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�"'• b"Yw"I . ..�[--- � <br /> .. j'!_N.�1M1ti��� �/::.��-'—_.e.e.._...�� ' . <br /> _ .� <br /> �:.�:_ti.�.�_.. .�a�—uub�.J —_ — ---_---_'. _'.� <br /> �7— so�e��r <br /> '1'hc f'aixts :.hWlf hc hcld in uu intiNtu�ion w�hosc dc�x►sits ure insured by u faiernl ugency, fnstrumentai� , o �j1Y <br /> IlnrluJh►g I�ci�ler,If l�i�lcr Ir.uch un in��itu�ion)ur iu uny F��ieral Hnme l.�n Bank. I.e��icr shull apply the Punds tn pny th� <br /> I?K;rnw Ucro�. I.��wlcr uwy nni�:hargc li�►rre�wcr fi�r huldhiK un�l upplying thc f'u�xir,unnuully nnulyzfng dre rscrow uccuunt,or <br /> vcrifying Ihu 1?uruw llciu+. milr,•, I.cnd�r p,iys Fkrrruwrr Intcrest nn tl�c funds i�nd npplicuhlc Inw�nnits landcr tn nu►kc surh <br /> u churg�. Huwcvtr, I.iiklrr w;ry r�.�uirc li�nruwcr 1�►puy n a��c-tinx�churgc fiir un i�xfepcK►Jcnt rcul cstiitc tax rc{x�rting srrvicc <br /> used hy Lcixler in �:�+mx�.dun witli this bain, unics� upplicuhlr, luw prnviJcti �et6crwisc. Unlesy un ugreenxnt is nuw.ic or <br /> u{+plic+�litc luw n�yuinn tnter��t to Fw pai�l. l�:nder whull not t�: rrquirc�l to pay&►rrnwcr uny interesl nr camings cm the Fu1x1s. <br /> Ilurrow�r iuxl (..os�Jrr m�y ugrcc In wriung, huwever. th;u intcrc�t rhull hr p:dd an the I�unds. l.endcr�hall give to At�rrnwcr. <br /> wittH�u� rh�r�;c, un iu�nuul :acounting�if �hc Fwxis, tihowing rr�vlits ui�l dcbits to thc Fw�ls und the purposc for which rsch <br /> dchh to dic I�und�wus mudc.'I'hc Funds ure pl�Ylgcri us udditionid sccurity for all sums secure�i by this Securiry Instrumcnt. <br /> If tho Fttnd� hcld hy i..cixicr cxcatil thc umounty pc:rmittcd to tx:hcid by upplicuUlc luw, L�:�xler+ha{1 u�:cuunt tu Burrow.r - <br /> for tha exctss Furxls in uccurJu�xe with the requiremenih of opplicublc law. If the wnount of the Fu�xls ticld by l..eixier at uny <br /> dnie is not e+ufPicienl tu p;►y Ihe Escrow Items when due, I.ender muy so notify Borr�wer in writing. mxl, in such case Hormwer <br /> shall pay t�� Leixicr the an�aunt ►H.�a:cssary to muke up the deficiency. &�rrower shull muke up the defiricncy in no nwrc than <br /> tweiv�ntonthly puynx�nts, �t Le��der's xole discretlan <br /> U�in puyment in full of :�II sums �ur<�cl by this Security Instrument, La:ndcr shidl promptly rcfinxi tn Rorrower uny <br /> Funds held by Le��der.If, u�ler paragruph 21, I.ender shall ucyuire or seit Ihe Property. I.ender, prior tn the ucquisitian or�ate <br /> of tho Pmpeny. shall apply any FunJs held hy i.endcr ut the time of ucquisiti�►�ur sal�us u�r�*dit uguinst the sum.r sccural hy <br /> this Sccurity [nstn�ment. <br /> 3.Applicatfon ot P�ymenis. Unless applicablc law provides othcrwisc,all payments rercived by L.eixler under parngriiphs <br /> I and 2 shall be upplied: first, to any pr�payment churges due under the Nate; secand, to umountti payable under paragrnph z; <br /> third,ta interest due; fourth,to principal due;and I;rst,to any late charges due under thc Notc. <br /> 4. Chs�rges; L(eno.Burtt�we�' shull pay ctU taxes, assessmenG+, chsrges, fines and impositions iUtribu�able to the Prapeny <br /> which nmy attuin prio�iry over this Security Instrument. And leasehuld payments or ground rents, if any. Bormwer shall pay <br /> these obligations in the ma:�ner provided in paragrnph 2,or if not paid in that manner. Borrower shall puy them on time directly <br /> to the person ow�:J payment.I3orrc►wer shull promptly furnish to Lender all noticeti of amounts to be paid under this puragrupl�. <br /> If Borrower makes tl�ese payments directly,Barrower shull promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencmg the paynxnts. <br /> Horrower shall pramptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless F3orrower: (n)agrees in <br /> writing to tho puyment of the obligation secured by the licn in u munner acceptable to Lender;(b)conte.sts in gacxl F�i�h tlie lien <br /> by, or def'snds against enfarcement of the lien in, Iegnl proccedings which in the I.endec's opinion operato ta prevent the <br /> �nforr.,n�.nt af t6te lit�n;or (c) secures from the hatder of the lien un agreement satisfactory to Lender hubordinating the lien to <br /> this Sec�:ri.t�•'_nw.ivme�t. [f Lender detormines that any part uf the Property is subject to a lien which rni�y attain priority over <br /> this SerLtixy 1+��;r.�i:��nt,L.ender may give Borro�ve�•a natice identifying the lien. Borrower shall sutis�j� r.;�e lien or tnke ane or <br /> more�f t;�a�tior,:s;:c forth above within 10 da��s of the giving of notice. <br /> $. �utar�J at Ptoperty Iacurance. Bormwer shull kecp the improvemcnts naw cxisting or hereafter erecte�l on the <br /> Proper�t�-insured a�ainst loss by C rc, hcuards includcd within thc term "extended covcrage" and nny�ihcr hn�.�rds, including <br /> floods or tloudirtg,�ir which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shull be maintained in the umn�.snts and for the periods <br /> that I.rnder reyuin.�s. The insurance carcier p�r���eding tlic insurunce shull be chosen by Borrower subject to Lencfer's approval <br /> which shull not be u�masonably withheld. If Dnrrower fails to maintuin coverage descriped ubovn, Lender muy, at Ixnder's <br /> option,obtain envera�e to protect Exnder's rights:n the Pmpeny in sccorctunce with parc�raph 7. <br /> All insumnce policies and i�enewala sl�all oe acceptable to [.ender and shall include a st:u►dat•d murtgage clause. Lender <br /> shall havr the right to hold the policies and renewlls.If L.endtr requires,Bonower shall promptly give to Lender all reccipts of <br /> psud premiums and renewal notices.In the cvent of lass, Barrower shall give prompt noti�r to the intiununce currier and Let�der. <br /> Lender may make proof of loss if nat mude pramptly by Borrowcr. <br /> Ut►less Lendcr und Borrowcr otherwise agree in writing, insurance procceds shull bc epplied to►nstaration or repair of the <br /> Property dunaged,if the restoration or repair is economlcally feaslble and I.encier's securily is not lessened.If the restoration or <br /> repair is not economically feasible or L.ender's security would be lesseneJ, the insurunce prc►cceds shall 6e apptied to the sums <br /> secura� by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with uny excess paid to Borrower. if Borrower abandons the <br /> PropeAy,vr does not answer within 30 days a notice From Le�xler that the insurance carrier ha�ufferrd to settic a claim, then <br /> Lender n�ay collect the insurrnce procuals. Lencier may use the pnxeecls to repair or restore. the Property or to puy sums <br /> secured by this Security In�tmnKnc,whether or not then due.The 30-day period will begin wfien the iwtice is given. <br /> Unless Lender und Borcower atherwise agree in wri►ing, uny application of procceds to principal shall not extend or <br /> postporoa ttie dus datu uf thc monthly payn�nts referred to in par�graphs 1 aad 2 or•changc thc amount of the payn�en�s. If <br /> undtar paragrxph ZI the Property is acquired by [.endcr. Iiorrowcr's right to any insucanae policies and procecds resulting from <br /> damag�to the Property prior to the acyuisition shall pass to I..ender to the extent of thr sums secured by this Security Instniment <br /> immediately prior to thc acquisition. <br /> 6, paupancy�Pnserv�tic►n. MaintenAnce and Protection of the Property;Borrower's Lopn Applkatlon;Leaaeholds. <br /> Bormwer shall uccupy,establish,and use the Property as Borrower's prinripal residence within sixty days after thc execution of <br /> this Security Tnstcument and shall continue t�occupy the Propeny as Horrower's principal restdence for at least one year ufter <br /> thc date of occupancy,unlcss Lcnder otherwise agrees in writing, which conscnt shall not be unreasonably withheld, ur unless <br /> extenuating circumytances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall not destroy, dumage or impair the <br /> Property, allow the Property to deteriorate, or commit waste on the Prnpeny. Bnrrower shall be in default if any forfeituro <br /> action or proceuding,whether civil or criminal, is begun that in Lender's gaod faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the <br /> PropeRy or otherwise n�aterially impair the licn crcated b�this Security Instrument or Lender's ux:urity interest. Borcower may <br /> cure such a default qnd reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18,by causing the action or procecding to be dismissed with a ruling <br /> that, in Lender's good fuith dctermination, precludes forfciturc uf thc Borrower's interest in thc Property or other matcrial <br /> impairment of the lien crcaiai by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest, Bo�rnwcr shtill also be in defuult if <br /> Borrower,during the loun appiication process,gnve muterially false or inaccurate information or statements tu LenJer(or failal <br /> to provide Lender with any m;�teri:�l infonnaticm)in connection with the loun evidenceci by ths Note,including, but not limited <br /> to,representativns conarning Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a principal residence. (f this Security instrument is on u <br /> lexschold, Burrower shall comply with all the provisions of the Iws�. If Borrower acquires fec title to the Property, thc <br /> lcaschold and thc(ce titic shall not mcrge unless Lender agrer.s to the mcrgcr in writing. <br /> 7.Pt+dtectioe ot I.ender's Rights in the Property.If Borrower fuils to perform the covenants uixl�gr�Y:ments cuntained in <br /> this Serurity [nstn�ment, or there is a legal proccedinb that may significantly affect Lcnder's rights in thc Property (such a.s a <br /> proce�.�ding in b:mkruptcy, probate,for condemnation or forfeiture or tu enforce laws vr regulutions), then Lender may do ancl <br /> pay for whatever is necessary ro protect thc valuc of the Property and L.endcr's rights in the Propeny. Lendcr's actions may <br /> include paying any swns sccured by u lien which has prinrity over this Security instrument, nppearing in court, paying <br /> roucnnvhlo urr�,rnrvc' fr�c anel enterine nn the Prc►nertv tn make renairs. Althouah Le:nder mav mke actiem under thi6 nattturuDh <br /> 7,Lender does ncx have to do so. � � � � � <br /> Any amounts disburxd by Lcnder under thiti parugraph 7 shail become �idditional debt ot'Bcrrmwer srcured by this . <br /> Security Instrument. Unless Borrower und Lender�igrce to othcr terms of payment, these amnunts shu{1 be:v interest from the <br /> d�te of disbursement at the Note rate anJ shull bc payable, with interest, upon noticc from l.cndcr to Bormwer rcyue�ting <br /> payment. <br /> 8.Mortgage Insurance. If Lender reyuired mort�sge in,;as a condition of making the loan saured by this Se�:uriry <br /> instrument. Borniwcr shall pay thc prcmiumti rcquirui to mainta�n th� mairtguge insur;mce in eFfcct. If, for any reasim, the <br /> murtgage insumnce caver.�gc reyuinJ by Lcndcr lapses or cwseti to bc in eftcct. Borruv�cr shall pay th�prcmiums rcyuir�l to <br /> ' obtain c��verage �ubstantially equivalcnt to the mongagc insurunce previouzly in effect, at a cust substuntially eyuivulcnt to the <br /> rost to l3orniwcr of'Ihc rnort�age intiur.uue previously in effect, from xn ;dtcrnatc mortgagc insurcr approvcd by Lcndcr. If <br /> Pa�e x ur a Fotm 3028 9J90 <br />