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<br /> s. �QpNSFER Q.�l...l�.�:.Upan the canvrynnce by Assignor and its successars nnd essigns af the fee title of the
<br /> premi�tnd/or the tranefcr of the awnerahip of Assignar or the 6eneficial interest thereof,and with the consent af Aesignte,
<br /> �I{rigM�,tide,interest and pawero granted unds.r the license of�faresaid stu�ll sutome►icully p�.�to and rru�y be exercised by
<br /> such absuqurn►owner or Assignee,subject,huwever,ta�all of the provisians af this instniment,all af which shell be binding
<br /> upon wch subsequent owner or Assignee. The�forementioned convry�nae�nd trinsfer shell not con�tiwte R defiwlt under
<br /> thr.tmns and provisions of this Agreement,sa long ns the written consent of Assignee is obtained prior ro such convGyAnce �_
<br /> by Assignor.
<br /> G. �T FORC�MENT�,ND TF$MIIYI�TION OF���I�.;Upon or at any time efter default by Assignor under this
<br /> instNment ns providcd�n p�►r�graph 3 ebove,or upon or et any time aftcr�defiult by Assignor uncler the Note ur Mortga�e
<br /> and the expiration of any grace period for curing such dofnult,Assignee shall hAVe,Rt its option and without further notict,
<br /> the complete ri8hts,power end nuthority to exercise and enfora any or all of the following rigMn and remodies�t tu�y time.
<br /> (4) to ttrmicutte tha Gaanso granted to Assignar,to collect che Rents and to demend,colloct,roceive and sue for tbe
<br /> Rentein Assigneds awn n�me;to gi�e proner receipts,relases and acquittancc tharefor;and t►fter deductiag all necessary
<br /> �nd proper co�ts aux!expenxs of operation and eo�fectian as determined by Assignee,including ite attornays'fas,to appty
<br /> th�net proceeds therea£tagether with any funds af Assignor depositcd with Assignee,upon any indebtedncss secured
<br /> hcrebv snd in such order as Asaignce mty determine;
<br /> (b) ta declare�fl sums secured hereby immediately due and payeble and,at its option,exercise all or any of the rights
<br /> and nmalies cont�ined in the Note,Mort�ge and other Lonn I)ocuma►ts;
<br /> (c) without regard to the�dequecy of the securiry or the solva�cy of Assignor,with or without any sction or
<br /> proceeding through any person,by agent or by s receiver to bo appointed by a court,and wiLhout rcgud to Asaignor's
<br /> possession,to e+�ter upon,takc possession of,mantge and operate the Premises or a�ry pnrt thereof,make,modify,a�forca,
<br /> cuxtl or accept surrender of anY I.ease�now or hereafter in e�ect on s�id Premises or nny part thetoof;r�en�ve and evict
<br /> any ks.sa;incra�se or dcer�se rents;decorate,clean,nnd repnir,otherwiee do any act or ir�cur sn}r coste or ex�enses tlu►t
<br /> pssignee sfnq deem proper to protect the xcurity haeo�as fuUy u�d to the same extent u Assigsar could do if in
<br /> possessian;and spply the Reats sa copected in such order us Assignee ahall deem proper to the oper�tion aad m�mgamnt
<br /> of t�e�!rtmixs,including the paycaent of m�nagement,brokerege end ettomey�'fee4,end then to the indebtednesa undor dhe
<br /> Noie;and
<br /> (d) rcquirt Assignor to trensfer ail securiry dcposits to Assignee,together with dl records eviefencing these dapositr,
<br /> providGd,hawever,the Asaignx shall not in�y wty be re.sponsible for fnilure ta do any a all of the things for which�ights,
<br /> intensts,powere�nd/or wthority ue t�ertin grented it,snd the Assignee sh�l1 be liable only far such cas6 as it�ctualty
<br /> receivcd under the terma hareo�providod,however,that fnilure of thc Assignee ta do nny nf thn t�ings or eacaci�e�ny oF
<br /> the righte,�atemts,{sowers ancUor euthorities hereundar shall not be const�uod to bo t waiver of nny a�tE10 rig6ts,intr.rr�i�,
<br /> powas a wthor�ties hcreby grantod snd conferred.
<br /> 7. A�Q1�TY OF ASS[��;.My tewnts or oa:upante or any part of the Premises�ra hetsby wthorized to
<br /> recognize the cl�ims of Assignee hereunder without investig�ting thb reason taken by the Assignee or the validity or the
<br /> errbunt of indd�tedness owing ro the Assignoe,or the existence of wnp dofiult•ia the Nota u�dlor Mortgage,or undec or by
<br /> rwon of this Assignment,or tbe Application to be made by the Assignee of any amouets to be paid to the Aseignee. 'I'h�
<br /> eole sigiutnre of tha Assignae a1Wl be suflicient for the acercix of all rights under this Asaignment,ond the sok roceiPt of
<br /> tlHe Asaignee for a�ry sums reoeived chall bo a full diacharge and rekase therefore ta�ury such tenant or occupu�t of t6e
<br /> premiaes. Cfiecks for dl ar�ny pnrt af tho renuls collected undor thia Assignment of[.easas snd Rents atuill be drawn to tde
<br /> exduive order of the Assigna.
<br /> 8. RECORI3S:Until the indtbtedneas secuned hercby shall have been paid in tLll,Assignor s1u11,if req�ested in
<br /> writm8 6yr Assignx,ddiver to Asaignx executed copies of amr and all existing Leaxs.ra�ewds of existing La�es snd all
<br /> fsature T.eases upon dl a any put of the Prcmixs.
<br /> 9. NON-LTABILITY OF ASSIaTI�E�:Prior to actual entry and takinR possasion of t1�e Premises by Assignee,this
<br /> Astignnxs�t�M11 eot opa�te to place eny respons7bility or obligation whstsae.wa upon As�ignx. Asdgnor�gnxs to
<br /> prdxt.indanai�r ud�tve harmles�Aasignce from�nd against all liabilities,obligations,cWms,dunaga.Pen�ldes,causes
<br /> o�'�ctioc�,costs and expaues(including,without limitation,tttameys'fee�entt expenses)�rt►posed uPon or incurred by
<br /> hs�ignoe by reason of this As�ignmont and tuny claim snd damnnd wlutsoever whic6 may be assected agaia�t Astig�ee by
<br /> reuon of eny alle$ed oMigttivn or undon�king ro bo pafortnal or disch�uged by Assigna under this Assignme+K. In the
<br /> Cvent Assigrtoe incucs su►y�liaibiliry,loss or damage by reeson of this Assignment,or in the defense of any ctwns ar dertunds
<br /> arisng out of or in oonnoctinn�vith this Assignment,tho amount of such liebility,loss or damage stiall be added to the sum�
<br /> aue px�ignao sec�rod hereby shall bou interest at tl�e nte of NJ[VE PE�tCENf
<br /> percent( 9,000 %)per annum&om the date incurred unrit pnid xnd s1u11 be psyable on demand;provided,such rate of
<br /> intcnsi dcx�s not violate the usury Ixws of tht state wherein the property is located and if prohibited,then at the highest
<br /> legdt�•�mis�+blo percent or rate.
<br /> �Q. �QRMINATION OF ASSIGNMENT' Upon payment in fuU of dl of the indebtedness secured by the Note and
<br /> Matgage and nU�ms paynble hereunder,this Assignment shall be void end of no effect. No judg�►ent of decra enteral es
<br /> to uid indebtednes�slull opaate to abrogate or lessen the effect of this Assignment until the indebtedness has actuaUy been
<br /> P��
<br />