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�.�� '.�e�.eN�M :�.t1w.*ti-r+r s. , --� .. __ _ <br /> •��.,. <br /> - .i!�L����'�ii�73�A:. •.r4".:�' !r�'N!"y'7�} ' _ <br /> � , . ... _---- ---`_-" <br /> , .�.. ;,•. . <br /> . 4 :. ,. . _ ..._. .. � . _ �_-- <br /> . .i.,� ,� _ _.._--'....._.J._,_.--'._..'"'_`-'-- .�a —- <br /> _ -.�c.,.,sr�.��o-. <br /> 'd "'� C3EC.G�...._ <br /> ,.,—__ ' _ �_____. . <br /> :.�r�nv�a �— ._ <br /> g?- 1o�ss <br /> "Proceeda')In cunnectlon with cond�mnatlon a other taking of the Property or part thersot,or for conveyence In IIAU of condsmnalion. <br /> Londor Rh�tl be antitied el Its optton to commence,eppeer in end proeecute In It�own name any ectlon or proceedings,ar!d ehaM eleo <br /> be enlitierl to malce eny compromise or settlement In connectlon with such taking w demage.In tho event any portion of lhe Pmperty Is <br /> eo taken a dameped Lender ehall have the option In Ile sole and nbsolute dlacretlon, to apply ell sueh proeeods, aRer d�duetinfl <br /> therefrom ell eoate and expemes InCUrrod by It In eonneetion with aueh Procesds,upon eny Indebtedness eeeured hereby end in euch <br /> ader ea I.ender may determine,or to npply iarl�l eu�c�PR�dae toer�su�h�dnd�u shall no extend ortpoatpone the�ate ot ny pey _ <br /> dltione ae Lender may detnrmine.My aPP� <br /> ments under lhe Note,or curo eny detauit thereunder or hereunder.any unnppAeci tunda shall be peid to Truata�. _ <br /> 8, p�rform�nc�by I.�nd�r.Upon the occurranco of an Evont of R�fnuN heraunder, a If any act Is faken or Iegai Droceed�n8 �. <br /> commenced whl�h mats�laliy et(ects Lander's Interost in the Property.Lender may(n its own diacretbn, but without obUgation to do ao, <br /> and without no8ce to or demand upon Trustor and without roleasing Truetor from eny obligetbn,do any ect wh�ch Trustor haa sgreed <br /> but falled to dn and may elso do any otha�ect it deama necesaary to protect the security heraof. Trusta shelt,immt�diately upon <br /> demand therefor by Lender,pay to Lender elt costs end expenaes incurred end sums expended by Lender In connectlon vrith the exer- <br /> clse by Lender oi the forepolnp�ig�ta,together with Intereat theroon at the defauft rate provided in the Note,whlch ehall be added to <br /> ths Indebtednesa secured he�eby.Lenaer shall not Incur any tiabfUty because oi enything it may do or om►t to do hereunder. <br /> 9. HuaMous M�risls. Truatar shali keep the Property in comptiance wfth all applicable laws, ordinancee and regulatbns <br /> rotatin�to Industr(al hyglene a environmental protect(on(oai�ectively referred to heroin As`Environmontel Lews").Tnistor sheli keep <br /> the Properly tree irom all aubstances deemed lo be hazardnus or toxia under any EnvEmnmantel Lews (coltecUvely r�fsrred to hereln <br /> as"Hazardous Matedals').T�ustor hereby warrante and represents to I.erxber thet there are no H�azarcloue Male�i�ls on or und�1h° <br /> PropeKy.'firuslor hereby aprsee to IrxJerrw�Nyc and hdd hartnleea Lender,ita dnreciors�ofNcera�ert►PMsYews and agenb,aod any wccea• <br /> sara to Lenders interost,from and apainst any and all daima,damagea,lo5aes and I+abNiNes�jsin8�EC�iO�Na ARR NT�S ANI! <br /> use,disposal or traneport of any Hazerdous Materlats on,under.from or about the Property. <br /> F2�PFZEGEN�'ATIf3WS, AND T�USTOR'S QBLIGATIONS PURSUANT TO TH� �Cai2E�O1Nt3 INDEMNITY,3HALL SUftVIVE <br /> RECONVEYANCE OF THIS DEED OF TRUST. <br /> 10.Msfpnrn�M of R�nb.Truator hereby esslpna to Lender,snd prents lender a aecudty infiersst in�o��Prssent,f�u�°�nd <br /> aftar adsing rents,isaues end profits of tFie i�mperty:provided thet Trustor shall,undl the occurrnnca cf an Event oi Deteult,heroun�ier, <br /> have the�ight to collect and retaln such nsnts,lssuee and Proftts eg theY becon�e due end pAyable.Upo�the occurrence of an Event o( <br /> Q�etault,Lender may,e{ther in parson or by agent,with or without bringing eny ectlon or proceeding, or by a r��eppainted by a _ <br /> court and without regard to the adequecy of iW�ecurity,enter upon and taka possession of the 1'ropertY,or a�n�y p���e��« <br /> naime a�tn the name of the Trustae,and do enY ecta which�t deems►�eceasary or deaireble to preaerve <br /> reMability of tho i'roper9y�or eny part therool a Inter�est therein,or W tncrsase the�noome theroirom or protsct the�ecurih►hen+oi er�d. _ <br /> wHh or witlwut taking poesessbn o9 the Prapertl+.we►for or otherwise carie�ct lhe renbs�tsauea and prafita theroof.Indudin0 tl►o�e Ppat <br /> due end unpeid�by notifying tenants to make AaY�te to Lender.Lender mey apply ronb�fa�uee and profla�bss oosts end expens- <br /> �o{��(bn and coilecticx�inciuding attomey's fees,to eny indebtedneas secured hereby.ell in auch order es Lendsr may deter- <br /> sYSlstr.'!'!�d1L•!���nrx�a�nd 9aklnU�oese5slon 0(the Prop�Ry.the COfleCtion ot suCh te11b� Issues 811r!prufits�M�d fhs sppllCaUOn <br /> Iheroof as aforesaW shaN not cure or waive any defeult or notice W deteutt nereunder or invai'�inin n���+o��crss#s rr��.:.%!�".�' <br /> defauR or pu�uent W such notice ot defauR and,notwithstending the condnuance in poasesabn af the W'W�ertY or the coMectto�� <br /> reoelpt and appl�aUon of rents,issues or profits,Trustee and Lender shall be endtled to exerdae every ripht provided for In onY of the <br /> Loen Instruments ar bY law upon ocr��mer►ce of any Event oT Defeuft,i�duding wNhout limitatlon the right to exe�iae the powsr oi�als• <br /> furd�e►.Lender'a�ighta end remediea uncbr thia paragreph shatl be cumulaUve with,end En no wey a IimiteUon o�,Ler�ders rights and <br /> remedies urxlef amr asslgnment ot baees snd rente recortled agalnat tha Propertyr.Lender,Trustee and the recsf+rer shell bs Naae to <br /> ac:oounc ooly for those ronte accua��y recehred. <br /> 1 i.Evsnts d ONauR.Tho foNowtng shall conadtute an Event of Default under thls Deed ot Trus4 <br /> (a)�FaNure to pey eny Instsliment of p�indPa�or Intersst or eny other aum eecurod herebY when due� <br /> (b)A breech of or deiault under anY Provisb^contelned In ths Note.thh Deed of Truat,eny oi the Loan Instrumenls.or sny <br /> od�er lien or encumbrance upon the Propedy: <br /> (c�A writ ot execuUan or attechma�t a any similar process shall be enterod agalnat Trustor which shsN Ge�ort�e�Men on <br /> the ProNerh�a�Y P��thsroof ot hteroet theroin� <br /> (�7he�e sheN be fllad by or a9airret Trustor ot Bortower an ection under eny preeent or tufuro federal,eGt�or olhsr statule. <br /> {�r q�hpui�tlon rN�tinnp to bankruptcy,ineohrency or other roibf for debton:or there shaH be sppofnted sny WaEss,naNwr a <br /> Nquid�tor ot Tru�Oor or 8ortowsr or oi eN a any pert of the Property.or the ronts.isaues or profib thersot.or Tnietor or BortowK <br /> eh�p make any�enera►assipnn�ent tathe benetd o!aeditae� <br /> (�)The eale,trenafer�Iease�aaalpnment.oorwey�noe or tuAher encumbrer�cs of all or arry Part o�or ae�Y fnt�xset in ths <br /> properly,eNher voluntarily or Involunterily,without the express written conaent of Lender,prarvlAad that 7nmtor�hMl be permft- <br /> ���x�a�of q�p��ty y�et doea npt contaln an oplion to purchase snd the tenn ot whkh doos not excoed w�e <br /> �Apa�do�rtient oi ths Property:a <br /> (9)H Trust�or Is not an Individual,the hsuance.sele, t�ansfer,aas{pnment.conveyenoe or m�cumbm�►�s a��(N� <br /> oorporatbr+)e tot�l W P��t of ks laaued and outstar�dlr�g etock.or(M e Paetnershlp)e tdal W p� <br /> csr►t of pertnenhtP interosts�or(H a Iknited IiabilUY oomP�Y)a total of Percent of the Nmfted UabNky oomPe- <br /> ny intsrusts or voUrW riphb durkp the Dertod thb Desd of Tnut rernaMs a Nsr►on U►e property. <br /> 12.R�:AcaUrallon Upon tHf`auk.In the event uf any Event oi tkfauit Lander may�without nodoe exoept as roquked <br /> by Iew�d�clsrs aH indebbrdrwss securod hereby So be due end peyeble and the ssms sha�l thereupon becorne due and payubls wilh- <br /> out aoy P►�dnent.demand�Prutest or noUoe o(e�y kind.Therea}ter Lender mey: <br /> (��petrnnd thet 7rustes exercise the PO'WER OF SALE granted hereln,and Tn�atee eh�N tl�ereaRer cauas Trusbr'a inter- <br /> �(D)Exerc�eny and sN�Ms P►o�+ided a( �in anY ot tl�ie osn Irtitrumsnte o�r by lawi��pon oxumnmo ot�Event oi <br /> DeisuR:end int a receiver,or spec�flca�i�enforce eny of tha <br /> (c)Cwnmence an acCwn to forecbse th�s Deed oi Trust as a mortgepe,epp� <br /> covsnsnts heroof. <br /> No�emedy heroin oo�forred upon or reserved to Tniatee or Lender la Intended to be axGusive of any other remody herol�.I'the�, <br /> Inswmenb or by law provided or Pertnkted�b��°�t�a��°'�N be in addition to every other remedy p <br /> in the Loen Instrume�te or now or hereaRer existlnp at law a In equity or by statute,end may be exercfsed conc�xrently.k�deP�sde�tlY <br /> ��3 Tn�stN.The Tmstae may resi�n et any time without cause,and Lender may at any time end wittiout cau�s eppoint a suo- <br /> oessor or eubstltute Trustee.Trustee ehall not be Habb to enY perty,indudfng wid�out IHmNeUon Lender.Barow�er,7ruslor or enY pur- <br /> �hat�r c(tl�e property,for any bss or damage unbss due to rockless or wilMul mbcorKkx:t,and shall not bo requlred to take any action <br /> in oor►nedion with the ar�foroement ot this Deed of Trust unbss Indemnified,in writing,for ell coata, oomponsation�x expenses NA►ich <br />° may be esaoc(sted thaewith.ln edditi�on.Trustee may becane e purohaser at eny aale of the Property Uudidal cr urxler the power ot <br />_ ��n�hereM):poatpone the aale of atl or any portion of the Prope�ly,aa provlded by taw;or aeM the Property es a whole.or M <br /> � ����{S pf IOU A�TN6tA@�6 dISClB1�Of1. <br /> -_ ��1,F�Md�cp�nc�s.In the event Trustee selNs the Praperty by exsrclse ot power oi sele,Trustee shall be entitlad to apply <br /> any sab procesde t{rot to peymer►t of eN eoab end expenaes of oxe��ising power of sab,Indudinp ell Trusoee's fees,and Lender's w�d <br /> Tnnies's ettome�s fees, ectuaHy Incurred to extsnt permittsd by eppllCabb law.In the event Borrower or Trustor exerCfaee any ripht <br /> providad py law to curo an Event of DetauR,Lender shall be entitlsd to recover trom Truator nli t�osts and expenses aduslly Incumed es <br /> a rosuit 6 Futun�Advana�s.U�wn req��ioi�Bor�°w�.Lsendot mayaa��optio��make addertionaWi end futuro adpFvances and road- <br /> _ �ances to Borrower.Such advances end roetivenoes,vvlth Interoet 0��eon,shAll be secured by this Oeed oi Tn�at.At no tlme ehaH the <br />,�� <br />