rpnt ►o �.vr Q..:._
<br /> �nlacKnMt of thN S�cwRy Inttrum�nl dkcontkw�d �t any tirM prbr to th�MrWir ol: (�)6 days (or suah otl►K pwlod�s�ppMCabla ��_:.-
<br /> • yw may tp�oft� lor nin�l�tMnMq bsfo�� uM of th� PropMtY P�nWnl to�ny power o}taM Qontt�d h thN S�curky Inab�mM�t;or
<br /> �p)�ntry ol � wdpmMl enforchp thw S�curity inswmK+1•Tho:� eendkbns an that Borro�wa: la)P�Y� ����N sum� whfah tMn ,_��,_
<br /> would t�e duo undor thh S�curky Imnum�nt �nd th� Noa �� M no �cc��tbn had occurrsd: (b) curos any dMault of�ny othK
<br /> cown�ni or �9r�rt�r�tr,lc)WY� aN�xpYmN hCUrt�d in�nloroYlp thkw�,ssunt h�rt1 th�IW�at h�ls Sscurky 1 stn,m�nt l�• � .:-
<br /> ettom�y�'h�r, �nd(d)Wc�f tuah�cllon�s UncNr mty rMSOnabH�9++ �c:
<br /> rlphts In lh� Pro�ty �nd Barov,�s oblip�tbn to WY t►w wm� s�cund DY thk Sscurky Instrurrnnl�haN aonthw unclw►G�d. Upc� .�
<br /> r�N�tIIt�rtMnt by Bonowlt� IhN S�CUrky InsirurtNnl �nd tIN ObMp�tbn� sYCUr�d hK�by �1u1N rMnth N h iM1�Cllw�s M no aeCN�ntbn ' �`"
<br /> hed oc�umd. Howswr,lhk rlpht to rNnttat��h1tN not�py h►hr Casr ot�cCN�ralbn undM p�npraP
<br /> y.� 1Y. Sil�� 0}NOI�� CI1�11�� Ot LO��SNY�CW. Ttw Nota or c ptrtlal fnteresf In the Not� (top�thK wkh thk S�eurky w �.�
<br /> Imwmenq rtyY W wld orn or mor�thNS wlhout prbr notic�to Barowa. A t�N may nsuK h �chanq�h the�nt�y lknown �t ths 4
<br /> ,..r+�'w' "Loan S�rviC�r'I th�t CO�Ctt monthN PaYmM�b du�undlr tM Nob and thls S�CUrky klttrumM�t. Ttt�n oko may b� orN oI mor� _-
<br /> .'+ww+� Ch�npM ol tM Lan S«vfc�unrWUd to a wM of th� Not�. H tMn i�� chan0�of tM Loan S�rvla�r.Borto'"'K wIN b�Olwn wrltbn � _.-.
<br /> ° notic�of tM ohm0s fn�ccwdu�c� wNh p�npraph t4 abow�nd �pplc�bk hw. Th� not��wMl�tab tN� narrN�nd �ddnas of th�� -�-
<br /> , new Lpy1$�ry1CM�nd lh� addnN to whbh p�yrtl�ntt should bs nt�d�. Th� noHC�wMl�k�Coltt�h�ny othM hfOrtMlbn r�0uit�d by� :,
<br /> �pplicabM Itw. � -
<br /> 2G. H�ZKdOV{SIlbiUllCft. BarowK thaM not cws�or P�rtnR ttN Pr�c�� us�� dkpoN4 storW�. a nMa� o �ny
<br /> . . ,.. Hwudous Subaanc�s on a h th� PropKty. BonowK �ha�not do,na abw�nyon�N�to do,�nythinp a1NctlnO tM P�op�tY that ---
<br /> Is In vbiotbn of �nY Environrtwital Law. TM pnC�dirW two s�nUnc���o b�y�AP��kte t�o n�orma� I nsldM�tl�l uas andtto
<br /> Prop�rty of sm�N p�anlRbs of Fkurdous SubsW►c�e lhat w O��MY =
<br /> matntmana of tM PrapKtr• �-
<br /> BorrowK shaM p�omptly ylw l.�ndr wr11►�^notla of my hwstip�tbn, claYn,�Nnw�d� i�wauk a oth�r actbn by a►y powmm�►td _
<br /> a npuWtaY�p�r�cY a P�� W�Y �� Ih�Prop�tY�nd�ny Harudous&ubst�nc�a Environm�ntai Law of which Barow�r has
<br /> • �clual knuwiodp�. If Borrowa M�ms� or fs notltNd by anY�^��I or roqulstory authorky. thet RnY nmoval or othK rM►wdMlfon
<br /> � . ot �r►y Harardous Subitana �M�atln9 tM Prop�ty fs n�c»ssarY� Barovwt shaN ptOmPtN tidu �N n�c�ss�+Y nrtNdlal �ctfons in _.
<br /> � �caotdenc�wRh EnvYOnrtwnul Ltw. _
<br /> • ,, s. . 11s ut�d In this pWSp�aPh 20� 'Hasardous S1+bst�nc�s' anf tAos� substanca dMin�d as toxb a huudous svWW�cM by
<br /> '�,, �.. Environm�ntal Law�nd lt►�IoNowhp wbstancM: 9asolEM�k�ossrn�oth�r hrnmabM or loxb pMrolwm ptoduct��toxb p�stiatdn�nd
<br />- '' ' 'y . •�nvkonmmtil�laws�nMU►s bdwai f�ws and kws�oftth� jurkdictbn wMn M PtopKty k bCal�d thtt nl�t�„ohhMNh���Y a
<br />- . �rnronm.nn�prouctton.
<br /> NON-UNIFOF�A COVENANTS. Bortow��id lAndK IwtMr..own�nt and WrM as bNows:
<br />-�,� = � , 21. Acceler�tbn; Remedies. Lender �11 �iw notice W Borrawe� prlor to �cceleratlan tollowinq
<br />_�;',;>,'.:.,�`j �rowar's brsach of �ny covensnt or aq�eement In this Security Inaru� �U � �11 ap�ircify�
<br /> .�.�'�.� , ascetentbn undtr pra��ph 17 unl�ss�ppitcable law p�ovides oth�rwla�).
<br />^�-,,��`��.�,Y,�� - (�) tll� dlfalilli l�) i1N �u6n roy�"�v ii'i �s:� :.':e �•t�!�lt; �cl . d�te, not tess thao 30 days tram the
<br />_ '����;°�;, date ths nolics li piven b eorrower� by which ths dehuit mu�t be cured;�nd (d) th�t ta�wra io cur�
<br /> -`:;:��::� ti� defaeilt on a betore ths d�t� apeclfled in tM notic� m�Y resul�Innot�l e 1e�ha�il tu�i�t�h�InPorm
<br />__`R��:,�:r�;�; �ecured by this Security Instrument �nd wl� of ths Proper►y.
<br /> ����'��` Borrowar of the rl�hl to relnstate after �ccd�r�tion �nd tf� rtqht to brin� � court�cUon to �srt th�
<br /> �'�..=`:,�"?�� non-exi�nce of• dehult or ��y oth�r defma� of eorrower u��ceNer�tion �nd aN�. If th� d�huR Is
<br />--=.°r^-3•u� not cured on or b�fas th� date �pecifl�d In the notics� Lendu at ib optb� maY requk� imm�dlate
<br /> ---„�„�; p�yment in tull of �II wms s�cur�d by thts S�curity Instrument without�. �.d LM�, �1�
<br /> .�-�--�-,� Invoke ths powe� of pl� �nd +u�y oth�r nrnedi�s p�rmltted by �pp
<br /> - --�.�_:�--� enUtled to coilect �II exp�n�e� Incur��d in pur�ulnp ths remedte� provided In thl� pa►e�pr�ph 21�
<br />_-_�~~;~��� Inctudinp� but not llmited to�re�sonable�ttorneya'teea�nd coas of tlUe evidence.
<br /> --__�-z� �f th� pow�r ot ale la Invoked� TrustN ah��� ncord • notic� of deiwit In esch county In which
<br /> - - - �ny prt ot th� PropKty is bcated md �IWI male copies oi wah noUcs !n the manner praswi!»d by
<br />--_-- - �pplicabl� law to Borrower �nd t�o th� o� p�rans pr�acribed by �pp
<br /> 11c�b1� law. Afte� th� t1m�
<br /> '---- — roquired by�pplicsbls law� Truate� stu0 �Ive public notic� of�sl� t,o the pN'�on��nd fn the mmn�+
<br /> ---�� prescribed by app��c�b�� ��w. Trustee�wlthout d�m�nd on Borrower� shNl NII tiw Prop�rty�t publlc
<br /> wction to th� ht{Ih��t bidd�r �t tlw Um� md plact �nd undK th� term� desl�nat�d �����of dl
<br /> ---- ate In one or more parcela �nd I+� �ublic dinnouncement st�'th� tlme �d pl�ac���Y Pr���1►
<br /> -�.�'�'� or �ny psrcd of the Property bY P urchss� the Property�t�ny ale-
<br /> ���,a� sctieduted al�.Lender or tts ded�nee may p
<br /> -_-_�— Upon rec�ipt o�paymant of ttw price bld, Trust�s ah�ll dsliver W ths purch�r TrustN'a de�d
<br /> -- conveyinq th� PropKty. Ths recNals fn th� Truste�'s deed �II b� p�ima facle rvidene�of th� truth
<br /> ---- �=' of th� statemenU m�d• U�e�etn. Tr�stee �halt apply the proceed� of ths sd� In th� tolbwinp �t of
<br /> �.N; (s)to dl eotts �nd ��ensea ot exercistn9 th� power of ale. and th� a�t�� Includin� tM paym
<br /> °_-:� 1h�Trusb�'�tea acW�lly incur�ed, not Lb�xc�ed 3 %of the princ{pal �mount of tM not�
<br /> -�i`�
<br /> �� et the qme of the declration of defauit, �nd reasonable �tWrney'a tees a permitted by law; (b?tv oi�
<br /> :;o��.;�,t, sum� secured by this Security Instrument; and (c) �ny txce� to the per�on or F°�°0� e0
<br /> —_::e��.'.._.. . entitled to it
<br /> "'' 'i;��;' `� 2Z. Recanveyance. UpOn p�y+n�nt of a1 sumt s�CUhd by thk S�CUtitY MsWm�nt, Lmd�t sha�nqtNSt Tro�tN l0 nCOnv�Y
<br /> -�:=�'�ra�..:'.,: ' th�Propwty�ntl slul sumndw thk S�cutitY insuum�nt and�N notM�vkiw�oYW dWt t�currd by thM S�curkY{nslnHnmt to Trusb�.
<br /> .-;:._.-:.,': .
<br /> :�_>.[�:'.y�%:, TnoslW�haN nCOnwY tM Pto�rtY wNhout wuranty and wkhout Clwy�t0 tfN P�on or Pasom MW�1«►tkNd t0 t. h p�ttOn or
<br />=_ " ' ' persons shaM WY anr recadalbn costs. _
<br /> _.,,•r:.�
<br /> - -. . , _` , 23. Subi4itute Trustee. l.«►dK. .e �cs opcion� rt�r kom ttm. to ttn.r«now Tn�su. aed�ppoht . suows.o� au:tM eo _
<br /> _ ,'-�''�' anY TnistM oaPP�P� �'s��ssor WstN sh�A s Md 0�1 lfN tRl�,Pu�w�r�r+dhdup�s Con 'iM'rb upoe T hM�ln and by _-
<br /> _ conwyanc� P�Y
<br /> �
<br /> -_:=ti:«=1e: �ppNCaca iw.
<br /> _��,,,, . 24. Requeat for Noticea. BottowK rpuosis th�t Copbs of tho notiCYS of dafwk and snM b�s�nt[o �sarow�rs add�QS�
<br />- � whbh b the PropMty Address.
<br /> 26. Rider� to th�� Security Ins!►ument It on� or moro rld�rs u� wuCUt�d by Boaow�t �nd roCOrd�d top�thu wkh
<br /> f' u thb Sacurky InsWmmt. tM cownanri �nd�prwoMnb ot �ach such rida shaN W incorpont�tf hto �nd shaN art»nd�nd wppM��
<br />— th0 covenanta md �qraen�nts ot thK Security Inswm�nt os k tha ridar(s)wen a part of thk S�curity Ins4rumanl.
<br /> . . ' c Fonn ZOt��/w
<br /> .. ' •- ' Pap�4 ot 6
<br /> . . F102i.LM0IT/Y6)
<br /> 6�
<br />