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.i4 � �� . <br /> � '+�� !� L�, __ . ' _�.._. . <br /> i . <br /> � ^ —__ <br /> -�-h' .-.(J� - -- . <br /> _��. � _.r..��! 92_ �.�� <br /> moE77lBit wmt d�d�e improvementr now ar ba�caner croctea on Iho�paty,,nd d�a�anau..rppunen.aces,.na <br /> � flsturos naw ar he�eafla a part of Ihe pmpaty. All re�l�oaneias and aJdltianc shdl da be oovead by thir Scrorlty <br /> _- -- Ia�ttr�ctq.All oP dio finegc►in�ie rcferred ta in thb S�curity la�tn�a�ent u We'P�operiY.• <br /> BORROWER�OVBNAN7'S Itut Bortower i�bwiWly seised of Ihe atate heroby mnvcyod and hss Ihe ri�ht to atuu nfd <br /> oonvay �ho Praper9y�nd�t Iho Propaty is upd�cumbc�ed,exoepl for encumbanccs of rooanl. Oonower�vrants od wUl <br /> deknd ga�erally tho Q�lo a the Propeny,igains�a11 rlaims and den�nds.wbjeet to Any cncumbrArk'es oi rocord. <br /> -_---_� 7'l�ilS S�CU[tITY INSTRUMENT eombines unifonn mvm�nw fpr tu�tlaul uco rn�l non�uniiom�oocenrats whb IimiWd _ <br /> _-_.�.�,-.-.��,o_� wp�iMiona by juri6diction�o ennwiwte a uniform sxuriry inuniment eaverinQ aal prapehy. _- <br /> UNIFORM COVENAN7'3.Bornawer and L�aWer ooverwnt and�groe aa followa: <br /> !. Fay�aeal ot Ihiacipd aad Iata+e�ti R'�P�Y��nt And I.wte Chu�av. Borrower chall pmmM�Y PaY when due Ihe <br /> - prineipal oi�nd intcast on tbe debt evldenood by thc Note and anY P�+Ymcnt and IMe charges duc uader the Natc. <br /> 2.F'nnd�tor Taxa�ad In�uesnce.Subject to applicable law or to a w�ftten waiver by Lender. �rrower shell pay to <br /> L,endcr an tha day monthly paymiaits a�due under the Nwe.until thc Nae ie paid in full.A sum("Funda")for:(a►yauly tiuces <br /> and ac�escrtrcnts whicp ro�y adain prioriity over lhis Se�vniry Itistrumetr a5 a lieo on 1he Propehy:(bl Y�rly Ieacehald paymeaYts <br /> or��aud�aiMs an tl�e P�ope�ty.if xny:!cl Y�Y���ProP�Y ins�aaaoe picmiuons:(d)Yearly ilood i�wance premiruns. <br /> if arry:(o)YeartY morlg�ge inwna�oc premiums. if any:and(�aay sum4 payable by &xn►wer to acx��e with <br /> - !he provisi�of parag��'s�pb 8,in lieu of the pwyment of mohgage iaw�r,�aoe premiumx.These ite�r►�ue called'Escrow Itemx.' <br />_ I.ender may,at any�imc,oollo�and hoW Funds in an amount na► to cxceed the maximum amount a lender for a fedler�i6Y <br />''y , metated moA�sr�;e lo�n m�y ►oquia fw Borr�►aer's escrow acrnum tonJ�r•ifi� fe�e�u!Real Cswte Scttlement Pmc�edu�es Att w�' _ <br /> - -- --- _ !9"s�miiei�Q ican time to�3roe. 12�U:S!C. SectF,un �d0�1 et.c��g.q,.9tFS�'A`l�. un�ess a�x�lher law�hat applies to t1�e Flid�7s ;,: <br /> _�Y.�m��'`°�. seas r�Qes;:�u arno�ry¢.�b9 sw.. l.��ac:r.r aasa;, a� uny t3ope, ti���!leca anc�ho�W ��u�s 6�m nn cu�aaou nac ta�enrood ttte o<<ssetr rmu� _. <br /> � -�LFnC1fS�G� . . , . r , . Lo.. � i L �,..wc.:t�. <br /> - i,�;� � "�,� d.CltLtiC II�i1� CtlertlA�Vi tu1C udawudit���u�tvi,uur v.0 Iik u�.�i,un I.IM►t�li YqGI idMU IV�11��fiNa���.C�:.."'.^.�':e':^. °-.;�^L:._.. ¢!A1+t"? _ <br />_...�.w��x,��� r�;£'����` E.c�crow pdecns�oe�atQcerwise��naccartJs+��with�p�p8acr�bd�e IAw. � -. <br /> �� .S,�...,.3.r, <br /> �;. ,,'�� , � }` .��+' � ��ti y���] Ib� IhaiA n� an ivr:�:ne�,x'usn who� r3eposit� uve insur�ed !r� �6ec;,evn: ngeney. iastrumentality, o� emity . <br /> ��.�,..,.�t� . _. <br />_---- t;�;��� • Q�ic�clauEipg Ltttdt�,4E'd.e�rleR is s��ch an in�yitufion)or in an;��Fcderua �omc�.aun�ar+k. Lender shaU upply�he FwK1s to pAy ihe �_ <br />��;;;�����-�.:s� Y`� I�.cr�*w Iteans.aee�der may .h��charge Burrower for I�+Ic�in,anGl s�pl;�da�g u� ��:•c�r;Js.Annunily nn�lyzing the escra�w uccou�N,a� _ <br />�•----�Y�NYf1=8Ai[` � -_ <br />.`�"��ii':"�� <br />;:„, veriiying the 6scrow Iteme, anless Lender pnys Bamower intercxa uac a�e�:�F�a�u'i►ap�licuble IAw permits Lender to make suc _, <br /> a charge. How�ver.LendeP mqy reyuiro Borrower to pay a w�-time�i�uge far an Independant real esleta tcuc rcponing r�rvice =.. <br /> ;:; � used by I.ender im m�nxtion with this loan. unless applicable law provides othernise. Unles�s an ugroement is msde or = <br /> T;_�� npplicable law roquircs intercxt to be paid,l.ender shull not be�quirod to pny Born►wer any interest or eamings on the Runds. _ <br /> - __=-- Borrower and I.e�des :nwy �grcc in w�itiog. howover, that inte�st slwll be paid on�he Funds. Lender shell give lo&►rrowe�. _ <br /> --_.... _... -� u���ys�t. � � �M���o�'�he Funds, ahc►wing crodits and debits to the Funda w�d the purp�►se for which each <br /> debit to�s FunJa was mode.The Funds uro plodgod an addilianal socu�ily far WI sum.t isecurod by ihis Socurity Insinimrnt. <br /> If the Runds hcid by Lender excood the AnxwntR perntGted to Me held by applicAble law, Lender shull ucrnunl t�&►rnnwer <br /> fa�the cxoexs Funda io acron4�nce wilh Ihe requircments of app8•�able law. If Ihc anxwnt oi'the Fundc hcW by LcnJer A1 any <br /> -- — = time ia not wlYicient to p�y �he Hccmw Items when due,Lemk�may:o n�Nifjr Bnrrower in w�i�ing,and, in wch care Borrower _ <br /> � - - �twl{rwy�o Lctidcr�hc anxwnt noce�sary to maka up�ho deticiency. &utuwcr shWl mnke up thc Jaliciemy in no�n�te It�n �- <br /> _ tweivc m�nthlY psYmcMx.w1�der'r�+cc►k di�mt{ne. _- <br /> Up►►n pwymem in full of all .umx �acurod by �hi� Socuri�y In►uument, L.e�der rdwll pramp�ly refund �a Borrawe�uny - <br /> , � + � Fund�held by l.cndcr. If,unJer parAgruph 21.l.ender shull aryuire or t;ell�he Pmperty.I..eader,prior 10 lhe acquisitian or sale `-" <br />_�;�;. _ <br /> ' of�I�e propetty.sfiall apply any Pundc heW by I.ender nt th�time of a�quisitian or salc ac a crodit egainst the sums�avrod by = <br />:�:' t' � Ihic Socu�ily Insuunx�t. -�_ <br />-�,' 3.Appliadiun o!Payments.Unle�ti applirable luw provldcs othenuls�c.all paymentx rcceived by Lcndtr under�rogrnphs � <br /> � -,t'h'. .`:� I and 2 shpll be applied:tirs�,to any pr�epayment charges due under�he Nwe:�� artautus payabl�under p�uqgraph 2; _ <br />?::,;t �., � thi�d,to interest due;faunh,a►pdncipal due;and last,to uny late charges due under the Note. =': <br /> .���'i!�' 4.Clw�ox= l.lp�,Bormwer shall pay all twces. a�smen�s, churges. fines nnd impasi�ions attribuuble to thc Propeny `" <br /> °"'-��"' Y�� which may auain ptiority over this Security Inctrument, und Ieacehold paym:mr� ar gmund rents, if any. Borrower shall pay �. <br />:_;:;;��s�»"' <br />- these abligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if ixu puid in�hat manner.Borrowcr sh�ll pay them on time directly _ <br /> �'�� ' • f_� �o�he�x�owod puyment.Burrower shall promptly fumish t��l.ender all noiireti of am��un��t.�he paid under this paragm�h. _. <br />_��.`��4� If Bomnwer malces Ihese payments direcHy.Borrower shull pn�mpUy furnish tn Lender receiptx evideacing the paymems. - <br /> `�'`�'""""1°'�DL Barrowe�shall promptly discharge any lien which hati priori�y over thi�Sccurity lti,trun�ent unlecs Bormwer:(a1 agrees in = <br />