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<br /> rrntters or iacta �heM be concluttve proof of lhb fruthfuln��� tMrsof. Rny penon, Includinq, wllhout Iimlt�tW�intor, Tn�ctM or I.�ncMr, m�y
<br /> purch�se�t wch��b. Truits�ma.y Ih th�mann�r prov�d by I�w po�tpon��tW of�II or my pafllnn of th�Prop�rAy.
<br /> 21. RFQUEST FOR NOTICES:C3nntor nqwttr th�t�copy of�ny notM.�o}d�f�uk�nd a copy of�ny natico 04�ab h�rounAur d�mal►�d ta��ch
<br /> person who Is�p�rty Mnlo at Ihe kdnu of tuch psnon wt lorth hanin�t th���rrM tlrt►�md In th�t�rrN m�nn�r r�qulrnd we Il�m�ph��eqants
<br /> requeat theroo}had been fibd by trach�uch penon.
<br /> x2. 3ECURITY INTEREST UNOERTFlE UHiFORM COMMEFtCIAL CODE. Thl�D�sd of 7rust sh�il b�eonsklenfd�nd b�effectNe n�fin�nclnp
<br /> •tatsment and�fxtura filinp punu�nt to the provlalons of the UnNorm Commerclal Code(��acJopted fn the ttatn where lhe rAal prop�rty If located)
<br /> covsriny fixturs�,chalteis,�nd�rtfcM�of penonal property now avned or hereafter�tt�cMd to or ta be u�ed in connectlon with tfio Prpporty topnthor •-
<br /> with any�nd�II roplacements Uereol�nd WdRbn�theroto(the"Ch�tteh'),�nd Onntor heroby prantt Lander o�ecurity In►ure�t In tuch Ch�ttel�. The
<br /> debtor Is tha Gnntor desc�ibed oboue. Thb Deed of Trust will be effedive u a fin�nGny statemsnt filed as o fixture fiYny wRl� re�pect to ail flxture�
<br /> InGudad wfthfn e�ld premisss�nd i�to bs fibd tor record In the real eitate rocards oi uch county whero �ny part of aafd pr�rnbe�(Includinp�Nd
<br /> tGcture�)is�Ru�tad. This Daed of Trust�hail�ISO bs effecthre��a finmdnp�Utement coverinp my other pmmKa�and mAy 6e fibd In�ny oth�r
<br /> •ppropdate filinfl or rocordinp oAloe.A aitron,photoynphic or olhs►roprnductbn of this D'ed of Trust or of�ny flnAnalnp�tatament rel�tinp to this
<br /> Deed oi T�ust ehail be tufiicient as�fln�ncinp etatement for any oi ths purpose�referrod to in.this P�nlgmph. Tha aecurecl party I�the Lendar
<br /> dasaibed above. Upon dernand,Grantor shall make, execute and deliver euch eecurity �grnemento(r�f suah tarm la deTined In �wk!UnNorm
<br /> Comm�rcial Codq a�Le�xlsr�l any Time may dasm necess�ry or proper or roquired to qront te 1.ender v porfactad�ecurity Intsroet in th�Ch�ttels,
<br /> �nd upon Onntora hfluro to do�a,Lander b author�sd to fpn Any such ayroemsnt�s the apent ot Gramor. Gmntor heroby�uthorizea Lender to fib
<br /> financlny at�tsmsnt�(u weh lerm b defined in natd UnHortn Commerclal Code)with respect ta tl»Chwtteb,at any Nme,without the siymture of
<br /> Gnntor. Or�ntor wfll,hawwer,ot any time upon roquest of Lender,alpn such fln�ncing etetements. GraMnr wltl pay all fiUny teea for the fiifny of auch
<br /> financinp at�t�menb end for the refuing thereot at the times requited,In the opinion of Lender,by eaid UnifOrm GommerNal Cada. If the Iien oi thi�
<br /> Deed of Trust be subJect to any aewrity�yrsement coverinp tha Chattais,then In the event of any dufauR under this qeed oi Trust,all the rlyht,titb
<br /> pnd interost of Grantor In ond to a�y�nd all ot the Ch�ttels Is heroby�tsipned to Lender,topether w�th th�bmefd ot 1�ny depotita or payments now or
<br /> hereafler made thareof by Granlor orthe predecestoro or succesfora In titb of Gnntor In lhe Propsrty. _
<br /> 23. RHIMBURt3EMENT OF AMOUNTS EIfPENDED BY LENDER. Lender,al Lender's optlon,m�y szpentif fimcto(fndudinp attomeya'fees end lepal
<br /> expsnNS)ta pertorm any�ct roqufnd to be taken by Or�ntor or to exerciae any ripht or remedy ot Lendtrr undar thls Deed oi Trust. Upon demand,
<br /> Qr�ntor sh�ll Immedl�tey roirnburae Lender tor ell such amounts expended by Lender topether with fnter�st Ihereon ot the lower af the higheat nte
<br /> deauibsd In�n Oblipatfan or the hiyhest nte albwed by law born Iha date oi payment until the date of rofmburaement. Theoe sum�shall be InGudad
<br /> in the cbtinRbn of Oblip�tbns hereN��d thall be�ecured by�the beneAciol Interest prantsd herein. It the Oblpatbn�pro pald afler the bepinninp of
<br /> pubiic�tbn oi natiai of sab, a�henh provfdad,or In the event Lender�hall,at fts�ob option,permR GrnMor tn ppy�ny part of the Oblipatbns aRer
<br /> th�bspinnlnp of publk�tbn o1 ratia of sab,as heroin provlded,tMn,Orantor�hall pay on demand sU expenses inarred by ths TN�tae and LeMiar in
<br /> connection wKh`aid publkation,indudinfl reeaonable ottorneys'hes to ths�ttomeya for the 7ru�tee and for Ihe lender,and� roawnabb fee to the
<br /> 7ruttee,�nd thls Deed ot Truat th91 be sacu►ily foT all such expensea�nd fees,
<br /> 2�. APPLICATION OF PAYMENT9, The Truates�h�ll�pply the prooeeda oi the lni�taa'e aale,firat,to the cofts�nd expanses of exerG�iny the
<br /> powsr of uiN�nd oi tM ulo,Includiny the payment of the Truatee'a fees actu�lly Incurted not to exoeed the wmaunt whkh may be provided i�r in the
<br /> Dasd of Trust,second,to paymenl of ihe obilgatbn�ecured by ths Deed ot Trost,third,ta�lhe payment af Junlor deeds oi truat,morty�ye�w othsr
<br /> Iiwnholden,snA tha ba�anre, M�ny.la the oeroon or psrsona bpalry entRbd theteto.
<br /> 26. POWER OF ATTORNEY. Gnntor hereCy appoints lender as ks attomeyIn-hct to ondorae CxnMOrs n�rt» on ail InsWments and other
<br /> dacwrNnb p�ddninp to tM Ohlinalbns or D�ed of T►ust. In addition,L�r►d�r�hsll be sntitbd,hut nM raquked,to par(ortn ony adbn or sxecuts my
<br /> dowm�nt to W tNcen or�xscules by Grontor under this Deed oi Trust. Lendefa psrtorm�rxs ot sucfi�Won or executbn of�uch documsnts�hdl not
<br /> ro1Nw Cinntor from�ny Obl3�lbn a cun�ny d�huR underthis Dead of Tnist AII pow�r�a!•Uttorr►ey dbwriMd In thts Dead at Trutt�ro eoupbd wMh
<br /> •n IM�nst�nd�n imvoc�bN.
<br /> 2{. SU011OOATFON OF LENDER, Lend�r�h�il bs subropabd to th�nghb ot tM hold�r of urry,pnfvioup Ikn,s�curity Intare�t or�ncumbnna
<br /> dhd►�►pW wkh Wnd��dv�nad by Und�r rapudMst of wMth�r th�s�INns,wcurky�nt�nrat�or otner wr►cumbr�na�hwve bNn nM�ad ot noord.
<br /> 27. COi.LECTION C08TS. To tM�xt�nt p�rmitt�d by law,Gnntor pnn to pay L�rM�r�na�onabf�}sa�nd Cosb.IndudM�p,but not Iknibd to,
<br /> t«��nd caa o��nan�yn and o�nr..�.MS pnaudin�wnhoue um�c�cion Pan�.a,cNrks�n�comultont�)�wh�tMr or not tuct�Mtort�y w�nt b
<br /> �n�r�pbyN d Und�r,whlch w�iwmd by L�nd�r in colNct3np�ny�mount dw or�ntordny�ny riqM or rertNdy undrr thb DMd oi Tru�t,wlnM�r
<br /> or not wR M Maght,lncludt�p,but nvt Iknk�d to.aA fNS�nd roW Ineumd on rppr�l,In bankruptey,aM�or A�•ludqm�nl colMctbn ac�iom.
<br /> 2�. PARTIAL REIEASE. LMd�r may nM�w ks tnteroat{n�portbn oi tM Prap�rty by�x�aRkg N�M r000rdk►p on�a ma�Partlal ONd�of
<br /> Rsoonwyana wktqut�fNdinp fts Yihn�t In tM nm�Ininp portbn oi tM Prop�rty. Nothiny h�nin�haR bs de�rned to oblipots L�nd�r to nNn�my
<br /> W ils InM►Mt i�tM Prop«ty (ao�pt�s requind und�r Panpraph 38 or rs nuY be otMnrfN n4uk�d bY ilrw),npr th�N Lsnd�r be oblip�t�d to nN�N
<br /> �ny pwt W tM Pro�rty H GraMor b In d�huk under thb ONd oi Tru�t. TM Ikn�nd s�curisy in0�ro�t Ge�Md by the Deed ot TruK romafnt In Nfsct
<br /> writh ro�p�ct to th�t portbn of tM propsRy,�a d�ffned in tM D�ad of T�v�t,th�t k nol th�wbj�Ct 01 iMi a►�rry Aartlfl Obsd OT Rboonvsyano�
<br /> 2f. MODIFIC/1TION ANO WANER TM modlBcatlon a w�hnr of�ny oi Grantofe ObNpattona or L�rrder'a ri�h!!uncNr thM DMd of Trusl must b�
<br /> oont�kNd In�writlnp sipn�d by L�nde�. ltnd�r may peAam any of eortow��or Cinntor�OMfpallon:, delly or fiiM to�xKC�M my oi Rt riphb or
<br /> •oapt pay►r�nts kuri C3nntar a snyorw other than(inntor without cwtin��wahnr of those Obflp�Bau or riyhb.A waMer on orn occ�alon th�N not
<br /> eonsdtuN�walwr on rny etlNr aaslon. Gnnta'�Oblipations under Mls D�ed of Tn»t thnl!not b« �Mec�td H LsndM orrMnds,compromf�,
<br /> �x��,hN�to�xarc.M�, Np�in or roN�s�s sny of tM Ob1lyNbn�bsbnpinp to�ny l3raMOr,Barm�r or tAlyd p�rty or�ny of ib rlQhtt s��tnst�ny
<br /> Ca�antor,Borrow�r a thkd pa�ty or My of ths Property.LencNrs Uiiun to insbt upon strk:t p�rformarror oi any ot the ObNgMbns sMU�ot bs daNnW a
<br /> walwr�nd Len�Nr sMM hwis tM�iyht at�ny tkns thersafter to irubt upon strict p�rformmo�.
<br /> i0. SUBSTITUT�TRUSTEE;TRUSTEE LiA'BILiTY;COMPENSATION. In cs�e of tM d�ath,Inability,infUtal to act or�bs�na of tM Tru�lN trom
<br /> th�staes wh�ro tM n�l prowAy i�bcaNd or In c��the hold�r of the Oblfyations ahall destro tor�ny n�RSOn le romore the Truslee or�ny eub�tituts
<br /> qus/M ss trwtN Mrounder�nd to K►point a naw tnnts�in his pl�os md sts�d,tM holder M ths Obli�tlor►s ic hereby Qrented fuN power to�ppoMt M
<br /> writinp�substNut�huste�for pid TNStN.and the subatitut�tnntM Mall.wh�n�pointsd,bacortN su�asswr to aY�iyAW of Truriee herountfer tnd
<br /> qw wn�th�M b�cona wsted in hYn Tor the pu►posa�nd obj�ri of thb DMd of Trutt with NI tM pow�er,.duties�nd obli��tbns Mrofn conkrtad on
<br /> tM Tnnle�. 1'nntN shNl tal W IiWM lor any�rtor of Judpmmt or act dons by TrustM,or b�othMVi�e rospom,i0b or oaoount�bk undsr my
<br /> ckaxnatanai whatsave. Tn�st«chsb not be p�nonaNy NabM In cnt of entry by k w�nyone�ctiny by v�tue af ths pwrers t»roln yranted H upon
<br /> th�OMd W Trou for d�Db caitracbd w 1'abiliry or d�napes Incurted In tha m�napament or op�ntlon of s�id promises. Truttes�MII h�vs the right to
<br /> roy on any InaMxrnnt,document a siyn�turo�uthodsinp u suppoRinp�ny�tion taken or propoesd to be t�Fwn by H hersundK or b�Neved by R M
<br /> good hith to bs p�nuirn. Tnrote�thall bs entitled to rehnbun�msnt tor exp�nsss incurced by R In th�p�rformana M fli dutks heround�r and to
<br /> roasonsbb compsntatbn for such of R�servfcs Mrounder a�shall be renderod. Grantor will, (rom time to ti.�ne, pay wmpensotion due Trustee
<br /> h�nunder�rtd rofmburae Trustle for�nd e�ve�nd hoid ft hermbss ftom�nd�yalnst any�nd dl loss,cost,IlibNity,damtga md expen�e wh�tsoever
<br /> Incurred by it In the per(ormante o(I�dutbs.
<br /> /UI moneys reoehrod by Trustee sfuY,unUl uaed or�ppUed a henin provfded.be held fn trutt for tM purposes for whlCh thsy were recaNed,but need
<br /> not be aprop�tsd In my ma�nMr from any other moneyn(exoeptto the extent roquirod by law)and TNStes eh�ll be under no 1labfldy for Interest on my
<br /> moneya rewived by ft henu nd�r.
<br /> S1. 9UCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. Thls Deed ot Trust shall be bindtng upon md fnuro to the benefic of Grontor�nd Under md their rospecthre
<br /> successws,�tsipns,trustses,roceNers,odministratoro,peraonal reprosent�tives,bpatees and devisees.
<br /> 3II. NOTICES. Except n otheM+riu requirod by law,�ny notice a other communkation to Ee provkled under thla[2aad oi 7rust shoH be In writlny and
<br />- sent to the partba at the�ddrossea doaaiDed in thl!Deed of Tmst or auch other addmsa a�the partkf�ay desfgnata in writinp hom Ume to time.-
<br />- Any auch notke�o yfven and Knt by fi�at ciass mall,post�e propaid,ehall be daemed piven the eartier of three(3)dAy�eflor euch notice is aent or
<br />_ when recohred by the person to whan such notice ts beinp piven. -
<br /> ��. SEHERABILIIY. YVhanev��possibk,eaCh provislon of this Deed ot Trust sh�ll t�e interproted so as to be effective and volld under appiicable -
<br /> st�te taw. If any provisbn oi this Deed oi Truat vblates lhe I�w or is unentoroeabk,the rost of the Deed of Trust shail continuo to R�a vaiid and "
<br /> enforceabb. �
<br />- 34. APPIICABLE LAW. TAU Deed oi Trust shall be povemed by the laws of the st�te whero the rcal property is located. Unbss eppifcabk law =-
<br /> provides othenMise,(3i�anlor consenb to the Jurisd�ctbn and venue of any wurt aebcted by Lender,in ita soFe discrotlon,bc�ted in Ihat stote. -
<br /> S6. MISCELLANEOU�. Grtntor md Lendar�pree th�t tlme ts of tM aaence. Grontor waives prasentment,de►nand for payment,notice of dlshonor _
<br />- �nd protest exapt u roquineE by 4w. All roferonce to Orantor In thls O�ed o(Trust sh�il InGude dl persono sfynfnp below. Ii thero fa moro than one
<br /> O�M'P11J�57DM1C`}D►A(1CD0(�h10�ASIGDOCI r,K�ors Mr` �w,n
<br /> n ��
<br />