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Trustor shell,knmediately upon <br /> dsmsnd tharefor by Lender,pay Go Lender all costa end expenses Incurted and sums expended by Lender In connectbn wilh the exer- <br /> clae by Lerxler of the torogoing�ighq,tc�/pother with Interes!thereon at t1►s detauft►ate provkfad In the Note,wh�h ehall be added to <br /> the indebtednesa�ecured hereby.l.erxter shali not Inaur eny Iia�ili(7�because M anything it mey do or omit to do hereunder. <br /> 9. H�tlous M�bNab. Trustor shaN keep the Propenyr In compliance with ell applicable laws, ordinancee and regulatbns <br /> reiadrp to kMuatriai hyybne or environmontal protactton(coilectively reterred to herein as'Emfronmentel Lews').T�ustor shall keep <br /> the Property troe irom sll aubstence�deemad to be hezerdous a toxic under any Environmental Lews(r.oliectively re(erred to herein <br /> as'Hazerdous Matedais').Trustor hereby w�rrants end represente to Lender thet thete are no Hazerdous Materiab on or uncier the <br /> Propeiiyr.Tntalor henby aproea to lr�ciemnily and f'�old ham�bs�Lendsr,its dkeciors,oflioera,employees and spe�b,�nd any auoces- <br /> so�s fo Lenda's i�Mrost,irom and epaln&t any end ell daims,damagea,losfes and liabilitles adsing In cannectbn wNh the prosence, <br /> uae,disposal or tranapcxt oi any Haz,attfoua Mate�lay on,under,irom ar ebout fhe Property.THE FOREGOING WIUtFtANT1ES MID <br /> REPRES�ITATIONS, AND TRl1STOR'S OBLIGATIONS PURSUANT TO THE F�REGOING INDEMNITY. SHALL SURVIVE <br /> RECONVE1fAN�E QF THIS DEED QF TRUST. <br /> 10.Ass{pMnsM ot R�nb.Truator heroby essipns to Lender, and gents Landor e security Interost in,all prosont,fuh�m aM <br /> after a�isinp rents,Issues and pro8ts of the Praperty;provided that Trustor sh�Y,untll the occuRance of en Event of Oefaul�hl+reunder. <br /> have the Mght to collect and retain such rents,issues and p�nfits as they become due and payable.Upon the occurrence of an Event ot <br /> QefauR,Lerxier may,either in person or by egent,with or wlthout txinging any gctior�or proceeding,or by e reGeiver appointed by a <br /> court and without rflgard to the adequacy oi its securily,enter upon end toks possession oi the Property,or any part Ihereof,in ks own <br /> nama or in the name ot the Trustee,arsd do eny acts wh�h it deems necessary or dasirabla to presava tho va�ue,marketability or <br /> rontabiUty ot the Property,or eny pan thereof a Interest theraln,or to(naeaso the income therefrom or proNct the aeamily hereof and, <br /> wNh a withouQ laking posaeasion af the Property�aue for or othe�vAse cdlect Iha rents�(ssues and prdits thereof�indudN►g►hose P�et <br /> due and unpaid,by notifying tenants to make payments lo Len�ler.lender�uy appy ronts,fswes and profita,less couts and expsns- <br /> es ot operatloo end colfecNon Induding aKorttey's feea,to any Indebtednese secwred heraby,sll In aud�order ea Lender may deler- <br /> mine.The enEe�ing upon end taking posaeaafon of tl►e Property,the cdlectbn ot such ronb,isaues end pr�s, and tl►e sp�licati�on <br /> theroof es atorasaid shell not cure or waive any detault or notk:e of default hereunder or fnvaHdete any ect dane in rosponse to such <br /> defauft or purouant to such noNce of default end,notwithstending the o�ntinuance in poasession of the prope�ty a the ooNe�ttoo, <br /> recet�t and appllcetbn of rents,tssues or proftb,Trustee and Lender shell be entltled to exerdse every right provided tor in a�y oi ths <br /> Les�Insirumsnts or by law upon oaxmance ot any Event of Oefautt,i�dudirp without Ilmitatbn the right to exercise Iha poweaof sab. <br /> Furfhsr,Lender'a righta and rernedias u��der thb p�xr�preph shall be cumutalNe with,and tn no way a limitstbn on, LerKler'a rights end <br /> mrt�sdies under any essignment d leases end rents teoaded against the Property.Lender,Truatee end thd roceiv+er shaM be Habb Eo <br /> account only for those ranta aclually reoeived. <br /> 11.Ewnb of DHautt.The tollowing ahaN constltute en Event of Defadt under this[)eed oi TrusC <br /> (a)FaNuro W pay any instalhnent of prfnGpsl or Interest or eny ott�er aum secured hereby wfien due; <br /> (b)A broach M or detault under any provision conteined In the Nab,t�ie Deed oi Truat,eny W Ihe Loen Irotr�xnenh.or any <br /> other Nen or enCUmbrance upon the Property� <br /> (c)A writ ot executlon or attachment or eny slmilar process sha11 be antered againat Trustor which ehaM become e lien on <br /> ihs Property or any portion thereof or iniereat tlierein; <br /> (d)There shall be fNed by or egainst Trustor or E3arower en actfon under eny present or futuro federal,st�le or othor shh�te, <br /> , INVr or npuladon rNaW�p to bankruptcy,Insohrsncy or other rolbl tor debtwa:or there sh�ll b�appok�tsd�ny huatee,nsoefver or <br /> Iiquldator W Tnntor or Bortowsr or d afl er any part of fhe Propetty,or Ihe rents,fsaues or profib N��eo(,or Trustor ot 8ort4wsr <br /> shaN mske any penerol esalpnrnent for the bene�fit of cteditora; <br /> (s)The seb. trenater. beee,assignment,conveyance or fiMher encumlxsnce al aN or any p�t nf ar.any interost in ths <br /> Propsrty,either volunterily or MvolunterNy, wfihtwt lhe expreee wrkten ocx�eent ot Lender,provided thet Truata sF�aN be permit- <br /> bd b sxecuEe a baes of the Property thet doea not contatn en option lo purahaas and the tertn of whk;h doa�nM ex�eed one <br /> Y� <br /> (�Ab�ndonrtwnt of the Properly;or <br /> (q)Ii Tnntor ia not an Individual,the fastrance,sale,transfer,eaalpnment,oonveyance or encumbrenc�e oF more th�n(if a <br /> oaporatbn)e rotel af penxret W ib�sa��ed and outstand'ng stock,or(if e partnersnip)a total of Per- <br /> cant ot ptwfnershlp Intarests,or(H a limfted Ilabliky comparey)a total d peroent ot the IhnNed flabilfty oorr�a- <br /> r�r ME�roets a vodtp Hghts durinp the perlod tl�la Deed oi Trust remairo a Ilen on the proporty. <br /> 12.R�dbs;AealKatlon lfpon DN�elt.In the event of any Event of Oefauit Lender may,without nofks exoept as required <br /> , by law,dsdara eN kxfebtednssa aecured hsr+eby to be due and peyebfe end Ihe same ahell thareupon becort�e due end peyrabie wNh- <br /> ' ��Y P�,demand�Probeat or notice of any kind.ThereaRer Lender may: <br /> (a)Dsmand that Tnist�ae axerdae the POWER OF SALE granted horein,and Tnistee shall thereaRer aawe Tnntcx'e k►t�er- <br /> , est in fhe Property b be sold and the praasetls to be diatributed,all in the manner provkfed In the Nebreska Tnxst Deeda Acl; <br /> ; �b��eny and aN rlghb provlded tor In any of the taan Inatruments or by law upon oxumenoe af eny Event o! <br /> (c)Commeixe en ectbn to torecbse this Deed of Trust as e mortgnge,appolnt a recehrer,or spodficaMy enforoe any of the <br /> • covenenta hereof. <br /> No nrrNdy h�roln conterred upon or resened to Trustee or Lender Is inten�ed to be exCJusiv�e of any other remody herein,In the Loan <br /> Ir�shuments a by law provWed or pertnitted.but each ehall be cumulafire, a�haN be In addition to every other romedy phren hereunder, <br /> In the Loan Instruments or now ot hereaRer exiadng�t taw or In aquiry or by statute,and may be exer�aised oonaxrently, todependontly <br /> or suooesivetyr. <br /> . 1:� Tni�� Thd Tn�etan mw tie4.s�d ewv In�nr ud11wA n�m arvl I�evinr M�v n�snu Hm�aruf u�iflwd n�m a�w�fnf u�u� <br /> ._. _.��_. ..._ "�_�_...��.�.0..�..�..�....�..._'�_' ,�'��.�....���.�..J�...��..�..._.�_. Tp�_..��_ . <br /> osea0r or subatltute Tnrstee.Ttustee shall nat bo Nable to snY PenY�Inchxllnp wlUwut Ilmltatlon Lender�Barowar. Trustor x a�Y P� <br /> � chawr of the Property,tor Any Ioss or d�m�ge unLt�ss ckw to rocicles�or witfhi miscaKtuct,and shall not be requlred b taice any actlor+ <br /> In cax�ectlon wNh the entorcement of thYs Ooed of Tn,�st unless Inciemnitied,In writing,for all oosts,oompensaHon a expenaes� <br /> mt�t be asexlated U� additlun�Tn�ctee may beoorr�e e pu�chaaei M eny sale of the Prc�ertY(Judldal or �xider the power of <br /> sals pranted hereln):postpone the sak of atl or eny portlon ot the Pro�erty,�s provided by law;or seN the Property as e whole,or In <br /> separate pe�or lote at Tnistee'e dlscroUon. <br /> 14.FNS and Exp��s.In the event Trustee sells the Property by exer+cfae of power of safe,7rustee shall he entitled to apply <br /> any eab proceeda ftrot to peyment of all cosb and expenses of exerc�slrp poxsr of sele,Indudinn oll Trustee's fees,end Lender's end <br /> Tn�tss's at0aney's fees, actually Ineumed to extent permitted by epplicaWa law.In the event Borrower or Truabr exerc�aes any�ight <br /> providsd by law W cure an Event of Defauft,Lender ahaN bs entNbd to�ecover irom Trustor all costs and expenses aduatry Inaurod aa <br /> e resuk of 7ruator's detaufl,lndudinp without NmNatbn all Trustse's end�ttcxney'a fees,to the extent pertnitted by appYcable law. <br /> 15.Fuq�n Advanc�s.Upon roquest of Barrower,Lendsr may,st ib optfon, make additlonal arsd futuro adrences and read- <br /> vancss to Borrowe�r.Such sdvances and readv�ncee,wNh Intersst theroon. ehell bo secured by thls Deed o�Trust. At no tlme ahaN tl�e <br />