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<br /> 9ortow�h Maow �000uM ur�da tM NdK�I RMI�tMM BMtbnMnt Proo�d�xa�Ao1 of 1Y7:/ u MrNnd�d kan tYn�lo tY�M, 14 U.aC.
<br /> • �E01 �1�i.('REBPA')�unMa matM►kw tMt�PPlki to NN Fund�Nt�a Mn� ynax�t. M to�Lvndu nry. �t�r►Y lMn��oolNot md
<br /> hold Fund� h�n MnOUnt nOt to MqMd tM IMSM sm0unt. LM�dM rtMy N�naa�n��rnoun� o�ex,d.aw on�n�a��w�unn� d�a
<br /> and r��cn�bw KtimeMa ol�dMurM ot lult+h EtCrow Ibrtis or othKwM� Yi iccad�r�c�wMh�ppllcabl� i�w.
<br /> YM Fund� M�N D� Mtd In an In�tNutbn whoa �po�k� w Yswnd by a Nd�nl �p�noY� In�humr^ta�lN� a �ntlly (NcludMp
<br /> L�nd�,Y L�ndK N tuch Rn Inttld�tbn) or in �ny ��d�nl HoTM Lor� Fl�Mc. Undw shaM�ppy th�FuncM to pay lh�E�orow It��
<br /> llnAw�mUy nOt Charp� Bor►pwA�Iqr hOLfinQ Ynd�PpNkW thi Fund�, �nnuary �nay�n0 thr acrow �caoueh a wrwytnp ttN Eserow 1
<br /> INms. unMss L�ndK p�ys eamwa�bMn1t an tM Funda md�ppAcabM law pNmla L�nd�r to rr�wah �o�wp�. Howww,I.�nd�►
<br /> m�y c�qufra Bonowtir to pW a oMrthM chtcpli ior �r�Wd�p�nd�nt rMl Kt��t�x nDortinp sMVb�uf�d by I.�ndK M aa�tN011o� wRh M L
<br /> thll ID�n�unMts�PPIIC�bM iRw ptOVWN OV1MWi1�. UnIM��r1�p►MrtMM M rtMd� or�PpYCabM hw nqutq hbrMt�o bi P�W�LHt1dDt�
<br /> sh1N na b�nqulnd t0 WY 8ormv�anY IniKMt o�NimMp� an th�Fund�. Sarow�►�nd Und�r mr�y�prN In wdlirp�hOwwK.Mtt
<br /> Inf�st IhaM b� paW a+ l�w FunA1. MnAN thall piw ta BortowK. wkhout oh�rp�. �n annu�l �ecountMp of th� Fund�, thowhq•
<br /> ondlts�nd d�bltt to tM Fw+Kb I�nd th!pwpPM tor whbh woh dWN to th�Fund1 was m11d�, Th�Fund1 an PMdp�d a �ddltbnalt
<br /> slcurkY lor �N tums NcurW br thtb 6�curilY k�trum�nt.
<br /> If Ihe Fundf M�d bY I.�ndK�aCMd tIM��nWUnt1 P�Nbd to b� h�ld by�PPMUtrM kw.LMUM►�MN �ccount to BorrowK for tM
<br /> ac�st Ftmd� h �ccord�nc� wkh IM c�quYM►wnta ol appNOabN �w. If th� �mount of th� Funds Mid i�y l.�nd�r�t any tlm� b na!
<br /> suMlCMnt to pay lFN EtCrOw IMTq wMn dN�L�ndK may to notlly Bortow�r M wrRMp, �t►d, in such Cas� BoROwM thar p�y l0 L�ndM
<br /> tM�mount n�cNSary to mAks u�+ tM WticW+oY. SortAwu�A�M m�k�up IM O�NCMnoy h �o mon than tw�M mOnMb WY�b,at
<br /> Ltnd�1 toM dMC�albn.
<br /> VP� MY�MM h lu�01 M i+M�M WCUred bV thN S�cuAtY InthunNnl,L�ndu shlM promply rMund to BorrowM�nY FtN�d�h�W by
<br /> Und�. If. undK pwpnPh 21�I��MKMr Rh�ll�oqutrr or �N tM Prop�tlr� l.�ndK. D�lo tM�cQultlbn a�aM of!1N Prop�tY. �
<br /> ++DFh� �np Fund�Mid�r 1*rKMr I�t�t�tktM ol�equMlUon or sW u�endlt p�lnsl tM�wnt aeur�+d by thlt 9aurltY InttruTM�4 .
<br /> 3.Appllc�tlon af P�ymant�. uni.s•.�c��w w�an«wi....r parm«�a noawd ey�w+aw�.o►►s
<br /> ��d Q�n.�a�ao�:m�•�+ •�►r a�wr�+�+�cnw..dw u�d�r uw ntoM; .�cona,�o �u�ns vy� w+d�awo��� a�d
<br /> to h�MUt du�: k�MiL!o P�bu dwC ancl I�rf�!o �nY kM oh�rpM dw undM th�NoM.
<br /> 4.Cl1�a!!�i LIe11�. soROw.r .n�r ar �N Ivw� �uMSnwnb. ch�►p�s�fhM �nd YnPosNtOns WtrbuhbM to th�Propth►
<br /> whfch nry �paln prlaity ow► Mis S�cudt�► InalnweNrM� .na wa.noa paym.nn a 0�� �a� R�ny. Borraw�r �h� p�y th�w
<br /> ooq.nons h�n�m.nn.r p+owd.d r,v�r.ornpn 2, «r oa va�„d,ac nwrwr�eonowK�n.r p.y n,.m oe«awccy�o ct�wna+
<br /> ortid p�ymK►L Ba►Ow�r sMA pranpty bmbh to L�N�o1icM o1�b t0 b�pald uedM thM p�npnph. M BoROwIr m�kN
<br /> tMs�plynNnti dk1lCtl�l. BoROwK tMN PtomD�k�mkh to I.�nd�t rnC�►b widmCMq tM PpmMntf.
<br /> 8arow�r shaM P►anWy dM�hr'D�anY�n whloh has P�kY owr this S�curitY Insttwn�nt unNa Barowu:(�I�prM�h wrRLq to
<br /> tM WY�t ol t1N obYpNbn t�CUhd br t1N IMn h�nww�M iCO�pt�bM to Undu;(b)ConiMb In pood YRh th�N�n by.or d�N�nds
<br /> �a�hat miac�nt of tM N�n h.MOU P��whiah h tM L�nd�f�opfnion a0M'�M t0 P�K��wrt�N ai liN Mn: a(c)
<br /> aCS�rM Uom tM Rold�►W UM Il�n�n �pr�mrM s�itNola!► ro L.�nd�r wbor0�np trN �n co tn's&�a�r ir.i:..wn:. �:.��
<br /> d�Mrmin�s that�ny p�rt of ttN PropKq K wD�Ct to a Mn whbh may �it�ln Priork� dw► thfs S�curb In��M. Und�r n�aY plr�
<br /> eorrowrr a�Id�ntMyYp tM INn. BortowK stwl atkb ttN Nm a Mks on�or mon of tM�otbm s�t faM Wovr wMhin 10 d�Ys
<br /> a cn.owkw or noae..
<br /> 6.Hwrd ar Prop�rty Inwranc�. BortowK tFMiN kMp th� h�Dro�•�n�+t� now �11n0 a h�ndMr rr�cMd on th�
<br /> aop«l�r,.w.d wdna ass�y iin.�n.�.ra r,cad.a w�u,tn cn�wm,•wand.d cor.no.' .nd.ny och�.nasrrar.inobdlw wood�or
<br /> IbodYp, for whiCh Undlr n4uU'� Inwranor. ThM insunnc� shar b� tn�h1�Y1�d In tIN YnOUnts �nd 1ot 11N P�� tlMt L�ndu
<br /> ��. 'IT� insu�r�qr��ltovfdYlp tIN Insurae0� ihaM b�ChONn by Bq►Owlr subJ�ot to Landlri �p�xovrl wl�bh shM nOt b�
<br /> urr�ton�by withhNd. B Bortow+r t�Ms to nyY�Min corw� d�b�d N�ow.l�nd�r rtrir� �t L�nd��oW►on�obMh oowrrq a
<br /> poMSCt l�nd�s riphb N Nf�Propwty N�ocord�r�wkh pu�prN�h 7.
<br /> A1 hsurarwy P�iM�nd nrnwds M�N b��co�V�M lo l+�nd�r�nd thaA Incbd���f�nd�rd malp�p�aNuN. LM��Mw
<br /> tM �ipht to hold eh�PWC1M�nd r�v�nM. M Und�r nquirN� BoROwK sh�l P�O�N�lo L�ndM tl no�pU of p�fd P�wr��
<br /> �nd r«wwv aaio«. In aN w.ne a a�s� eorrowu stwr ow+a«�►t nwic.to tM Inwnna car�.nd t.«+d.r. L.naK nwr nrw
<br /> prool N lo�M�wt mad�prompt�r by Bortow�r.
<br /> t�rs.�.«�a�r.�,a �ormw.r o�n«w�.wn•h�w.„w�•++o.ao�..a�sn�a.avw�eo rn�� or nc•r a m�R�er
<br /> dlrtwpld. M Ih�n�kradon ot irp�ir k �oononAcaMy NuEM IM�d L�nd1r� s�curRY k not IMtMNd. M lA�nslo�rlb� or nplr M nOt
<br /> �ca,o�ro.Nr r..*�ar or und.rs �r ,MO„a b.rs..�.a. a�. hw��o.v�• sn.r b. .ao� eo a+.w�+. ..ow.d br a�.
<br /> S�caxN�Instrunrnt, wMthw a not th�n du�. wNh mr �000�st p�ld to 6orrow�r. It Barow�r �b�ndo�u tM Prop�ry� or dos�rtot
<br /> Ntvwr wRhh 3D d�ys � notk� kom Undw Mat th� N�wana carrMr has oM��d to sMtl� a al�Mn. th�n Lan� rtMy coN�ct tM
<br /> buK� P�d�• �� rn�y uM tM proc�M to np�tlr a n�tons th� Prop�tY a lo D�Y wmt s�cund by thM Sau�ltp
<br /> M,v„�n�.wnem.r a na en.n du.. rn.3adar ae�ad wr�a�..Wn w►Nn n�.naic.r ok.n.
<br /> Unl�ss tandrr�nd BarowK oN�wN�aprM k►wHt„0,anr•va��+ a a���� ahak+•���noe oa�nd or�a�n�.
<br /> a» du. a�n.fion�ny a•r�+a n�nd eo h o•rw►.�• � .nd z a a�wq. an .n�ou�K oi n�.v�r��. n w�d�r p.npr.vn s�
<br /> _ m. �roo•�ey k acqur�.d by�.nd�r,eomow�rs rqne ro .ny r,w,nnc.a�Ms�ne ax«ds�w�rw rron+aM+��.�.�o tn.�ovren o�
<br /> M tM�cquMNbn �haN p�st to I.�ndr to th� aMnt of tM wm� acwrd by thk 3�curky Insbumwnt wrn�OhMy p� W the
<br /> �CquMlbrt.
<br /> 6. Occup�ncy� Pre�erv�tbn� Msintena�ce end Protectla► of th� Prop�l: �+'�'ow�'� �
<br /> �PPllcation: Lewhold�. earow.r sn.M occuor� •aw,wn� and us� tM Prop�ty as BarowK's P��rMkMna w�hln Hdy
<br /> , a�,s�n.� m. w.a�can a mr s.cu�xr w+.vu�„«n.na.�comhu.a ooawr � �a�r as eoRa+Ner, pr�ncp.i►«�a.no.ior M
<br /> W�st on� yMr � tM daM of oocup�ncy. unl�s L�ndu otMrwia �prwt in w*M��1. whlah con�nt sh�N not b� ixw�saNbb
<br /> withhNd, a�uoNss Md�nwtin0 airounKtmaa exkt which�n b�Yond Barow�l� oonlrol BarowK th�not dwlrop�dMwip�or MiPalr
<br /> th� Prop�rty�aNOw th�PropKtY to dN�rlonM.a conxnk v+�sM on th�Prop�Af�. Barow�r shnN b�N d�Nuk N�ny faMtun�ctke or
<br /> prxNdY�O�wMtMr cN1 or orimin�l,M b�p��that N t.�nd�s pood hkh JudOrtNnt Could nsuk in forNNu�+�of th�Prop�ty or otMrwis�
<br /> ' r.. WL L• rYu NaMin�rM M L�fld�/a YCUfY11 klbf�it. BOROW�f �11�Y CUfM WCh • �t�R�11d
<br /> n�pirj a`Mai aw w:.�v....... ..� «... �_._ _�_�..--- - • .
<br /> ntesUM� u provkNd h pnpnph td.by c�uthp th� �ctlon or Pr�Mdk+p to b�dismks�d wkh a tuYr►p th�t, Yt Und��pood hkh
<br /> d�t�rmM�don� Pnclud�s lorbllut� of th� Bortov+w� int�nst fn tM Wop�rtY or o1hK m1�l�rYl hpaYrtNnt of tM M�n cn�Md by lhk
<br /> S�cwly ImMtMn�nt o� Llndw� s�curky hMtwG BwrowM shY aMo b� in d�twk M Bon'owM� du�kp IM b�n�ppiCHfon proo�t��
<br /> q�w nrb�Ny ta1N or In�CCUnM hbrm�tio� o► salMiMnb to I.�ntMr (or kN�d W P����with�ny m�MrW Mbnnation) in -
<br /> conrnctbn wlth tM loan wid��d by tM NoM. Inc1�dM�0.but nol IirtdNd fo���++�conc�nYp Barow�r'� oocx�p�cy W tM _
<br /> prppM►y ae� princfpal rNldMro�. H�M S�CU�itr klttrum�nt N on s ws�hold. BarOw�r �MN canPb wRh �1 lM Provt�ions oF t�M _
<br /> Iws�. If BorcowK�C4uY�s ON tkM to th� Ptop�ty�tM INtM�old �nd tM M� UM snar na n,�unlMf th� Undrr aprMS to t1►� -
<br />�- Form 00��1�0
<br /> mw'Qa h writh9• _.
<br /> Ft0l�.lMW I�IMI �q�p ol 6 _
<br /> a 6�,t
<br />