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L i� . . :[.r � � .. . . _ c:jn}•:,"^r,An �:�.:.��): - <br /> -�r_ .. . '- . .. . . -- _-— <br /> ,.: .. � .. . . _ _ —_n�� <br /> . . .,.-. ..�..�.F • .�' . '•. .. f w�.,ti - " ""�."_'_.� _,1._ .- --_ - <br /> `-� } � i ��y�� _.,�.�..•'u5:���.' •�' ' v.' __ . �� __. ._ <br /> ��.� <br /> fIR\Itffl�fl'M..... alT�:�:l�.;Y►�/'^y�'_ '�_�! <br /> �'i�r�� <br /> _;.�� 9?-�p4.qp4 <br /> .,�y�,� <br /> ""�`� � <br /> � B. All future advaztas frorn Lendcr ta Mortgegor or oth�r fuwre obllgAttons of Mortgagor to I.endcr under any �:��=- <br />� �' � promi�sory note. wntract, guarsu�ty, or other cvldence of debt eaisdng now or cxecuted after this Mortgage _ <br /> K whether or nat thb MorigAge is epeclfic�tly refetted ao W���A�ot�ielatcd�to the purposc of the Bvidence�f <br /> advances or obligations are incucred for any purpo <br /> Debt. <br /> . C. A�Iluding lbu[n�t Irtrnitgaf toWli�b'lit es for avcrdrafa r ladn�ro�nny ldcepos�►�ccoun agreeme t bPetwecbntM rtgagar <br /> �� and Lendcr. <br /> � D. All additional aumR advanced and eapensea incurcal by Lender for insuting,pnxrving or otherwise protceting the <br /> - Property end ita valuc and uiy other sum� ad�a�vYd xnd expenses incurrod by l,endcr under the tcrms of this <br /> '�' Mortgage,plus intncest at the highest rate in effect,from dme to time.a�pro�tded in the 8vidence of Debt. <br /> '� E. Mortgegor's parformanuce��g�o eo�e�iu r�eluing[onth�e debt�encing a debc by Mortgagor to Lender und u►y <br /> Mortgagc secunx�II,g <br /> If more than onc pclson signs thfs Mortgage as Mortgagor,each Mortg�gor agras that this Mortgage will secure dl futuro <br /> ad�u►ce�aad future obliQatiAns described above that are givea to or incurnd by any one or mon Mortgagor,or any one or <br /> '���� more Mortgagor and othnrs.'lbis Mortgage will not secure anY other debt if L.ender fails. wiW tespect to such other debt, <br />:_=zy to make any requind dicclasuce about thia Mortgage or if Len�er fuils to give any requirod notice of tbe dght of <br /> rescission. <br /> i���'' g, pAyMETd'�'S.Mongngor sgras to make�11 payments on che Socurod Ixbt when due and in accorduice with the term�of <br />=_"`�� the Evidence of Debt or dns Mongiga � <br /> }t 6. WARRANTY OF TI'I'ILE. Mortgagor ooveaants thx Mort yagor is lawfully seiud of the es and Wn�ed �at chie <br />='�`�.� Mortgage snd has tha r.f t to giant. bargain, wurant, caave , sell, and mortgage the Proper�Y <br /> � property is anwcumba ,�xcept for encumbrwoes of record. <br /> :=.:"��� <br /> - --q 7. CI.AIM3 AGAINST 'I'L13.E. Mortgsgor wiU pay all taxes, assessmenta. liens.encumbranccs. lease paymeata, grouad <br /> �.�� nnts.utilities, and othnr charges celatiag to the Property when due. I,ender may require Mortgagor to pmvide ro 1.wder <br /> _-�� copies of all noticxs thnt such announts ei'e due azxi the recelpts evidencing Mongagor's payment.Mortgagor will defend <br /> -°�-� tide to tlu R+aperq'¢Sniust anY cl�tma that wauld impur the lien af tbis Mortgage. Mortgagor�grees to assign co Lender. <br />= i ��qu�ce��b}r.LcadnT, any rtghu, claiu�or defenses which Mortgagor may h4ve against puties who eupply labor os <br /> -- = muorlals to impmvo or maintdn tt►e PiopertY• <br />----=i 8. PAIOR SFaCURITY INTERESTS. With ngxrd to any oWer mortg�ge, dood vi i.�st. s�uiitY =��:.' `�:4.�-''r ti'-"' <br /> 9 document that cneatcd �prior socuriry interest or encumbru�a on the PropenY And thu rtu►Y have pntir3�}'over this <br /> Aiortgage. Mortgsgoc agrees: <br /> -" A. To malc�e all naY!nenta wbea due and to perform or comply witb dl covenu►ts. <br /> - B. To promptly dolrver to Lender a�y notices that Mongagor rooetves fmm tha holder. <br /> C. Not to mako or porn�it wy modlfioatlon or eat¢nsion of,and not to requeat or���u��a kndaer sconaents 'ui <br /> note or agreoment sxund bY. the otheer mortgage,deed of uust or security e8 <br /> wdting. <br /> 9. �UE pN SALE OR ENCUMBRANCE.Leader may,at ita option,declan the ent3n b�lwa of the Secured Debt to be <br /> immodiueAy due end payable npon the creation of pn,y lten,eacumbrence.trensfer. or eale,or contract for�ny of chese on <br /> the property. Howover, �f the PropertY iacludes Mortgigor's residence. this setdon sh�il be subject to t!� restrIct�ona <br /> imposed by federal law(12�.F.R.591).a��Qplicabk.For the pucposes of thia eecdon, the term'PcopertY"also includa <br /> any inut+at to all or any part of th�Property.'L'his coven�nt shill ruu with the Propecty and sh�ll rtm�la ia ef&ct until tbe <br /> Saund DeM is paid iu full and this Mortgage�s rcleased. <br /> 10.TRAN3��t QfF AL�T 1N7'ERFSr IN T!�M�TGAGOR.If MortgagoT is�n entlry other thui a nitur�[lxraon(�ueb <br /> �a����or�r orgu�iution)�I,,,�nder mry demmd immediate payment if(1)a brne8cial iaterest in Mortg�gor i� <br /> eold or transferred;t2)there is a change in eithcr the identity or number nf inembere of�putaership or simllu entiry;or <br /> - (3)there is a ohange in ownecship of more th�u�25 percen�of the voting stcek of a cocporuion or similar ca►txty.However, <br /> — I.ender may not domnad p�yment in the above situations if it ts pmhibited by lmv as of the date of thia Moragage. <br /> 11.ENT'ITY WARRAIU'i'ff�S AND ItEPR��NTATIONS.If Mortgagor is m endtg�other ttun a nuural person(such as a <br /> - oorporuion or othor orgmaiution).Mortg�gor m�lccs to Lender thc following wurandes and repracntuioa�which ahaU be <br /> continuing as long as the S�cural Debt rem�ins outstx►diag: <br /> A. Mortg�at ia �a eatiry which ia duly orgunizal�nd v�lidly existing in the Mortgigor's aute of[ncozporatlon(or <br /> � orgu►izatioa).Mortgagor is in good studing in�11 st�tes in wh[ch Mortg�qar transacts busiaess.Mortg�gor h�the <br /> — power and nutbority to own the Propert!'u�d to cury on its business us now being coaductod and.�s <br /> � qwlifiod to do so in each state in which Mon �gor opeata. <br /> B. The execud�n, delivery and pedocm�nca o�this Mortg�ge by Mortgagor and the obligation evideecod by tl�e <br /> - - Evideaao of Debt are within the puwer of Mortga�or. have beeu duly authoriud, have rxeived all necessary <br /> - governmeotel approval,uid will aot violue any prov�sion of law,or order of court or govemment�l agency. <br /> ._ _�_� C. OWer then disclosed in writing Mortgagor h�s not chmSed its aame within t6e last ten years aad 6u aot usod any <br /> other trado or fictitious n�me. \Nithout LencSer's prior writttn consent,Mortgagor does not and will aot use any <br />------#� othec namo and will preserve its existing name.tcade names and franchises unfll the Sscured Debt is sadsfiod. <br /> - w 12.PROPERTY CONDTITON�ALTERA'I'[ONS+�►ND INSPECI'ION.Mortgagor will koep the Propeny in good condition <br /> --'' and m�1ce aU repaits thu ue teawnably ixcessuy. Mortgagor wlll grve Lender prompt notia of my loss or dunage to the <br /> "m';;� Property. Mortga�or will keep the Pcope� fne of noxious weods and gr�►sses• Mortg�gor will aot initiate, join in or <br /> - __ .��___...�. �....,..e..�,.�:...�„���r�uher ou6lic or nrlvate cestriction limiting or <br /> -�, COnsetlt to u1y C�mge in any pnvaic�csu��u.�w..,+...............e... -- ---- , <br /> -"�--^�_^ defining the uses which may be made of tlx Property or any put of the Property. without Lender s prior written conunt. <br />�s�� Mort��gor will notify Lender of a11 derouxts, procea11n8s. claiim. u�d eations �g�uut Mortgagor or any other owner <br />��'���� made uuder law or regulation nguding use, ownership and occu4ancy of the P►�operty. Mortgagor will compiy with�Il <br /> �"'r-Z legal requiromcats and restrictions. whether public or private. wtth respect to the use of the Pcopecty• 14tonqagor also <br />+���'- <br />,t-.�:�'� agrees that tha nature of the occupaacy and use will not change without Lender'e prior written consent. <br />::�.'�.,t��� No portion of tAe Property will bc removed. demolished ur materi�lly altered withott��� r�r written consent <br />_��?�:�,s��: exapt that Moitgagor has the right to rcmove items at personal property comprising�parc�f the�roperty that become <br />�_:,�,pe;,f'•. � ; wom or obsolete,pmvided that such personal propeny Is rcplacai with other personal property at least equ�l in valuo to <br />--°_p/"���.�•1 the rcplacaf petsonal property, fne from any title retention device, securiry agreement or other encumbrance. Such <br />—�YV"� • <br /> . � paps 2 o/6 <br />- r ��,, r � <br />-:_;:;�.:..,; <br /> O�9 9�S w�t��S y i t a m�.i n c.�6 t.C b W.MN 11��04J97�27N1 Fam AO/CO Mi6�lA 6121!!E <br /> .�t. .� . - _ _ _ <br />