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.......:.....� ..• -.. ,..... ��i -r <br /> .. .; ,.t.e�.�::5�.,._r3� t:(.!� ��i�:� � <br /> ' ';. <br /> ' � . �..s,.ey... i .: � - -- <br /> 1.. " , � '= — _. . <br /> � .5..,.•;:1.•rJ: Y�•r`., ... . � �-. _.. . <br /> n �S _. i' F.Z1Wl+T���-- <br /> -- , ' ' ,�'.�,�4{�r -_ — <br /> .._. ..._ �.-- <br /> �, - -,.�..��� �.,,......�..�,t:., -- - _ _ <br /> •Proceeds'1 In cannection wfth condemn�tlon or dher teklnp oi the P►cPs te!n {ta aw�fine an� ctlon�pr��ead���A alao <br /> Lender ahall be anqtbd el itn opGat to oommenca�eppe�r�n a�nd Proaecu y <br /> be endtled to make any oompromise a aettbment In connoctlon witt�such tekiny or damage.In tho uvent eny portbn of the Froperty Is <br /> so tpken or damaged. Len�ler shal!have the optbn In Its sole and ebsoiute diecretlon,to epply all auch praceeda, aft�x deductdn9 <br /> therehom ell cosb And expeneea Incurrod by it In oonnectbn wlth stkh Procaede,upon any indebtedneu secured heroby end In e��ch <br /> order ae Lender may determine,or to epply oll such Proceeti�,aRer such deducikx�a,to the rostaratbn ol the PropeRy upon such cvn- <br /> ditbna ae Lender may detem►Ine.l�ny ap�llcatlon of Proceeds to Indebtednese ahall not exterxl or poalpone the due dato of any pay <br /> rtu�nts undo�the Note.a cure eny defauft thereunder or herounder.My unep�Ned funds shall be pald to Truator. <br /> g,p�riormaoca by i.ont{�r.Upa+}tho�ccerronce of an EvenR of Defauit hereun�r,or If any acl(s taken or legal proceeding c- <br /> commsnoed which materlaliy affecta Lm�de�a Interaat fn the Property Lender mey in ita own dlscreUon,but without obligeticm to do so, <br /> end yviqwut notice to or d�rrNnd upon Trualor and without releasing Trusta trom any obligatbn,do any act which Troator has egreed <br /> but teibd to do and may alao do eny other ect It deema necessary to protect the security hereoL Trustor shall, Imrnediately upon <br /> demand therefor by Lende+�,pay to l.encie�ell co�la end expenaes Inarred end sums expended by Lender in connection with the exer- <br /> Gse by Lender oi the taegdng rights,toped�er with Intereat th�+rean et the defeuit rete provided in the Note,which ahell be added to <br /> the�ndebtedneas eecurod hereby.Lender shell not Incur any Ilabllity because oi enything It may do or omit to do hereunder. <br /> 9.Ha�rdAUS M�t,�rl�b.Trustor sheH keap the Property fn compliance wfth all applicab}e laws, ordinanees and re4�uletbns <br /> the Prope►h► from d�l subatances de m�edt ta�be h�azer�doulectivaly�ceunder eny En ironmentel Laws(collectivelY eferred to herein <br /> es'Hazardaua Materia�').Truata hereby wa�ranGs and represents to Lende�that there ere no Hazardous Mate+ials on or under ths <br /> proporty.Truetor twreby agreas to Indsmniry end ho{d hannbaa Lerder. Ite directors�ofl'xse�s�employees end e�enta,erM any succes- <br /> sors ta Lendsr's IMer�sst,from and againat eny end aH Galms,damapea.bsaes and Ilabilldes adsing tn oo+mecUon+�th the Presence. <br /> uae,dt�pcsal or franspat of amr Hazardcwe M#tKiats on,under,fr�om a�t�►a��'�Y•THE FOREGOIKG WARRAN i IES AND <br /> REPRESENTATIONS,AND TRUSTOf3'& C)RI.IGATIONS PUR3UANT TO THE FOREGOIN(i INDEMNI7Y, SHALL SURV{VE <br /> RECONVEY/WCE OF Tl-1!S DEED dF TRUSY. <br /> 10.1tsslgMr�r►t W Rsn�.Tnufor hsrebY easiDr►s to Lender,and�rants►dt3r a secu�iry interest in.aU prosent�tu+.un and <br /> eRer arising rents,Issues and proflts of the Property;Pnrn►kled thet Trustorshall,undl the occurcence otan Event ot Defeuit,hc+ne�x�der� <br /> have the right b cdlacl end retatn such rents�iswes and profita es fhey become due end payable.Upon the occurrence of an Event at <br /> QetauR,Leoder may. dtl�er In person or by agent,with ot without brhgirtg any ection or proceedin9.a by a receiver appok�ted by e <br /> �rt a�xl wiUaut ro�ard to Ihe acbquacy o(ita security,enter upon and take posseseb�of tho Property,o►any paR its �wn <br /> name or U u,e nama of cne rruatee.«x1 ao any acts wnlu,ic deems necea+ar�►or dF,akaas co preae�ve aie veN,e�marketaDi�iry or <br /> rontebWly o(ti� any paK fhsrod or intsrost thorein�or!o Inclease the Mroand therofrom or protsd the security hereof and, <br /> wNh or without tekinp Possseekx�of the Prq�ty,sue for or ofherwiae eolleet the rents,Isaues and proflls thereoi.(rt�uding Ux�ae post <br /> due and unp�ld.bY nalih�W tsnanta to meke paYments to Lander. lender maY apply renta�I�aues e�d P�'�s•fess oosta and expsns- <br /> sc oi op�rAflon and coN�ctlon k�dudbD attomeY's fees�b any Indebiednesa secured hereby.aY in sud� arder ee Lender may dster- <br /> �„k,e.�n,e eMsrina uaon w,a tskirg possessia►a u,e Propsrcy� the calection ot saa►renta��ssues and profits.ana aie.ppiicauon <br /> N�er+twf aa atores�ld sAaN not curo ar weive any defeult or notloB of aefadi iiereunder or inveiwa�,o�r�di t�.:.N!tt�!C"�..'h <br /> defauit or pursuant to such�otks of default and.natwithatending the conUnuance in posse�ssion of the proper�r or the coNeatlor►, <br /> re�fpt and app8ceflon of ronts�ieauea or protita,Trustee and l.andar ahaY be entitled to exerc.Ise every right pravided tar fn a�y ot the <br /> Loan Ir�sfnxnente or by law upon oc�a�snce oi ony Event ot Defauk,N�ludtnp without limitadon the riyht ta exercise the Pows�N sek• <br /> Furthsr,Le�cbr's riyhb and remedfes u��der thb pa►spraph sheN be cumulative v�ith�end In no way a Wnitatlon o�,Lenders rights 2od <br /> remedies undsf eny�rxr�eM of bates e�xl ronts reoaded against t1»PropeAy.Lender,Troatae and tfie receivur shall be Ila�nb b <br /> acca�nt only for tlwse renq aduWy rooeived. <br /> 11,Ewnh o�f D�fwlt.'Ttie foNowi�p sheN oonaHtuta an Event of Default under 4his De�d oi TnuC <br /> (a)faWxe bo pay any InstaNrner�t of prktci�al or intersst a�ny otl�er eum aec�x�ed herebli when dus: <br /> (b)A brssch af or defeult undsr eny provfaion oontsk�ed In the Note,this Deed of Tniet.eny of the Loen Insfrt�»e�ta,or any <br /> othsr Ns�or enCUmbrarlce upon tho PnOperty� <br /> (c)A writ d execullon or eRad�rt�ent or any akniler process eheil be entered ege(nat Tru�tor wh�h shaN bacome a Nen on <br /> fhe RropeAy or w►y portfon thereof a iMerost thsrein; <br /> (d)Thera ahell be filed by a a�alnat Trustor or Bon9wer en acifon under any preaent or futae tederal,state or�efad�Ee� <br /> I�w cx fepul�tlon re1Mk►0 eo banlcruPECY�insdvencY or ahsr ro8ef kr debtors�or tl►sro sh�ll bs�ppointsd any tnnlss�roaivsr or <br /> Qquidetar d Tnxtor or 8orrowsr or ot aM or any Part o(ths PmPe�tY,or ihs renb.issuss or pno�Me thersd�or Tru��or Borroywr <br /> ehaM maic�anY peneral�u�i0�wr�ent 4or ths benefd oi crodit�ors; <br /> (e)The saN, trenskr,baes. ��.oo�v�y►�a r�n►���ce a w a �n► u�a a�►y�� u� <br /> Propecty.eNhsr YohxibrHY or InvoNmtarNY.witl�oirt the expross wrkten consent of L�nder.Pnovbed that Tnistor shaN bn permR- <br /> bd Eo sxecu0s�leas d ths ProQ�dy that dos�not oonfak��n cPUwi to Pu�F►aae end fhe te�m nt whk�+9oea not exoesd one <br /> Y� <br /> (�I1bu�donn�nt ot tlb Property,or <br /> (4) H TrusOOr is not an i�divbdual,the tsauance.seb�tranafer�eaafgnment,conveyance•cr encixnbranco of more tl►an(H a <br /> cap«atlon) a wra�ot pe�c a ne�asuea and ouata�dkig smdc,or pr e paraierstdp)s�wcat ot per- <br /> osnt of peitnerslti3p Interaets�or(if o lirnf6ed I�abMitY cortN�attyl a tolAl d petoent Mlhe�lrnited NaDNity ooeqr <br /> ny IrMer�estit or votirg riphl�dark�p Ihs Period thb Desd of Ttutt remain�e flen on the property. <br /> 12.(�n�NN;A,eaNrMlon UPon D�tauk.In ths event ot eny Event of Defauit Lender►nay,wfti�out notke exoapt as roquM'ed <br /> by lew,ded�'�e all indebtedness securod her�ebl►lo be dus end paY+�d'!e ind the satne shell ther�eupm becane due a�d peyaWe wNh- <br /> out anY Pnesentrnent,damand�Proteat cK�ot ersy klnd.TheneaAer lender mey: <br /> (e)[lanand ttat Truatee exercJss the POYYER OF SA1.E granEed heroin,and Trustee shaY�11er cause Tnistot's inbr <br /> est In tfie Proper,ty h be soW end tha prooeeds to be dlstrEbuted,eN in Ihe martner provided M the Nebra�ska Tntst Deeda Ad: <br /> (b) Exerclse any and all ri�hrts provlded for in eny ot Ihe Loan Insuum�nts or by law upon occwr�of eny Event ot <br /> Oe1MAt;md <br /> ��)Comr��ce on Actio��tp foroo{ose thla Qeed of Tnist as a mortgage,eppofnt a receiver,or speciflcaliy enforoe anY ot the <br /> covenaMS hereof. <br /> No remedy heteln contemed upon or reaerved to Trustae or Lencler Is intended to be exduslve oi any othet remedy here{n.�n the Loen <br /> Inetrum�►b or by Isw prov(ded or permHtea.but each shaH be cumulative� shaN be in addfUon to every other rerr�edy 9iven her�eunde�. <br /> In the Loan InsEruments or now or heroafEer sxtttk�p at law or In equity a by sfatu�e,and may be exerdaed concurrenty,�ndeP���Y <br /> ..,..�.L..�. <br /> M Y 1��TiwtN.The Trustee may resipn et any tkne vrilhout cause,end Lendar may et any Ume and without causo eppoxic a sua <br /> oessor or eubstltute Trustee.Truatee shaN not be Nabls b enY Parly� indudinp without Iknitada�Lencbr.Borrower.Tniator or enY P� <br /> ctweer ot tlw Properry,for eny losa or damsge unbsa dua co reckbas a willful mfsoorxtuct.and ahall not be�9tion or e�s aas whkh <br /> In oax�ec8on witl�the enforcement of tt�Is Deed of Trust unless indemnffled,in wriUng�for alt costs.wmpensa xpen <br /> mey be sttoci�d Ner+evrith.In addiflon,Trustee may become a purcheaer at eny aale ot the Propery({udic(al or under the power oi <br /> epb preMsd Q�erein);postpo�e tt!e sale of ell or any pation of the Property�as provided by law;or eeN the Property as e whole,or In <br /> sept�a0e p�nosis or lda et Trustee'e discrotlon. <br /> 14.F��d Exp�ns�s.In the ovent Trustee solls the Praperty by exerdse of power ot sa{e,Trustee shall be enBtled to eppiy <br /> any suis prooeeds tket to payment of all ooats end expenses of exercisM�p��o(sale�fndad�n8 al►TnieOee's fees,end Lender'a end <br /> Tnnle�'s etbrneY�s teas� ectuaHy Incurted to extent permitted by aPPNcabb law.In the event Borrawef or Trustor exeroises anY dght <br /> provided by i�w lo axa an EveM of Detault.Lender shaU be erttitled to rocover from Trustor all oosta and expenses ectueNy i�axred as <br /> a r�ault d 7nnior's default,Indudinp without Nmftatlon all Trustee'e and ettomey'a teea,to the extent pttmiitted by eppNcabb law. <br /> 1 S.F�un Advaoc��.Upon request of Barowsr,Lender mey,at fta optbn,make additional and futuro edvances end read- <br /> vanee�{o�rower.Sueh advarxw�and roadvanees,with interest therea�,shall ba eecure►�by thfs Oaed ot Truat.At no dme ehall tl�s <br />_� <br />