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�'��r�im'. . .'ifl' . -. I���:������ir+�t;iith?ii7�f)f.'iY:��� :�J., <br /> �i + "•ii: ' ' - �4' -�� - .. �y�'�,��.,��tr�,'-- �{'�pAl.�'['' .. <br /> �.�'�-•.��yc � 4 rb iJ i7i EC`t�l�#Y7�iJ <br /> � . .. _ . r..u J�I M�W��.� ������ . ._ . ..��� iTl. --�- � <br />.__-�_ __— �..��,. _�_'"____ _ ..s <br /> substuntiully cquivalcnt nu�rtgugc insurinc:c covcra�;c iti nut uvuilablc, Bnrruwcr�h,dl pay tu l�:ndcr cach month u sum equul to <br /> onc-twclfth i+t the ycurly tnort�agc insur:uicn�p�cmium bcing paid by Bm�rowcr when thc insurancc ruvcragc lupsc,�l iir cciiscd to <br /> be in cffect. I..�nder will accept, usc and retain the�e p��yments ati u lutir ro�erve in licu uf mortgagc in,uranre. l.usy rcacrvc <br /> paynunt�may no I�mgcr hu rcc�uircd,nt thc option of LtnJcr. if mortgugc imurancr ruvcraNc lin thc amuunt und fi�r thc periai <br /> [hnt lAnder r��quireti)pmvided hy an insurer approved by l..�nder n�;ain becoures availahle nnd i+ubt�iincd. liorrower tihnll pay <br /> thc praniumc, requircd to maint;;in murtgagc insurancc in cl'1'ect,or to praviJc n lutiti rc�ci•vc.until thc rci�uircnt�nt fur nwttgagc� <br /> insurancc un�ls m acrordance with uny wriuen abreement betwe�n &�rrowcr und l.endcr or appliu�btc I�nv. <br /> 9. luspecqon. IAnder or itti ugent may make rcaaonuble entriey u�wn and inspection+uf thr 1'ru��rrty. LeuJer�hall give� <br /> Durr��wer nuticc at tlic tinta uF ur priur to un ins(x;ction specifying,rcu�an;�blc cnutic fur�hc insperti�,n. <br /> 10. Condetnnutlon. 7'hc prucccds uf c�ny awurd or rluim fi�r dwnugcti. dirrct ur cunycqucntinl, in cuiinccti�m with auy <br /> rondcmna�i�m ur otiicr tukinE ��f nny p,�rt ��f thc Pr��perty, ��r fur rnnvcy,incc in licu uf cundcinnuti�m, ar�hcrchy i�ssignc�l niKl <br /> ,h��ll Ix;paid lu lw:n�l�r. — <br /> In thc rvcnt ut'�i tu�,d tnkinp ui thc Pru�xxrty. chc prurccdti,hall Ik npplic�l tu 1hc tium.+crur�d hy thi�5rcunty Inytr�nncW. <br /> whcthcr ur n�it Ihcn duc. �viih any excctiti p�iid ay Bun�nwcr. In thc rvcm of a p.�r�inl tuking uf thr Nru�xny in which thc fefr <br /> markc� rulur o(thr 1'ru�kr�y i�nu!rdiately Ix:furc �hc tnking i,cNu��l �u ur�;rcatrr �hun �hc anwuis� uf thr+um,+ccurea by Qiiti <br /> Sccurity In,trumc�u iomu�luitcly Ix liirc d►c takin�. �mlr��I�orrowrr and l.cndcr whci•���i,r ul,r�c in writin�:.thc,um,,ccurcd hy <br /> Ihis Scrurity Instrum�nt tihall ik rcdurc�l hy thc amaunt ��1' ihc priuccd�, multiplicd hy thr fullowing fr,iction: u�) thc tntal <br /> umuunt uf tl�r tiutns �ccur��d inmk�li�ucly Ixfi�rc thc tukin�;. dividcd hy li,� thc tiur miu•kct �•iiluu ut thc Pru{xrty immcdiutcly <br /> Ix:lor� thc iuking. Any b�iLincc +haU b� pai:l �a Hurru�ti�cr. In thc cvcnt ui n partial taking uf Uir Pn,pcny m whicl� th� fuir <br /> murkrt valu�ul'thc I�m�r�y inmk�liatcly Ikl���r�thc tnking iti Ic,ti thun ll�c�unuunt uf thc+um,scrurcd inunrdiutcly hcforc thc <br /> taking. unlc,s Burr��u-�r and I.rinlcr uthcr�vi.�agrcc in�vnung��r unlcs, applicuhlc luw uthcrwisc prnvidcs, thc prcicc��ls sh,dl <br /> lk applicd tu thc�ums�ecurcd hy Ihiy Sc+:urily Intitrwnent whether��r not thc sums,►re dicn due, <br /> If th�Prupr.rty is uband�mcd hy Qurruwcr,or if,after natirc Uy IAndcr w Narruwcr thut[hc cundannur ol'fcr, to makc un <br /> uwurd or setde a cluim for dumages. Born�wer failti tu resp�md to I.ender within 30 duys after the Jute the notice is given, <br /> l.cndcr is nuthorizcd tu collcct un�l :ipply thc procccds,at its option,cithcr to rc:�torrtiun or rcpair of thc Property or to thc sum� <br /> sccurecl by this Security Instrumcnt, whether or not then due. <br /> Unlc�s L.cnder and Borrowcr od��r�vis� ugr�e in writing, any appliration of pruceeds w principul shull not cxtend nr <br /> poztpone the due datc of the:monthly paymenGS refcrred to in paragruphs 1 and 2 or chunge thc amount of such payments. <br /> l l. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Ixnder Not A Waiver.Extension of the time for payment ur maiification <br /> ��f amoni•r.a[ion of thc sums secumd by this Security Instrument�ranted by Lender to any successor in interest of B�rrower shall <br /> not uperate ta release the liubility of the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in intercst. Lender shall not be required tc� <br /> commence proceedings against any successor �n interest or refuse to extend time for payment ar othenvise maiify amartizatiot� <br /> uf thc sums sccured by this Securit}• Instrumcnt by reason ��f uny demand made by thc original Borrowcr or Rorrowcr's <br /> successors in interest. Any forhearance by Lender in exercising any right ur remedy shall not be a a�aiver of or preclude the <br /> exercise of any right or remedy. <br /> 12. Successors and Assigns Bound;Joint and Severel I,fabil(ty; Caslgners. The covenants and a�rcements of this <br /> Security lnstrument shall bind nnd l�enefit the successors and assisns of Lxnder and BoROwer, subject to the provisions of <br /> paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants und agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security <br /> Instn�ment but docs not cxecutc�hr Nvte:(a) is cu-signing this Serurity Instrument only to mongage. grant and convey that <br /> t3orcowers intercst in tite Pmperty under ine iennti of i1�ie ScYuiity I�si�amzrd:tt�}is rtot�:.r�.�ans!!;�::�at�r!i^pa;th� s�!snc <br /> secured by this Secttrity Instrument; und(c)agrees that I.ender and any oeher Eorrower may ugrec to extend, modify,forbcar or <br /> make nny accommodunons with resatd to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Iiorrower's cansent. <br /> 13. Loan ChArqes. If the loan securcd by this Sec:urity Instrument is subject to a law which seGs maximum loan charges. <br /> and that luw is finally intetpreted so that the interest or cther loan churges cotlected or to tie collected in c:onnection with the <br /> loan exceed the permittat limi[s,then: (a)any such loun charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the churge <br /> to the permitted limit; und(b) any sums already collected from Borrower which excceded permitted liniits will be mfunded to <br /> Borrower. L.ender mey choose to make this reFund by reducing the principal owed under the Nute or by muking a direct <br /> payment to Borrowcr. If a refund reduces principal, thc reduct�on will be treutcd as a partial prepuyment without any <br /> prepayment chnrgc under the Notc. <br /> 14.Notices. Any noticc[o Bonower provided for in this Security Instrument shui!be given by delivering it or by mailing <br /> it by first class mail unless npplicxble law requires use of another method.The notice shall be directal ta the Property Address <br /> or any other address Borrower designates by noticc to L.ender. Any notice to Lcnder shull be given by first class mail to <br /> I.cnder's address stated herein or any other address L.ender dcsignates by notice to Borrowcr. Any notice provided for in this <br /> Sccurity instrument shall bc dcemed to have bcen given to Bonowcr or L�:ndrr when given as provided in this paragraph. <br /> 15.Governing Law; Sevetsibllity. This Sccurity Instrument shall bc governed by federnl law und thc luw of the <br /> jurisdiotion ln which the Propeny i�located. In the event that s�ny provision or claur,e of this Security Instrument or the Note <br /> conflicts with applicable law, such conflict shxll not affect ather provisions of this 5ecurity tnstrument or the Note which can be <br /> given effect without the wnflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Security instrument und the Note ure declared <br /> to be sevemble. <br /> 16.Borrower's Copy.fiorrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Securiry lnstrument. <br /> 17.Trans[er of the Property or a Bene8cial Interest in Borrower.[f all or any part of thc Praperty or any interest in it <br /> is sold or transfcrred(ot if a beneficial intcrest in Borrower is sold or transfemcd and iiorrower is��ot a nntural person)without <br /> Lender's prior writtcn cunsent, i.ender may, at its option, require imme�iate payment in fuU of all sums secural by this <br /> Security 4�stntment.However.this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of the date <br /> of this Secur�ty instrument. <br /> If L.ender exercises this option,Lender shull give Borrowcr notice of acccleration. The notice shall provide a period of not <br /> less than 30 days from thc datc thc noticc is dclivcred or mailed within which Honower must pay all sums secural by this <br /> Security[nstrument.If Bonowcr fails to pay thcse sums prior to the expiration of this period,Lcnder may invoke any remcdies <br /> pennitted by this Security Insirument without further natice or demand on Borrower. <br /> 18. $orrower's Right to lEtelaststte. If Borrower moets certatn conditions, Bonower shall have the right to hnve <br /> enforcement of this Secunty ]nstrument diseontinued at any time prior to tlie earlier of: (a) 5 days {or such ather period as <br /> applicable law may specify for reinstzitement) before salo af the Propeny pursuunt to any power of sale contuinod in this <br /> Security lnstrurnent;or(b)entry ot a judgment enfarcing this Secuiity[nstrument.Those conditions ure thut Borcower:(u)�uys <br /> L,ender nll sums which then would be due under this Securiry Insttvment and thc Note as if no acceleration hud occm•red:(b) <br /> cures any default of any other covenants or agrcements; (c)pays sll expenses incu►red in enforcing this Security Instrunxnt. <br /> including,but not limited to, masonable attorneys' f��cs;and(d)tukcs such action as LcnJer muy rcusonab�y rcquire to s�ssure <br /> that the lien of this Sccurity Instrument, Lcndcr's rights in tl�c Property and Burro�vcr's obligation t��pay the sums sccural by <br /> this Sccurity [nstrumcnt shall continuc unch;uigcxi. ll{mn rcinstatcmcnt by Borrowcr, this Securiry Instrumcnt anJ thc <br /> oblications securcd hereby shall remain fully cffective�ti if no accelcratian had oc:curcecl. Howcver,thi�right to reinrtute shall . <br /> not apply in thc cusc of acccicration undcr paragraph 17. <br /> 19. Sele of Nole; Change of Loan Servlcer. The Nate ur a partiul interest in the Note (together with this Sccurity �� <br /> Instrument)may bc sold one or morc timcs without prior n�ticc to Born�wer. A sale may result in u chungc in the entity(knuwn <br /> as the "Loan Servicer")that eollects monthly payments due undcr the Note und this Securiry in�trument.There also n�ay be one� <br /> or mare chunges of the Loan Servicer unmlute�to a sale of the Note.If there is u chan b�e of the Luan Servicer. Borrower wi{I be� <br /> givcn writtcn noticc of Uic changc in accordancc with paragr�ph 14 ubovc snd applicablc law.The noticc will statc thc numc unJ <br /> address of thc ne�v Loan 5ervi��er and tNc�ddress w which payments should be made. Thc notice will alsa�vnt�in any other <br /> inf'onnatiun requircd by applicablc luw. <br /> 20. Na�ardous Substa�s. Borrower shall not causc or permit thc p�cx�ncc, usc, Jisp��sal, sturugc. ��r i�:lca�c of uny <br /> Hayardous Substances on or itt thc Praperty. Borrower shall not do, nor alluw �nyone clse to do, unythin�+, af(ecting the <br /> Propeny that is in violation uf any Environmenr,il Law. '1'he preceding two sentences shall not apply to the pr�cence, use, or <br /> storage on thc 1'roperty uf sm;dl quantitics of Harardous Subst:mccs that wti gencr,+lly recugnize,i to bc appropriute to nunnaf <br /> rcsidcntial �ses and to muintenancc of the Prnperty. <br /> Pe50 3a�4 •�� �FMm 3028 9190 <br />