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��;� . i.��;,��.";��'�n'�"`°' � . - _ <br /> } . _� _.:u:::�,��_- <br /> � -- -- - =;�;:�=--------- <br /> ;i t�:�:t:a.'•+'.:z.r+r,�d�,:�-�S:i�^C '��`3�'+�.-.�___�_.__..v_ <br /> puymcnts niay no long�r bc rcyulred,ut thc option of Lendcr, if mnrtgugc insurnncc coverngc (in md•.i�+un�n�d or h g'od <br /> t h a t I.c n d e r r e q u i r e s) p r o v i d c d b y a n i n s u r e r u p p roved b y Lender u gain bccomcs avxilnbla and i�abtnirwd. RarcaK�er shall pay <br /> the pnemiums rec�uireci to muintain martKago insurs�ice in efFect,ot to provEd�u lass rr.serve,until tho rcc�tdr�:ment for mottgage <br /> insurance ernds in accordance with any written agraaunt between Barrower und l.ender or applicablu lmv. <br /> 9. Inspect�on. Le�xl�r ar ita ugent may makc reasonable entrics upon und inspcctions of th� Pru�rty. Lender shall givo <br /> Barrower notice at ihe tin�e of or priur to an inspection specifying reasonable cause for tho inspecti�n. <br /> 10. Condemn�tion. 1'he prnceeds of any awurd or claim for damages, direct or consoquantial, in connection with any <br /> condemc�ation or other tuking of any purt of the Property, or for convayance in licu af condc+mnutirn�, ara hercby assigned and <br /> shall be paid to Lender. <br /> In the event of a tatal tuking of the Property.the proc�eods shall be nppliai to tho sums scxumd by this Seeurity Instrument, <br /> whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Bonower. In tho event of 1 partinl tnlcing of the Propeny in which the fair <br /> mstrkct value of the Property immediately before the is equal to or grcater than tho amaunt of the sums socured by this <br /> Security Instrument immedintely before the tnking.unless Borrower and I.ender othorwis,c a�rco in.writinS��e sums securexl by <br /> this Security Instcument shall be reduced hy the amount of the praceads multipllal by the fnllawing frnction: (a) the tatal <br /> am�unt of the sums secured immediately bofore the taking,divided by (b) tha fnir inarket valun oF t��a Propercy immedintoly <br /> beforc thc ta�ing.Any balance �l�all be paid to Borro�•rer. In the event of a pnrtinl r�'��ng of th� Prvpercy in which the fair <br /> market value of the Property immcdiately before the taking is less than the:unount uf ua�sums Eecured immediatcly before the <br /> taking, unless Bnrrower and Lender otherwis�.c�gree in writing or unloss applicable law oth��wviF�e provides, the proceeds shall _ <br />. be applied to the sums see�rcxl by this�y2��3nstrument whether or not t�i�sums are then due. <br /> If the Propeny is abandoned by Borrower,or if,after notice by I.ender to Bonnwer thut the condtmnor offers to make an <br /> award or settle a claim for da;��nges, Borrower faits ta respond to Lender within 30��ys after the date the natice is given, <br /> Ci�der ls uuthorizai to wltect end apply the proceeds,at ics e�ption. either to restomtion�or repair of the Properry or to the sums <br /> secured by this Socurity Instrument.whether or not then due. <br /> Unless Lernier and Borrower otherwis;e ugree in writing, any applieatian of proceecis to principal shall not extend or <br />� postpone the due dace of the monthly puyments referred ta in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change tha amaunt of such payments. <br /> 11.Borrower Not Released; For6e�rance By Lender Not a Waiver. 6xtonsian of the time for payment or modification <br /> �f a:z:ertizsLlca of thp sst�tt���,re�!hy ih��cPr��ri�y inctcnment grante8 hy I.ender to uny successor in interest of Borrower shall <br /> nai aperate to relea�e the liabiliry of thc original Borrower ar Borrowor's sucassors in 6ntcrest.Lender shall not be roquira!to <br />, cammence proceedings agninst any successor in interest or refuse to exicnfl time far payment or othdrwise modify amortization <br /> of thC sums secured by this Security In4•.r�ament by reason of any dc�nflnd mssde by the origtnal Borrower or Borrawer's <br /> successors in intercst. Any forb�arance by Lender in exereising any right or reu�edy�s�iall not be u waiver of or preclude the <br /> exercise of any right or remedy. . <br /> 12. Successors and Asslgns Bound; Jolnt and Several Liabil(ty; Cast�tc�rs. The covenants and agroaments �f this <br /> Securiry Instn�ment shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns af l.ender and Borrower. subject to the provistons of <br /> F paragraph 17. Borcower's cc�venants uncf agr�ements shall be joint nnd several. Any Aorrower who co-signs this Seeuriry <br /> � Instrument but das not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Securiry Instrumrnt only to mortgage,grant and convey that <br /> ?. Borrower's 3nterest in the Property under the terms of thic Security Instrument; (b)is nat personally obligated to pay tht sums <br /> � secured by this Security Instrument:and(c)agrees that LFnder and any other Borrower may agree ro extend,modify,forbear or <br /> r make any accommodatiuns with regxrd to the tcrms of this Security Insttument or•the Note without that Horrowcr's oonsent. <br />` ` 13. Lo�n Charges.If the loan secured by this Socurity Instrument is subject to a luw which sets maximum loan charges. <br /> and that Iaw is finally interpreted so that the intertst or other lonn charFas collectod or to be collected in connection with the <br />- loan exceod the pem�itted limits,then: (a?any such laan charge shall be rcduced by the amount necessary to reduco the charge <br /> to the permitted flmit:and(b)nny sums already collect�,d from Bonower wt�ich exceaied permitted limits will be refunded to <br /> - Iiorrower. Lender may choose to make thi�s refunci by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by mulcing a direct <br />,. payment to Borrower. If u refund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated es a partial prepayment without any <br /> pnpnyment charge under the Note. <br /> ' 14.Notkts.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivcring it or by mailing <br /> ; it by first class rnail unless applicuble law requires use of unother method. The notia shall be dirccta!to the Pranerty AHdress <br /> ; or any other address Borcower designates by notice to Lendcr. Any notice to Lcnder shall bc given by first clnss mail to <br /> � I.eixter's address stated herein or any other oddress Lender designates by notice to Borrower.Any notice provided For in ehis <br /> Security Instmmcnt shall be deemed to have been given to Bonower or l.ender when given us provided in this parngraph. <br /> „ 1S.Governi�; Severabi{ity. This Security Instn�ment shall be governed by fedcral law and the Iaw of the <br /> , jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Iustrument or the Note <br /> conflicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not affect other provisinns of this Security Instn►m�nt or the Note which can bo <br />:•,� given effoct wid�out the conflicting provisi�*n. To this end the provisions of this Security Instrum�nt and the Note are declaral <br /> to bc severxblc. <br /> ` 16.Borrowa's Copy.I34rrower shall be given one conforn�ed copy of the Note and of this Securiry Instniment. — <br /> Form 3028 9190 <br /> + Pp��of 6 <br /> t <br /> - - - �hrn�a�• � -_ <br /> . -= .i.�. Q.-. �n'3 _-'_ —_ _ ._-__. <br /> - -_ _ - ,:� 'y;'',r� tk�17i�S - ---�... <br /> .y--�--�`ia�r�.'.�r. �,�*]�iier.i�_- � -- � - - -�_� <br /> _-_-° '���:�. �... ---_— - -- — —_ <br /> -v�- � " — — — — = <br /> _ ��� ��` ' a ! 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