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�' �T <br /> �.J�'�e��. <br /> 7,' ..�• ..�r5� .:. '�ii� .:'f'+� <br /> a' ....,�,�. �� , , .. <br /> �'�ti� ,3 � <br /> ','� ��i 1 �.. _ "_.__..___ <br /> � ' .."_— �-"— — __ �_. <br /> .._ _.��r�T �:,.� 92- ��t� � <br /> � <br /> T00477lRR WITN dl the improvcmGtu naw or I�enawltu croctod on�hc property.�rd dl ea�anonu.�pputyerwt�ow.uid ' <br /> .- -- 8xtun� naw or hen�ltc� • p�ut af�ho PmpertY• All rcpl�oranen�� and widitionr clwll ol�o bo ooverod by thi� Sxurity . <br /> Incuument.All of tho fan�oin�i�rcferrod M in thi�Socu�l�y Inetromo��aa Uas'Pnoperty.' _. <br /> BORROWER C�OV6NANT9 tluu Nnrtnwc�i�I�wlLlly�ei�od af�he e�te he�cby rnnvcyed�nd hw�ho right tp�Snt ud <br /> oonvoy�ho Pro�eny and duu�ho Propc�y ip unencumberad,cxccpl fo�cmtimbrancr�of roro�d. Bormwee ws�t►and MiU <br /> -_, detend Qenerdly Ihe Iltlo�tho Propehy y�it�st�11 cl�inu Mnd demanJo.whjocl ta nny encumbrnnoa uf rcc�ord. � <br /> � 1'HIS fiRl.'URITY INS7AUM�NT rwnbiro�w�ifarm cuveiunl�fix nMiaW us�And nvn�uniWrta ruvemau wUb Iimited <br /> ��� vsri�tlunr by ju�iidic�ian tu con�itute�unlform sa�u�iy ins�mmem c+►vc�in�rc�l pn�perty. _ <br /> ��-_�---__�� - <br /> UNIFORM COdENAN7'�.B�xmwer rrd l.mder cuvemnt md+�yroc as fullows: <br /> 1. i'�ywa�t at Hi�clp�aad INtereNi �P�Y��nd l.�te C'hu�e�. Borrower slwll P��Y P�Y wba�due Ihe� <br />:��; -- - princl�wl of ud inte�st on thc debt evkknood by thc Nate iud�r►y prcpaymcnt wid I�tc clwr�es due under thc Nde. <br /> 2. F�t�iM Ta�a naA Itinnaoe.Subjxt to applic�ble low or to a w�itten waiver by Lcn�r, Borrowcr stwll p�y to <br /> - I�endcr on tho dwy manihly pnymenlF+�ra due under the Nate,until lhe NcNO is paid in full.A sum('Funda`)for:(a)yauly wtes <br /> --- and usessmeme which may atu�in priadty ever thie Sav�f�y Inctmmrm As a lien on�hc Property:(b)yeuly IeaseMdd payme�tQ <br /> -= or gmund rems on tho Ptepeny.if any:(c)yuuly luu.ard or property inw�nce premiumx:(d)yea�ly ilaod ios�u�noe pKmiuut4. <br /> if any:lo)yea�ly martgAge inw�nce premiums, ii any;w�d(n any suma payable by Bomower to t�ender,ia acco�nce with <br />".';�— — the provisianc of pamgcaph 8. in licu ef IIM paymcmt af mongago insurance prcmiums.77iese items ure aJlod'Escrow Itern�.' <br />.. l.ender may.u any time. oollect and hold Fundc in an woount not to exce�d the maximum amoun a lender for s�foder�lly <br />-L;, • rcla�od mongage loan may require for Bomnwu's escraw accaunt uMe�the federal Real Estatc Settkmrnt P�u�uires Act of <br /> r' 1974 as umended from time t�time, 12 U.3.C.Section 2601 et seg. ("RESPA"). unlers another Isw�hat aipplies to!he Fuads , <br />��: scts a lesser amoum. If r�►. l.ender may. nt any time, cnllect and hold Funds In an wnoum uot tu e:oeed�he kss�er amount. _ <br />--r I.ender may estimete Ihc amount of Funds due on thc bas�s at wrrent�cua and neawnabie wim�es oF ex�e�3aiaura ui iWu�r - <br /> �� Bccrow Gemc or whcrwlsc in accordance with appiicable low. <br /> �`' '" The Runds shnll be held in an instiwtic►n whosa deposits ure insu�l by a federat ageney, i�.c�n�nientaOBr�, �r entity <br />''' includin l.c�er,if l.endcr is surh�n ins�itution)or in nn Fede�l Home Laan Bant�:l.e�dl��r shull I lIIG FUf{d}%CR the <br />.,n� _,..,y?1": ( R Y aPP Y AaY . _ <br /> _ =____-���;�,�� P.scrow Itema.I..etd�r may not charge Bormwer for holding anc�upplying Ihe Funds,a�nm��illy analyxing the escrow ncc�awrN,qr - <br />''���.�,-_����� verifying the Escrow ltems.unlcss l.ender pays Borrower interes�on the Fundc And applirablc low permits L.ender ta mwlc�e si�.�0e <br /> `�;;i�y�r°"�'�� a chargc.However, Lendei may require&►mnwer to puy a one-lim�Clwrge for an independent real estAte tau repariimg scrvice <br /> ='=�`'�`��'°�— used by [.eM1er in connoc�ion wfth this los►n, uniess upplicatde Inw provides atherwise. Unless an agr�oement lt+ made or . <br /> ..�iI�R,Z__ <br /> � ' epplicu6le luw requires imerest to be paid,l.ende�shall no!be required to pay Borrower any inlerest or earnings on ltre Funda:� � <br />�=�� �r`" BOR�wcr and Lender moy agree in writin8. howave�, pa 8 <br /> that intN�est shall i+c id on thr Funds. I.ender shall ive to&xrower. <br />-=�__ - - wilh�u�charge, an annual �ccaunting of the Funds, showinR creditR and drbi�s ta the Funds�nd the purpose for whkh e�ch <br /> �"� � �>,�• debit to the I�unds wns made.The Funds are plodged ax edditional secur�ty far a�!Rum9 securcd by this Security Instrument. <br /> r'���• if the Funds held by Ixnder excead the amaunt�permilted ta be held�y uFp�ncuTEt luw•, I.ender sh�ll account to Borrower <br /> ':,� �, ,"{�{��v. <br /> .,;' ��,���a, for the eacess Funda in acrnrdance with the requirements M applicable lau•. �T zC�c umcw�u af the Fun�1s held by Lender at any <br /> �• `f<<'t time is not xufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so oo�iffy�or�to►��c•r in writing,and,in such case Barrower <br />_-'�.`--- - •�r:�. <br /> �l shall pay to Lender the ssmcxent neces�ar,•to mslce up the deficienc.�y. AormK•e►<ha)►ma#rr��p th•det'�eieney in no morc�han � <br />� �t�' ,, ' �welve monthly payrnents,at L,ender's�;c�le discretion. <br />�rt,;�; � v:� <br />-�»�� ; t F Upon payment in full of all sums xacu�+ad by this Securin Instrument. L.ender shall promptly refund to Borrawer aryy <br /> J���: ��' '. Fundc heid by Londer.if,under paragraph 21,l.ender shall ncy��re or sell�he Pmperty.L.ender,pdo�to the acquis3ai��n or�sak , : <br /> .4��� � <br /> �� of the P�a . slu�ll o an Funds held b L,ender ut the qunne of ac uisitbn or sale as a credit elnst the sumv�ecured b <br /> _� 1� P�Y PMY Y Y 9 48 ,e y = <br />-,;�=� • �} a. ihiQ Security Instrument. ��•�„ <br />�`'fr�: �� � ' 3.App11callon ot P�ymeMs.Unless applic:d►le Inw prnvides nthenvo;r,all payments received t+; �.:nder undor pcuagrapha - <br />=.��'�'.��:. - <br /> :,."-`°'�r I �nd 2 shall be appliecl: first. to anY P�P�+Y��1 c�argea�ut under�he Nnte: 4econd,t�amounts payabla w�der pa3agraph 2; � <br />'as;•'",�' _ <br /> Rn.;�'t�F, ,, .;;�., third,to intcrest duc:fauAb,ta pri acipal due:And lust,t�*p�� ia�r chorgec due under�he;�c+te. ` <br />'T���';> ;:'°�'�; � A,CbArBest Liens.Bixn,HCr shall pay �II taxes.�s;carnt.,chargcs. flnes uml inkryrsitions attributable to lhti.Property � <br /> --�''!!�`- � which ra�y auaio ptiarity over�his Secu�ity Instrumcnt, u�a ;�ea�hold puyments or gr��u;:�l rent�, if any. Borrower shal)pay <br />"�i;�';�;� these oblig�tium in t�manner pravided in puragr�ph 2,or if not poiJ in thnt mnnner,�rn�wer,hall pay them on�imc d'artct4g `- <br /> -<.a . .:_aM_n.. • ' <br />�::;�_`«'��� ::��,:-�:li ` to thr pen+M o�►•�i paymrnt.Burrower rhall prnmptly 1'umi.h to Leiuicr all noticcs of am�iunt.tu he pai�under this pars�ou�h. � <br />-;�n�� <br />