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<br /> Aarrower cwvciwats`Q�llt Sorro�c����y ecizal of ttee e�ete hereby oonveyod and hne tltic dght to gcant And
<br /> � �ppV���i'��and that the Pmpecty if tu�encumbeced,except for encumbranossll cl�rd.�Bo�w��, ���'o
<br /> ' goreower w�rru�ts u�d will defend generally tho tido to the PmpGrtY 8s►
<br /> •. encumbnnca of record.
<br /> • UiJII'OItM COVENAN'TS. Harrotver nnd i.eRder covenant end agroe as follows: �-
<br /> .. 1. PtyrnaE d rrircip�l aod Inkrd� ��� � Pm�Y PaY w��doe thc pNncipai er►d int��t
<br /> • indeModnese evidenoed by tho Note and lato chaxges and other charges as provided in tho Noto.
<br /> �
<br /> 2. p�ymat af T�un. Subjcct to applicable law or a written wniver by Lender�Borrower ehAll p�y taxes�nd
<br /> assessnxate(lncluding condominium and plannod uait development assessnunts.if any)whi�h�aay ettain priodty ovet thie
<br /> Doed of Tn�st,end Bround rents on the Propert5'.if any.
<br /> 3. Applic�t[on of P�ymeat�. UNess applicablc law pravldes ot�rwiae�a11 PgY�ueata rooeived by Lendcr�u►der
<br /> tGe Notc ai►d pat�aPbe 1 and 2 heceof shall be appued bY Lender fitst in payment of amounts psyable to L.endet b5'
<br /> Homower undcr pnr�graph 2 hcroof,then to interest paysble on tt�Note.and then to tLe prin�ipal of the Note.
<br /> 4. Prbr Mott{�ga aud Dead�ot'IYu�t:C6�r�ai Lea�. Bormwer shall perform all of Bo:mwe�'o obllgations
<br /> w�der aay mo�tg,age, dad of mut or other socvrity agroeu�ent with a Ikn which has priorlty over this Doed of'huat,
<br /> includiag Bocmwer�oaveeeants to make payments wben due. Borrower shall paY or caus�ta be paid.prior to delinquenc.'Y�
<br /> all taxes,assessmeats and other charges�fines and imposidons attributable w the ProperiY wt�ich may attain a pdoriry a�ver
<br /> thlc Deal of'Cn�st,and leasehold paym�nts or ground nents,if any.
<br /> S. HaarA Inwrarca Bo�r ahall kap tLe imprwementa now wdstinB or 6ereafter eroctod on We PmpertY
<br /> insured against lass b3+fue,hazards included witl�in the tern►"wdeodod caverage",and such ott�tr hazntds as Lender maY
<br /> nquirc and in such amaunts ancl for such periods as Lender may req�ire. to a rwsl by Lender'.
<br /> The insuranco carrier provlding tho iasvcana sball be clwsen by Horrower subject PP
<br /> p�ridud,tl�t su�cA appraval shall not be unreasonabty wlthheld. All insurana policies and natwals thec�eof sball be in�
<br /> farm aooqxabk to Lender and sha11 include a standazd m°rtgage clauso in favor of and ia a focm aooeptubk to I,ender•
<br /> Leada s1�aU havo the right to uold tba poticies and ia�w�ais it�,:.,,,f.�jzc2 tcs the t���f any mortgage.deod of tcus2 or
<br /> opher ooc�uity agraareat with a Uea which has priodty aver this Deed of Tmst.
<br /> In the event of loss,Horrowcr shall give prompt aotioe to tt►e insurana c�rier and und�r. u�r ms�y waica
<br /> proof of loas 1f not made pmmptly bY Horrower. nd to I.eader within 30 dtiys f�om tbe date
<br /> If tLo prope,rly is abeadonod bY Borroa'er,or if Borrower faile to respo
<br /> �a����,�,,�r to Borm�rer that the iasnrance canier offers to settk a claim for insura�rce banefits.Lender is
<br /> ��,�a oollect and apply d�e insvram�ce procxxds at I.ender's option eitlur ro c+cstoradon or rep�ir of the PmpertY oz w
<br /> the sums aavred by tbie Deai of Tx�st.
<br /> 6. Praerwation iund M�ietenance of Propert�': Le�setwW�i Coadoattefam�; Pl�ased Uak
<br /> Devdopsab. Borxower sda111caP the PropenY�8��r and shall not commit waste oc pemut im�ai�mau oc
<br /> det,erkration of tLa Prcperty and sbaall comply with the pravisions of any leaae i�this Deod of Tcuat is on a Ieaae6oW. If thia
<br /> Dood of Tcust is on a unit in a condominium or a plAnnod unit dcvelopmiwt,Bo=mvv�r stull perfotm all d Horrowec'a
<br /> eblipdicros uad�er the doclaruton or oovenaatY c�eatin8 or gweming the oondominium or plannod unit development d�e by-
<br /> Itwe�nd regutitk"s of tl�e condominium or planned unit develapment,eAd oonslituent documeata:
<br /> 7. Protectia of L�eader'� SecarHY• If Borco�ver fails w perform the covenu►ta aad agreements aoat�ined in
<br /> tLia 11eed of Tcust,or if any sctioa or pr�sedin8 is c�ommenced which maurlaUy affecte Lende='c intanr.st ln t6e Pmperiy.
<br /> tben Le�kr.at Lenda'a opUon, upou notice to Borrower, maY mako sach appearanca. disburee su�:h sums, includi�B
<br /> reafoatble attnrneYs�fers.aad take such sction as is nocessazY to Protat I.enda�s interrst. If I.andec inquirod moRgage
<br /> insuc�ace u a con�li.iion of makinq the laan seautod bY ttus Unod of Teust,Hoaower sha11 paY tL� pramiuma ralw�d t°
<br /> mainain such inwranx in e8foct untU such time as the re9uirement for such insurana is tecminsted in axord�ace with
<br /> g�p�ve{s and Itiodei'6 wrlttet►egroenieIIt Or epplicablC la�v.
<br /> My amounts disbureod bY I.ender P�rsuant to tius pt�B�aPh 7, with intec�est thereou, at the Note race, s1�a11
<br /> b�mo addidonal indebtodness of BoRmver�ecuced bY this Uad uf Tn�st. Unless Hormwer and Lander+i8�tt�f.
<br /> tetma of paymcnt, such amounts st�aU be payablo upon notia fmm Lender to Borcmver roquesting P�Y�
<br /> Nothing contained in this peragreph 7 sball roquin I.ender to i�ncur any expense or take an3'action hereunder.
<br /> Lender may make or quse to be made ceasonable eatrles upon and lnspections of the Propeny�
<br /> s. I�spectlor. reasonabk cause tLertfor relatod to
<br /> p����r�a11 give gprrower notice prior to azty snch inspoctioa spxifying
<br /> Lende�e interest in the Pznperty.
<br /> 9. Co�demudon. 'fla Pmo�aL�of a�r award or claim for dameges,diroct or ooasequential.in connecGon wiW.
<br /> any condemmution or other ta�sig of the Property�or part thereof,or for conveyanoe in lieu of coademnation,are benb5'
<br /> � �.._,�..s�......n...th.r a'cy�ricv
<br /> assignod and sball bo paid to Lender,subject to the riguts oi c6e noiovT oi a��y ,��,.�sab�,•�^^��-��-�--- ---- -----•
<br />— agament with¢liea�vhich t�as priority wer this Decd of Tnut.
<br /> 10. Homoeer Not Rekaud; ForGearmce By Lender Not R Wdver. Extension of the tlma for payment or
<br /> — awdlSqtion of amocdraUon of the sums scxurod by this Dad of Tn�st grantai by Lcnder to any suooessor in inte►rst of
<br /> Bortowcr shaU not operate to relea9c, or othe�wise afl'dct in any manner, the linbility of the odginal 8orrower And
<br /> — Hortowe�'s sucoessan in intercst. Lender shall not be roquired to commence prooeodin8s aBainst such suuassor or refuse to
<br /> extend dmc for payment or oihenvisc modify amoztization of We sums svcured bY this Dood of Tnut by reawn of any
<br /> dem�ad made by lhe origiaal Borrower and Bonave�'s sucoes�ors in intorcst. My focb�►ce by 1.e�ckr in exercising any
<br /> right or renxdy herew�der,or othcnvise afforded by applicable law,ctiall not be a waivcr of or pncclude thc excrcise of eny
<br /> such right or c�m�y
<br />� Form M739 NF (10/9G) Pngc 2 of 5
<br /> =a
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