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.. ,'�,. _ . r:.� <br /> 'i . ... <br /> +w- <br />, 's � ' rt� -:a�� I ��. . �, <br /> �:a� <br /> �� w�`'"� � �. '� _ <br /> „ <br /> _ ' �� g2_ 1�1� <br /> �q,�aaq„tqy n�,loR�er be royuiroa�at d�e op�tun ot ta� mon�e inwranoo covcra�o c�a u�e.mouat,na rot�he p�'ia1 - <br /> drt Le�der requl�r�r)Pnnvided bY an in�umr�pp�ovod by Lender a�ain becamex�v�ll�ble u�d(�obt�faod. Bomawa chall p�y <br /> - . d�e O�umiu�t�equi�ed to m�aoort�e iasuraa�e in eiCoct.or w pwvidc a lo�r�cerve�umil lhe t3quinc�rtau fiu morl�qe �_ . <br /> _ bpur�o�x eod�io a000�danoe rvith wy Mripen a�raaneat betw�aan Born�wer uM I.andor or q�plicable INw. <br /> � !.i�io�. Leoder or iu+�eot mrf m�ke�eata�k eat�upon and incpoctlona oi the P�opcny. Londcr ch�tl�ive <br /> 8on,ow�notioe at the dme of or prior w ao inqxction specilyiq��bk caucc tar tho ioApoctian. <br /> _ <br /> __ .- _ °_ .T.° li.Ca■i�Now.Tbe p�000txt�ot aay Aw�or claim for dsnm�a�ditect ar conseyucntiel. in cannoction wi�h any �r�;- <br /> - 000dame�tbn ar ather talcinQ of wy qR of tbe Pnnpe� for aonveyanae fn lieu af'condcmmtbn.arc he�eby aufQaod and _ <br /> �_��--��---- -----� tliW be p�W W I.ender. <br /> �..: : <br /> .r:,;� 1p d�e evpa oP a toW t�king of the Property.tbe prooeed�sht116e itpplied to�he wm4 cavrod by thic Socu�ity In�uument. <br /> �hethe�or�rot�hen duo. with any excess pdd to Banuwcr. In�de ev�t of�pati�J ulcin�of the Propeny in whkh the fafr �'- <br />--- --- m�rkd vduo of�he Prope�ty i�nediMaly befom the Wdng ic eqwl ta or g�+�er�i�ao tl�e amouat oi tho cuirw sxurod by Wis ��.• <br />_ -- - -�# Soadty Iacuumd�t immodWely bei'oro tLa laldn�.unless Borrower�u►d l.ender aUrcrwise�ree ia wrkiq�.the sums socu�od by �;,'-- <br /> - -"-"-—_-� thio Sa:urity InctNmart ahaY 6e rodiped by �he aaaount oP tho proceod� aupiQliod by tAe i'olbwing Gaaion: (�) the w�l _;___ <br /> - -•:-Ws�-- �taaunt of the suaw�eauited imredi�Aely beF«rc thc t�kin8.divlded by (b�1he �aiP a�arl�et vwf�r uf thc�'rtuperty iaunodiately �:,' <br /> ���,�-�'�y r'=- bcfore thc t�kiag.My b�4aaoe sl�ll be paid W��er. lo tl�e e+reat oi a paAial takia�af lhe Propf:+�ty i�which the f�i� F�_.�°'� <br /> y.Z'" I�;_:- <br /> m�rtcet vdue of tho Prope►ty immali�tely befae the W�in�is lesc th�a the�unwuit of�he sumx sea�rod lmmodlately before 1bo =- <br />:;,;�', ul�in��uok�Botrovxer and Lendcr c�therarice�grx in wtiting or u�kss+ipplicabb I�w dherwise p�uvides,the proeueds slall °__ <br /> :- be applied w 1he su�a aacun+d by this Socurity Iast�uma�t whether or aot the wmc ue tiKa due. -- <br />�,' It tlie Prope�ty is abandoned by Born�wer.or if.aRer notia by l.eoder to gorrower Uwt the a►ndeauwr ofl'e�s w mdce an �^�W <br /> '.� avard or scpk a claia� 4or dam�a� Borrower fails to�pond to L.ender withia 30 daya atkr the d�te �he notia is given� ��;i�:�=• <br /> .-- - - . . ;. I�ader is authorizad W eallecl and apply the it�aptjon.either w rcstoration or rqnir ot the Property or w the c�ua� �°,' <br /> • �:�;°i?` recv�ed b thi:Sacu Iastruma�t.�v6ed�er or not then due. rra� <br /> Y �Y ��..,. <br /> Unksc Lender rwd Barrower ott��rvvfse �groe in wdting, any appliauion of proceeds to priacip�l shWl not extend or <br /> �� postpone the due date of the monthlY payments referrod to in pa�r�phs 1 aad 2 ar chan�e tho amount o�f sr�ch paymea�. ��.:- <br /> 4:�.� ir�:.:_. <br />'::�.;,�ar��, Il.8orn►ww iW¢Rdea�ed;Forbearanoe By l.eader Nat�Waiver.Sutension of the time for pap��nt or modific�tioa ��--- <br /> ��_��:: ,/'�:. :". of aawrtizatfoa of thc sea�ns cxured by this Securiry Insuumeat�rantad by Lender w�ny�r in interest of Bomnwer slwll <br />