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<br />We, Florence Bourg and Gerald W. Bourg, husband and wrife, who reside at 1710 W. Fifth Street in the city oi Hastings,
<br />county of Adams, state af Nebraska, do constitute and appoint Gary A. Bourg, who resides ai 4731 Adair Avenue Naath, in
<br />the city of Crystal, county of Hennepin, state of Minnesota (55428}, our true and lawful attorney in fact, for us ir� our name,
<br />place, and stead to do all or any of the foliowing:
<br />1. To exercise, do, or perForm any act, right, power, duty, or obligation �ahatsoever that we now have or may acquire the
<br />legal righi, power, or capacity to exercise, do, or perform in connedion wnth, arising out of or relating to any person, item,
<br />thing, transaction, business propeny, real or personal, tangible or iniangible, or matter whatsaever.
<br />2. To ask, demand, sue for, reco�er, collect, receive, and hold anrJ possess all such sums of money, debts, dues, �nds,
<br />notes, checks, drafts, accounts, deposits, legacies, bequests, devises, interests, dividen�stock certiflcates, certrficates of
<br />deposit, annuities, pension and retirement I�nefits, insurance beriefits and proceeds, d�o'��m��t$ .�@�. ,���; � Y
<br />personal and real property, irrtangible and tangible property and property rights, and err���sut�� �d o
<br />unli uidated as are now, or shall hereafter become due, owin a ble, owned, or b lo `�
<br />Q , 9, P Ya ����:9���� �� n w�r.� v�
<br />have or may acquire an interest, and to have, use, and take all IawFul ways and mean ���gat=�r���e_.remedi�,
<br />procedures, and wrrits in our names for the colledion and recovery of them, and to compromise, settle, and agree for the
<br />same, and to make, execute, and deiiver for us and in our names al! endorsements, acquittances, releases, receipts, or
<br />other sufficient discharges for the same.
<br />3. To bargain, contract, and agree for; to purchase, receive, and take possession of; and 40 lease, let, demise, transfer, sell,
<br />exchange, assign, convey, encumber, and hypotheca4e lands, tenements, and hereditaments of whatever kind and nat�sre,
<br />or any interest in them, on suc� terms and conditions, and under such coVenants, as he {or she] shall deem fit.
<br />4. To enter upon and take possession of such lands, buiidings, tenements, and other structures, or parts of them, and c�led
<br />and receive the rents, profi#s, or income from them, and to manage, repair, alter, or reconstruct all such buildings or
<br />structures.
<br />5. To bargain and agree for; to buy, sell, exchange, mortgage, and hypothecate; and to deal in or uvith, goods, wares,
<br />merchandise, choses in action, and any other property in possession or in action, or any interest in them.
<br />6. To execute, sign, indorse, acknowledge, and deliver deeds, leases, assignments, 4ransfers, covenants, agreements,
<br />hypothecations, mortgages, deeds of irust, reconveyances, releas�s and satisfactions of mo�tgages; judgments, and other
<br />debts, escrow instructions, notices, receipts, commercial paper, investment securities, bills of lading, warehouse receipts and
<br />other documents of title, security agreements and evidences of debt, and such other instruments in writing of whatever kind
<br />and nature as he [or she] may deem necessary and proper.
<br />7. To insure or cause insurance to be taken on buildings, structures, goods, merchandise, and other commod'+ties, or any
<br />part of them, at premiums and for any risk as he [or she] may deem proper.
<br />The undersigned give and grant to the attomey in fact named full power and authority to do and perform every act and thing
<br />�equired or proper to be done in the exercise of any of the rights and powers granted, as fully to all intents and purposes as
<br />we might or could do if personally present, with full power of substitution or revocafion and with fuN authority to dea! vrith ar�y
<br />property authorized whether held by us or either of us separatety, severally, or jointiy, ratifying and confirming a!I that our
<br />attomey in fact, or his [or her] substitute or substitutes, shail lawt'uliy do or cause to be done by virtue of the authority granled
<br />here.
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<br />This instrument is to be construed and interpreted as a general power of attor�ey�'��t�Qr�gr��cat��p� o`i S�eE�fic 'rt�ems, ads,
<br />rights, or powers here does not limit or restrict, and is not to be construed or i'�e�t�J �� ,b���;��'�'esst�c�n�,, , e general
<br />�-���� -
<br />powers granted here. �°- ����..-���
<br />This power of attomey shall continue to be effective if 1(we) become incapacitated or incompetent. The rights, powers, and
<br />authority of the attomey in fact to exercise any and all of the rights and powers granted shall commence and be in full force
<br />and effect on Odober �, 2008 and such rights, powers, and authority shail remain in fuN force and effect thereafter until
<br />terminated by us or upon our death.
<br />In writness, we have duly executed this instrument on the �� day of �0�, 2�8.
<br />� .�-�-�` �` � ' / � 13 d � /d -��.��
<br />Florence Bourg, Wife Date Gerald W. Bourg, Husband � Date
<br />