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PRIOR DEEDS OF TRU�T. Onntar ropnssnts�nd w�rranb that tMro�ro no prior dNd�of trust�Meetinp�ny p�rt o}th�PropeKy exc�pi�s�et <br /> forth on ScMduA B�tt�ch�d to thls Qe�d of Trust,whkh Onntor�yrees to pay md p�rfortn In�timely mwnn�r. Ii tlrors�m�ny prl�r dned�ai t�utit <br /> ltNn Or�nta spre�s to poy all�mounts owed,and paAorm all obll�ations raquked,under wch d�eds ot trust�nd tha indabtadnru�eeurtrd pit+roby <br /> �nd tuRher yro„tt�t�d�huR und�r my prior de�d of trust�hNl b��def�uR under thls Deed of Trutt�nd sh�ll entitte Lander ta NI ri9hN and <br /> nrtwdNs contalnt h�nin or In tt►�OblipNbn�to which LerWer woutd b�sntRlsd In ths ewnt of�ny otMr da(puR. <br /> 4. TRANSFENS OF THE PROPERTY OR B�NEFICIJIL INTERESTS IN ORANTOR8 OR BORROW�RS. In tha event of a sak,conv�yanca, <br /> bast,corstnet tor dead or tnnster to pny peroon of all or�ny pad oi tM ro�l prop�rty desufbed In Seheduk A,or ony Inte+rost tt►t�roH�,or of aN or any <br /> benefidal Interost In Borrower or Grantor(H Borrower or Gnntor is nol�natural penon or psnans but i�a corporatMn, IimN�t�d Il;bbiliry company, <br /> partnerahip,trust,or other kp�l ent�ty),Lender msy,at it�optbn dsciaro the outstaMiny principp bpl�na of the Obligpd�ni pfus ocaued Intero�t <br /> thsreon trrwmd�aNy due an p�ysbls. At Lenders roquest,Or�ntor or Borrower,a�the pse mfy be,shali turntth a oompNrta stutcrmr.nt�ettina forth all <br /> of its ctodchokien,me+noen,or p�rtnen,aa�ppropri�te,and tiie extenl of p�ek respectirs owneishp lr��erarta. - <br /> 6. ASSKiNMENT OF RENT3. tn contidentbn of the Obligatlons,whkh are fecurod by this Dded of Truq,Crnnipr�btakRaly�tsfym to Landar�II <br /> Granta's ast�te,�ht,titb,Interest. G�Im �nd dem�nd now owned or heroaRer�oqufred In�N exl�tinp and BAUrn k:ayei oi the Property (InGudinp <br /> sxtensans,ronew�is�axl subbases),a9 ayreemenq tor use and occupancy of the Property(All such kasea an�Ylqrsemente wttethe►written or vcal, <br /> �n Mnalbr rokrred to aa ths'lea�as�, and au quar�MMa of kss�ei'perfortntnoa under the U�sei,topethe�with the(mmed�ato and continuing <br /> rtpht to colNct anct�ace�ve�II oT tAe ronb, incort►e,reaipts,rovenuea,issues.pio�ts ond ottMr innomt of�ny nMura naw or heTeafter due (inctudinq <br /> �ny kkan�of any nnlute comin�dua duriny�ny redamptlon pdric�9�under the leaae�or from or aisinp oul o?ths Property including minimum ronts, <br /> �dditbn�l nnts,percentape reats,��rkinp or common aro�mainlenonce wntribut)c�ni,t�c an�l Ynsi�r�nca contdbutbns,daNciency rant�, Iiquldabd - <br /> dorneges tobwirg dehufl in arU�.�easa,�il proc�eds p�yabb unear�ny poi�y of insurmce cowsren�lres of ronb rctuftinp from u�Yananhbiiity aua�d <br /> by Y�w;�uction or dsm�Qe to the Proparry,ali p�a pay�bb as�rosuR of�letsse'�ex�rcise ot an optbn to purchat�lhe PropeHy,�II proceed� <br /> d�ciwd from the br�r��tien or aejectloe oi any L�e�t�a in a b�nkroptcy or other ir,sahnncy proqedinp,uid�II prooNd�irom�ny dQhts md ddms of <br /> �ny kind whkh Cxuntor msy hAVe a�simt any{a9os under the Lss�es or sny Qca.itvnb ot the Property(aN o!tM�bov��n MroaMr coWctivay <br /> nTemd to n tAe"ReMS'�. Thlt asslpnmsnt b tubJect ta the dpAi,powsr ansl aufih�rlty piven►o the Lender to colbct and appy tM Renb. Thls <br /> �aa:nnryM�(la{�u�nf�A In��mr!{m�u wnfh�oeUr�bN afate law:Ms U�n crt�tad hy 9hh aulgnrn�at ia lntw�dwd fo be anacific�+rtnM�d;a�d cho�ts <br /> upon th��scordlnp oi thfs DNd o1 Trust�II��provided by ippHca�te aiab law sa amendsd from time to Nrr�e. At lonp�s tTbn ia ao dehuk under Ns <br /> Obiiy�tion�a thh Ds�d of Truat,lAnder prants Grontor a rovocabb 1i�enss to coAe�t all R�nts irom the Lsass�when due md to we such proc�sd�In <br /> Grantora bwinea op�ntio��. Howswr,L�nder rrWy�t any tkrn requlro Gr�ntor to deposit�II Renb Into an�ccount malnt�ined by Onntor or Lenda <br /> �t L�ndtrs Institudon. Upon dstauk In lM p�yreaM ot,or in ths pertormanos oL�ny of Me Obllpetions,Lsnder may�t Re option tak�pots�asbn of tM <br /> PropMy and hav�,hold,m�np�,M�a��nd oper�,tM Prop�rty on terms md tor�prfod of time th�t Lendsr deeme proper, Lend�r m�y prooesd lo <br /> oo1Md�nd roalw aM R�nb from th�prop«ty. �nd L�nder sh�ll haw NII porwr ta mak��Renlbn�,nno+ntbnt, rspake or ropiao�rrisnb to tha <br /> PropMly a1 L�r�r m�y rJ�Mn proper. Und�r rtNy�ppy�N R�nh in Lende+'�sot�dhcntion to p�ym�nt of tM Obliyatbns or to Ihb p�yrt�ent W fM <br /> oost of suah alpmNion�, mnovWw+s, np�ks �nd npl�amsM� �nd �ny�xp�n�Indd�nt to teklrp �nd ntakifnp po�asbn of ths Prop�Ky <br /> p�riodle�Ny�nd dN rMnapKn�nl�nd op�ration ot tM Prop�Ay. L�ndsr may k�th�Pro�rty prap�rfy inwnd end m�y dbeharQ��ny t�xN, <br /> chary». e.Uh�s,usaerwnb�nd othu N�m whkh rtu�y�ccrw. TM sxp�nu md eo�t ot th�s��etbns msy b�Wid irom th� Rmh no�iwd, and <br /> �ny unpsid Mnounls sN�M M�dd�d to tM princfp�l oi the OMipaHons. TMia�rtaunb,to�thK wNh oth�r cofh,stull b�carN psA of th�OWlp�tions <br /> Mwnd by Ihis ONd W Truut. <br /> �. LEASFA AMD OTFIER AOREEMENTb. Cinntor sMN nol t�lc�a hW lo hic�my�ctan wtrich m�y uus�or pe�mit the l�rtnkwtbn a d» <br /> ���p a�Y P�Y�b oonn�elbn wNh�ny Le�s�or otMr pn�rtNat("AprMnknC)p�rt�Minp to tM Proprty. In�dditiai.Cinnlor�wkhout <br /> : l�ndKs prbr wr�tsn oons�nt. sMN not: (�)coMlct�ny monhf p�yabls undar my M,,rMn�nt mon Mm one month In�dvano�: lb)mod+ty anY <br /> ApnNn�cN;(c) �sstpn or�MOw �N�n,Nwbty IMero�t or otMr snCUmEranps to b�pl�ced upon Gr�nttWs riphb, tdk and IntN�st in�nd to �ny <br /> Apn�n�nt a fhe�rtaunfa p�y�bl�Nwr�und�r,or(d)t��mkiat�a e�na1 any Rpre�neM�xoept for the nonp�yment of�ny sum or othw►m�terlN <br /> bnseh by tl»othw p�rq►tMnto. H Gnnta nalwi�t�ny tkne�ny writ0�n aommuMcatlon�ss�rtinp�dsfr�R by OnMor u�du��Aq�nt or <br /> pu�o�tirp to Mrrt�n.M or caea�.ny Ap..rt»nt�Gnmor sn.w prompty�orvva►a.copy or wch carnrwnfcatbn c.r,d.ny,uo.pu�nt comrnunkadon. <br /> n�.Akg therMo)to L.r�d.r. AM such Apr.em.nts and n,.amounb due to cnntor►Nr+aey•ssipned to I..ndu n.ddRionq s�au+e�r ror <br /> tf�Obllpstbns. <br /> 7. COIaECT10M OF INDEBTBDNESS FROM THIRD PARTY. L�r MaN W mtitNd to notHy or nquit�Grantor to naGy �ny tTkd patly <br /> (k►duding.but nat lirrhkd to.lesases.uoenesss.pov�mm�ntal wthoritiq�nd Intura,�oortK►snbs)to pay Lende►�►hr k�d�htedn�sf or obkpatbn <br /> . uwinp lo (3nntor wifh nsp�ct to th�Prop�RY(cumul�tiv�ly'tnd�bbdMSS')wMth�r a nol�dehuk�xfab undK Mis Desd of Tn,st. Granlor sMM <br /> dNig�nty�.roM�ct IA�Ind�badrNSS owirg to GraMor trom tl�a�thfrcl partNs untN tM q hrk�y ot sut3�notiRcatbn. In tM�wnt th�t Gnntor po�saiss a <br /> . no�M�� pou�alon o(�np instrurn�nb or otMr romiltanas wilh re�pat to th� Ind�Olednssf toMOwiny tM plvkg of wch natificMio� a N fM <br /> instnrr»nb or all�c nemRtu►as oo�stilut�tM pnp�ym�nt of�ny I�sdn�ss or tM P�Y�of�ny k�wana ar oond�tion Praq�fs�GraMa <br /> •hsN hold wch in�twrr»nts�nd ott�nmithnas In bust tor Lunder�part fran ib o1Mr prop�Ry,erWors�tM inshurrMnt�md atlisr nmittmo�s lo <br /> lrndK,and ImrnKfisMty provld�U+�d�rwiM P��lon of Ms inswrt�ri�nd olMr��oss. Lsnd�►�haN b��ntitMd,bul ndroqufnd.lo coNlct <br /> (D1►IpN Proo�adi�gs a otMrwi*e>,�xNnd ths tims tor PaYm�nl.compromh�.exehaepe or reNa��ny oDli�or or�N.a oth�rwiw s�ttle�ny a( <br /> , tM Md�b�Ndnss�wtrll�x a not�ev�ent of dehuk exists und�ar thh Agreertwnt LerbK�A�N not bs IwDI�to Gnntor tor�nr�ctlon.error.m�, <br /> arfisoi� or dsbp PeRthiny to @+m a�ctlons d�esc�iDed In Mb pany►apA or�ny dxns9q rosulNn9 tlfeteRom. Notvrithttandkg tAe foroQoke�.nahlnp <br /> hs�rM 1ha�M ausr Lend�r to D�dMrr�sd�malpaQe•fn�possssskn. <br /> e. U3� AMf1 MAIA�TTENANCE OF PROPERTtl. Granta shaN take atl�ctlooc and rru�ks�ny rep�ks needed to m�lntitn the Property M good <br /> . co��dAbn. Grsntcr s!vN not cortmR a pertnit any wast�to W comnitted with rospect to tNS Proprty. Gantor shax us�tM Propsrty 1t�y In <br /> compl'iN1q with�ppAcWi�law and InfuranCS polichs. Gnntor sh�ll not mak��ny�Rerttlons,idditions or imp�OVemeMs to th�Ptop�rty wit►lout <br /> L�s qIa writun oons�nt. Without fmifky tM forpoirg,�N Nf�ntions.�ddi6ons md kn�xownwnh mad�to tfis PropNty sh�ll be wbj�ct to tM <br /> D�rwAclaf(nl�rast Ditiorgkg to L�r,thall not be nmoved witAout L�nd�'s prior writNn cons�nt.�nd ahpM be m�d��t Cantofs sote�xpens�. <br /> 9. L�OR DAMAGE. Gnntor ahal Dear ths sntin risk ot any loss.M�ft.dntrudlon or d�mp�(uxrwlahr»y'Lnss or��m�`)lo the Prop�rty <br /> or�ny portbn tMrecR irom�ny puse whatsower. In the evsr�t of any Loss or D�nuge,Gr�nta sMM, �t ttb option ot L�ndK,npflr tM�MSthd <br /> � rivri��j w w j`R.:w w:wiMri�v:y�j vi w'uso w ire'ywi:I.`v:.'v�nivi a�e iw�,io"sii w►u�i�in iniiR�i vaius oi ine�iwtaep►�tvp�ir. � <br /> 10. INStJRANCE. TM ProQeKy w:lf be kept Insurod for its ful!inwtsDN value(rop�nt cost)yalnst aq hataM�lndudinp bss o►d�n►�c�us�d ' <br /> by flood,eythqwke,tomado�n3 fr.e,tMR a other cnuslly to tM sxtent roquirad Dy Undec Granto►may obt��n insuance on the Propxty from sucA ` <br /> ca�r�pni�a�s aro�cxeptaDle to Lerxfer In its sde d'acretion. TM Insunnce policiea�AaV roquiro tM Insunnce company to provide l�ndar with�t -Q- <br /> ksst days'vrritten notice bsforo such policie��ro olterod or c�nceNd In any m�nner. Ths insuanae polides ehall nartN L�nd�r��� <br /> bss p�ye�rnd provid�thal no�ct w omfssbn of Cxanta or�ny otMrr penon�hsM�fkct the rigAt of Leoder to be pafd Me Insur�ne� proo�ads _ <br /> pertalnk►p ro ths bss a danups of tM Property. In ths eveM Gnntor hNs to anquir�a malnuin Insunna,Lendor(�Rer providinp notios as may be = <br /> roqufnd by I�w)may In its d'atx�ation pra:uro�ppropri�te insuranCe covenpe upon the Properiy�nd the(nsuqnoe COSt sh�A be an atN�nCe payaDb <br /> �nd a�ri�y inMnst aa despibsd in Paryraph 23�nd aecurod Aereby. GnMw shalt furniah LendK vritA evidenoe of fnsunnce indicatinp the requked � <br /> covarge. Lsrxfu may�d�s attomey�ln-fact fu Gnntor In makiny�nd aettliny claims under Insurante poliaea.canetlioy my policy or eMo�frg - <br /> GrsMofs nms on any dalt or nepotiaDle fnsWment dravm by my Msurer. All aucfi Insunnce poliGia shaN Da immediatay osagned,pbdped �nd - <br /> dNiwnd to lend�r ss tartt�e►sacurity for tAe ODlgations. In ihe evant of bss,Gr�MOr sh�R immedqtety piv�Lend�r written nMiee�nd Lender Is <br /> wtf�aixad ro make proot oi bsa. fi�Insunnos comps�y is dirocted to make payrnents diroccly ro Lende►Instead oi to lender and C3nnror. Lender <br /> sn�N n�,re me riy�n. n�s ao�o� appty suCh moniq tow�td the Ot11'yati0ns or low�rd tAe toat of relwildi�y snd rostotiny the Propehy. My = <br /> �s m1y at LMder's oplion Ee app`ed in Me(nvarsa ordar of tM dw d�tes thereof. - <br /> o�wrfituresw�n r�cxooc�.rtuu¢,�ooci [. <br /> - �+v:d��w�n <br /> .�-- E <br /> /t -' <br />