r' , . �� _ _ -�- . - ..
<br /> �i� �� � 1. �>� _ _. _' _"
<br /> . - -_���� 92-� ii�i8
<br /> ra)�A wITH�I�dio improvm�aar.aoN+or hennitu aeaod an a�c pro�ty..oa d�a�mait...ppuAe��ow,�na
<br /> A�tturos aow or be�fler a pul oF �he propeAy. Ali � and additiuns rJwll �o be oovemd by this Sa��ity
<br /> �r.--- --�_---._._.�_. �. All of 1!x fot�e�ain�is rcfo�ml tn in tbi�soairity Inurument a thc'Propcaty.-
<br /> -- BORROWF.R COVBNANT911uU Nanower i�lawfully�eisod ot Iho wate hercby rnnvayed qtd h�s�ha�iQht to Qant and
<br /> convey the Ptope�ty �nd that tha Property ii unrncwnben�l.e:oept for encumbrances�f necnnd. enrrower wanrmt�and will
<br /> dek�ad�enet�lly tM�title ta the Proparty pgainct�II cl�ims and dennnds.wbjoct to any encumbrance�of r000rd.
<br /> - �-._'—. TH18 SECUItITY IN37RUMENT cambincs uniform covemMc far national usc wd non•unifarm cavenaat�wi�h limitod
<br /> - vuiMfotu�by)u�icdktbn la cpnctitwa a uniform pocu�ity inctrumcnt a�vcrine rcal propcny.
<br /> ` _'�'�'�" °'a -�-"' UNIFORM COV�NANTS.Rorrawcr And L�cndcr c�venant and aBrcc as fallows: �
<br /> - 1. P�yau�t ot iMndpd and Ipte�ti �f� � We Chu�a�. Barmwar shall pmmM�Y PpY whcn due Ihe
<br /> ,:.� princip�l ot and intercct op the dcbt cvidcnood by the Natc and any prcpaymrnt and I�iB charges dua unde�tha Note.
<br /> 2. I�uad��or Twtcc pnd I�noo. Subjec� ta applicabk I�w or to A writtan waiver by Ixnder. Bnrmwer shall pay to
<br /> -- Ircadcr on tMa dAy moMhly paymc�lc a�duc under thc Notc.until thc Nde is p�id in full,u�sum('Funds")1'or:(a)ye�rly taaes
<br /> �d acseunKnt�which mwy anain p�iorNy over this 5erurity Inctrument as a licn an thc Propeny;lb)yearly IeASehold{wyments
<br /> _- or��aud aentc on the Prr►peny.if any:(c)ycArly huard ar property insu�noe premiuma:(dl pearly Qncd insura�oe pre�aiurns. _.
<br /> - -- ii'ary: (e)geulY mortgAgc incurance p�emlums, if aay: and(�aeY aums payAblc by Born►wer r�r A.endcr.ia�ccortlaacr wi�h
<br /> — — the paris�uina of pa��aph S.in lieu af Ihc�PaYmc�re af mortgago insurarwe pn�niump.Thes�a i��:uec ar�e��17ed"Escrow Items.'
<br />� - l�ader aay.at any tioae,collect md hald Funcls in en amount na w ex000d�b�e�a;uuioe�aor+ s�nkeun� n �eader 1'or a foderally --
<br />'�:;:'� �latod ma+rtgqga loaa may requine far Borrawer's escrow aoccwnt under the fwd'�:r;u R.�t �y�r Scttlen�cnt Qracc�durrs Act af =
<br /> 1974 as�m�s�ded fro�a�ime a�ime. �'U.S.C. Section 2601 et srq. ('ItESPA"1,u�t�s�surauh►.•�!aw tiwt�pplies ta the Funds
<br /> ats�lesser uriount.If�o. Leuder mn�, nt any time,collect and hold Funds in an amount iwt to exoeed ihe Icsser a�waunt.
<br /> _ - - L,eoder�w,►y atimate the anaunt afi�'�a� due an ii�e bas�s of curnent�+�r�rr,�w�wLl�.,,tinutcx af exp�tdltams of fietu�r =
<br /> Fscrow Itema or otherwisa io ac�daa�re w+lth apyliwble law.
<br /> 7Ue f�unds shall bc hcid in am ia��tatution whosc deposits arc insu�d by a fuderal agency, instru��eMality, ar entity _
<br /> -- (i�klwiin� lxnder.ii l.endcr is such uo.aostjtution)or in any Falerol Home Loan Bank. Lcnder ahall apply the Funds�a pay thc _
<br /> Bzcrow Items. l.ender may not char���&.a+nuwer for holding and applying the Fuods,annually analyzing tho escrow account.or
<br /> ve�ifying thc Escrow Items.unless L�a�'rr pay�Bom►wcr intercst on Ihe Funds aind applicu6►Ec i�w permits Lender to ma6:r such -
<br />: ,{ •, a chargc.Howcve�.lxarle�may�+eqwi�r�Barrowe�to pay a onc-time charge fi,r s�i�xlepn�da�t reul estate tax repohinp scrvice -
<br />. , used by Lender in rnmnectiun wi�h �Etis loan. unless applicable law provi�es othcrwiwt. Unless on ag�cement ic � or -
<br /> , . +. �pplicabie Ipw irquiros ia�te�st ta be pnid. l.ender shall not be�equired to pa�•IBarr�u�e�aa�} interest or earnings an�f���:s.� ._
<br />_ ;3� j � ; Borrower and Lender ma�agree na wniiing,howcver,that interest shall be pai�on tl�e Fwn�s. Lender shall give to 8�►tmwer, =
<br /> � .}��', withaut chargc.an anwaal Accauntir�g of the Funtd�.�howing crodi�s and deb+ts to thc Fund�wtd thc purposc for whi�fi �ach
<br /> .�:: '�±'`'��� �'� debit to the Funda wx>v�mde.`i'he i�unds are pie<igaa as�iitianai sccuriiy fait,�ii surt's tri:cat.�l by tls9s 5..�'s:sity ssssltumestt.
<br /> ,,,,t
<br /> ,� ;; � ' ; � • Df�he Fwd�held by Lender eaceed the an�nts permittcd to be held bY�Plicabte law�,�1.ender shell ucawnt to Borrower _
<br /> •- }`•� ;s•�` for the eacxss Funds in axordance wiUl the roquirements of applicable law. If thc arnoune od'�hc Funds held by Lsnder at any
<br /> >,a• -
<br /> — tin�is ao1 sufficient to pay thc Esch�w�Item.q when due.Lender m�y w notify Borrowcr i�M-riting.and,in auch case Bnrrower _
<br /> ;'�-- � shell p�y w Lender ihe amount nccc.+cuy w oWAc up U��ficic��y. Borrowcr shull malcc up the deficftrtcy in no mr+re �t+nn .
<br /> twelve monthlY paYments.at L.ender's sole discretion. _
<br />- ` ° Upon payment in full of all sums sccurc�d by �his Socurity Instniment. l.endcr shall promptly r�cfund tu Borrowcr �ny _
<br /> ,,.� --
<br /> - Funds held by Lender. If,under pav�.�aaph 21, Lender shall acquir+e or sell the Property,l.ender,prior to the acquisition or s�3e _..
<br /> .� � �,� of Ihe P�o�etey.sha��app�Y w►Y Fuc.i�he�d by Lcnder w thc timc of acquicition or ralc+u�a crodit n�ninu thc sums wcured bp _.
<br /> : : thic Sccurity Insl�ument. -
<br /> ��'� 3.AppltcaUon of Paymeuts.iJnlcss applicoble luw provides otherwire,rll paymcnts reccivat by Lender under paragrnphs
<br />,;�,., -
<br /> ! and 2 shall be applied: Rat. to any prepayment chorges due under the Note: eecond,to umounts payabk under pa�a�raph 2; _
<br />��_� '�, � third, to iotercst due;fiwnh,to priacip�l duc; and lact.to any late chargcs due und�r the Ncue. -
<br /> ��•��.,�•,:� � �,Clugesi �le�. �nowcr.�iall pay all tuxcs.assc„a�cnz:,ctmrges. Gncs und inipositions un�ibutablc to�hc Propcny
<br /> �' • which ►nay atwin priority over this Sccurity Instrumcnt, und lc:,:chold p•ryme�tti ��r grouMi rems, if any. Borrower sholl pay �
<br />-• �t -� ''��' . ., -
<br /> " , thae obligations in the manner providcd in paragruph 2,or if not pniJ in thut nwnr.cr,Borrowcr shall pny Ihem on time directly
<br /> -.�'i• to the person owed�ayment. Borrower shull pnxnpUy furnish to l.ender ull mdiccs uf nmuunts to bc pnid under lhia para�raph. =
<br /> w;.'` .�'," P Y Y• P P Y P 8 P Y
<br /> _� �•.�• , ; If Borrower makes Ibc�,c a mcnts JirxU Borruwer shull rom d furnish to l.ender recci �4 evidenrin the a ments. '.
<br /> .;;� °. ���. � Borrower shall prompUy disclwrge any lien which has priqtiry�wer thfs Sxuriry Instrument unless Borrower:(a)egrees in _
<br /> ' '• writing to the payment af the abliga�ion secured by thc licn in a ntanner acccptable to l.encler;(b►cnntests in good fuith[t�e lkn =
<br /> ����_�•___—___ tiy, n��f�ndc avainct enPorcemcnt of the lien in. IeRal procredinR� «hirh in the Lender's upinion c►pernie to preticn�t the _
<br /> ' �`;,: ' �' �`•. enforcement of the{ien; or(c)accures fmm thc hnld�r of thc tien nn agreement sn�i�factory ta l.endrr subordinating the oi�en to ry
<br />`,',�s�•� " y ,. : •°�'�"�t�'_,• thia Security Instrument, If Lendet determines that nny paH of thr Propeny is.ubject In u lien whieh r�ay attai�pri���ty over f
<br /> _y; •-�.�ti"��.�,,•' Ihis�arily Instrument.Lender +nay givc&irrowcr o noti�c i<fentifying�hc lien. &�nowcr sfi;�ll sat+sfy thc licn or take onc or _
<br /> .,_. :
<br />..;;_ •. -�;x-±'w+ morC oi tJ+e aCtions set fotth above w�thin 10 days of the givin�nf nuti�c.
<br />�.,�:�. �'`� ' Po�m 30T7 YJYO .`.
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